The room was already cramped and cramped, and due to the lack of ventilation all year round, it was filled with a musty smell.

Xie Ning's expression was stunned when she first saw it.

I saw seven or eight one-meter-wide single beds packed neatly in the small living room, with an old man lying on each bed.

Some are already old, and some are slightly younger, but overall they all look thin and thin, and everyone's face is very pale.

Lying at the door was an old lady with a kind smile. When she saw them following the house, she smiled and nodded towards Xie Ning and Xie Xueli.

She didn't speak, and her breathing seemed very slow.

Xie Xueli was also surprised when he saw this situation, and glanced at Xie subconsciously.

Seeing that Xie Ning didn't say anything, he didn't say anything and followed the little man a few steps forward.

The room was very crowded, with small single beds placed on both sides, and only a narrow passage in the middle.

If people want to walk past, they can only pass sideways.

"Doctor, please give this old man a pain-relieving injection." The little man pointed to the groaning old man on the bed next to him and said in a low voice.

Xie Xueli was a little surprised and replied with a very serious expression, "Analgesic injections cannot be given randomly. It depends on the situation."

Moreover, for such an old man, it is best to do a skin test before taking the injection. Not all needles can be given randomly.

But in the current situation, it is estimated that it is impossible to test anything.

At least you have to ask about your past medical history first, and then make a diagnosis, right?

"Don't worry about it, just give him a beating anyway." The little man waved his hand impatiently, almost in a commanding tone, "Hurry up, it will hurt him to death if you delay any longer."

"But..." Xie Xueli, as a professional, still wanted to argue a few words.

Injecting medicine is no joke. If you are not careful, you may die.

"Let's fight." Xie Ning took out a brand new emergency medical kit from the space, rummaged through the medicine cabinet to find several pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory injections, and handed them to Xie Xueli.

Xie Xueli took it blankly and looked at Xie Ning for a long time.

Seeing the other party gently nodding towards her again, Xie Xueli could only sigh helplessly.

Not to mention, the medical supplies in the emergency medical kit are quite complete, including disposable syringes, gauze and other items.

Xie Xueli glanced at the old man again, but hesitated to speak.

The little man urged again, "Doctor, hurry up, I'm in so much pain."

Xie Xueli had no choice but to follow the little man's instructions and give the old man a pain-relieving injection.

Medication is not a magic pill, and there must be an adaptation process and time after taking it.

But the old man's groaning voice was quieter.

Sitting aside and taking care of the old man silently was a woman. She didn't look very old, but she had a lot of wrinkles on her forehead.

She wiped the old man's head and face, adjusted the old man to a slightly more comfortable sleeping position, and then sat back in silence.

But when Xie Ning glanced at her, she would nod to him with a tired look on her face, but she didn't speak from the beginning to the end.

"Thank you." The little man spoke softly, raised his finger to the emergency medical bag placed aside, and asked hesitantly, "Can... can I keep this?"

His eyes were blazing with expectation, and Xie Xueli didn't know how to refuse when he looked at him.

But after all, the things were brought out by his niece Xie Ning, so naturally he couldn't make the decision.

Xie Xueli opened his mouth, turned to look at Xie Ning, and heard Xie Ning say lightly, "Stay."

"Thank you." The little man's attitude towards the two of them became a little better, and he nodded attentively.

"I'll take you out."

The little man walked the two of them to the door, thanked them again, and closed the door.

Xie Ning stared at the closed door and said nothing for a long time.

The corridor was very quiet.

Xie Xueli looked surprised, "Ning Ning, why don't you ask them what the situation is?"

These people are so weird, really weird.

There are so many old people in room 707. Could it be that the same situation is happening in room 708 next to it?

Who will take care of such a large number of elderly people after the end of the world?

Are all the so-called small bases in slums filled with such incompetent old people?

How much effort do they have to support so many elderly people, and how do they usually take care of them.

And everyone can see that this so-called small base is too dilapidated and dilapidated, and cannot be compared with the entire environment of the Gushang base.

No matter how pitiful the survivors are in the Gushang base, their situation seems to be better than this.

Xie Ning was a little silent and did not respond to Xie Xueli's words for a long time.

