"Not going anywhere."

"I am tired, and so are the old people. I have consulted the old people for their opinions. They have unanimously decided not to leave and not to drag you down."

"It's hard enough for you to drag so many ordinary survivors back here. We don't want to make your mission more difficult."

"Originally, there were thirty-three elderly people in the nursing home, but in just one and a half months, only sixteen are left."

"Most of them left due to organ failure. A few others were killed by stray bullets when Lao Ba brought people over to rob."

"Actually, there is nothing left to grab here, but you know the human heart."

"