Xie Xueli coughed lightly.

Even though my niece is young, she always feels that the atmosphere will be quite depressing when she doesn't speak.

It's like a huge stone weighing heavily on someone else's heart.

Xie Xueli didn't say anything anymore and just followed Xie Ning forward silently.

When they arrived at the door of 705, Xie Ningcai thanked Xie Xueli, "Thank you very much this time. You may have to leave tomorrow, so you should go back and prepare."

"This..." Xie Xueli was stunned for a moment, but nodded, "Okay, I understand, thank you for the reminder, Ning Ning."

He actually wanted to know what was going on with the small base in the slums.

But obviously, Xie Ning didn't want to talk in depth.

But that’s okay. There are so many old, weak, sick and disabled people here in the small base. If Ning Ning wants to take them all with her...

It feels very difficult to handle.

Xie Ning opened the door and walked in, her head drooping and feeling depressed.

"What's wrong Ning Ning?" Song Youai was in the small bathroom, washing clothes in a homemade drum washing machine. When he saw his daughter coming back with a wilted look, she hurriedly came over.

"What happened, my dear?" Why did you go out and look so shocked?

Song Youai frowned and looked at her daughter worriedly.

Xie Ning reached out and hugged her mother, then spoke gloomily.

"Didn't you ask me before?"

"Huh?" Song Youai was a little confused by her meaningless words.

"What did I ask? Daughter, don't scare mom." Song Youai patted her daughter's back gently and asked worriedly, "Tell mom what happened."

"You asked me why they didn't go to the big base and had to hide in this dangerous building." Xie Ning's voice was muffled.

"I told you seriously at the time, maybe they yearned for freedom."

"I didn't say the harsher words, but you must understand what I mean. I think they may like this feeling of being the king of the mountain. They like to be unrestrained and not subject to official control."

After all, she has seen too many such people since the end of the world.

Selfish, fame-seeking, profit-driven, what kind of person has Xie Ning never seen in the post-apocalyptic world?

But she had never seen people like Brother Dong and others.

It cannot be said that there will be no good people after the end of the world. There are good people everywhere, but there are really no people like Brother Dong who do not ask for anything in return, do not mind being a burden to the elderly, and can take care of so many people at once.

Before the end of the world, there were many people who disobeyed their children and abandoned their parents, let alone in such a harsh environment today.

It was actually unimaginable for Xie Ning that someone with no blood relationship could achieve such a step.

Song Youai saw his daughter stop talking mid-sentence, looked at her in surprise, and said thoughtfully, "Then, isn't it?"

"No. That Brother Dong can't leave at all."

Xie Ning looked particularly dull, "More than 90% of their small base in the slums are elderly people who are in poor health and cannot move around freely."

"Xie Xueli and I went into 707 just now. There were many old people crowded in one room, all of them unworthy." Xie Ning took a deep breath and said quietly, "They are all being taken care of by Brother Dong and his team. .”

"Ah, Ning Ning, did you follow them to Brother Dong's room today?" Song Youxuan and He Shuping were both startled and gathered around to ask.

When the others heard the sound, they also put down their work and came over to surround Xie Ning.

"Sister Ning, you mean that Brother Dong, who looks very much like a member of society, has adopted a group of elderly people?"

"The reason why they haven't moved to the big base is because they have to take care of the elderly and can't get away from it?"

Xie Ning wiped her face and sighed, "This can't be said to be a small base at all. To be precise, it should be called a nursing home for the elderly."

"Slum shelter for the elderly." Song Youyi muttered to himself.

The rest of the people also had a look of guilt on their faces. Previously, they thought Brother Dong and his group were quite... weird.

Now it seems that they don't understand others at all, and they make some judgments in their hearts casually, which is quite arbitrary and disrespectful.

"Then Brother Dong is too... great." Xiao Huangmao said these words with difficulty.

Who can do this?

This is housing a large number of elderly people.

Society has always been quite strange, with the same poor families coming from the same predicament.

We may show sympathy and be patient and kind to those babies who are learning to talk, but if the other person is an old person, they really don’t have that kind of patience with babies.

Although Brother Dong looks like a social person and doesn't look like a good person, his crystal heart is much kinder than most people in the world.

In fact, Xie Ning has never disliked the Holy Mother, she even admired her very much. Because she couldn't do it herself, she especially admired others...

But the premise is that the saint cannot be blamed on her...

Compared to this radiant Brother Dong, Xie Ning felt like she couldn't even compare to a little firefly.

Fireflies can only light up areas as big as a fingernail. Xie Ning is such a person. She can only light up the people around her, but she can't help others.

As for Brother Dong, he really built a small space for all the old people in the small base of the slum.

The group of people suddenly fell silent.

They don't know what to say compared to other people's lives in hell.

There is no harm in comparing. With such a comparison, these weaklings in the selling base are much happier than the small base in the slums.

At least the weak chickens in the Gushang base have been kept in captivity in the Gushang before. Although life is difficult, they have not reached the level of slums.

Now that the people on the market are being brought back to Gyeonggi by them, they are actually quite lucky.

After a long silence, Song Youai was the first to speak up, "Will it be bright tomorrow?"

"I don't know. But tomorrow will be the fourth day of darkness. Logically speaking, it should gradually get better."

"If there is no more daylight in the future, won't all plants grow?" Song Shijun said weakly, his expression still a little frightened.

Song Youyi slapped his son on the head and said, "Stop being so talkative. There is news from the laboratory. Things will definitely get better tomorrow and the day after tomorrow."

"I think so too."

"It will definitely be good."

"Then are we going to bring these people from the ghetto shelter?"

Wang Zongxuan asked a question, and everyone who asked was silent again...

If you bring so many elderly people with you, firstly, the speed will definitely be slowed down, and secondly, the raft will definitely not be enough.

And if the elderly want to transport it away, they must use a lift. It is best to move the crib together.

Just thinking about that scene made everyone's scalp numb.

Xie Ning remained silent and didn't speak. For the first time, she felt uncertain and uncomfortable.

After all, it was troublesome enough to take these weaklings with them. She had tried to drag the team away countless times...

If you add this group of old people.

Everyone sighed and looked at each other.

When Gu Chen came to see them in the evening, everyone simply ate something and went to rest.

There was only a small energy-saving lamp on in the living room, and a fire pit was placed in the corner, which cast a slight halo of light and made the room feel very warm.

Xie Ning took Gu Chen to the bedroom window to talk. Facing the long night, the two of them looked at each other.

"The nearby terrain has been clearly understood. Now it is dark outside, and there is no hail or rain. We can't delay tomorrow and we must start immediately."

Various delays these days have already stretched much longer than expected.

According to the original plan, they should have returned to Gyeonggi seven days ago, but now it seems that they are still a little uncertain.

"Okay." Xie Ning naturally had no objection.

The main thing is to take care of the weak survivors on Gu, otherwise with their speed, it is not impossible to travel in the dark at night.

Having come this far, Xie Ning still hoped in her heart that there would be no casualties.

Too many people will die after the end of the world.

If there are fewer zombies and more people in the world, there will be more hope, right?

Gu Chen held her hand and said, "Just now, I had a detailed discussion with Brother Dong from the small base."

Xie Ning was silent for a moment and asked lightly, "What did he say?"

Gu Chen shook his head and sighed, "He still insists on not leaving. All of them old people will stay, so I think...leaving them some supplies can be considered as fulfilling my heart."

"Okay." Xie Ning nodded again without any objection.

"Before the end of the world, these elderly people all came from the same nursing home. The nursing home is located near the old city. The conditions and facilities are poor, and the services are not very good."

"After the demolition of the old city began, the nursing homes were also demolished. Some of the elderly were taken back by their children, while others had no one to pick them up at all."

Xie Ning listened silently without saying a word.

Gu Chen whispered, "After the end of the world, Brother Dong and Xiaodou and the others. Xiaodou is the little man with the unkempt hair. He worked hard to move the old man to live on this floor."

He paused, remembering Brother Dong taking a puff of cigarette and looking at him with a faint smile.

At that time, there seemed to be a light shining into the darkness.

"Captain Gu, we appreciate your kindness, but we have decided not to leave."

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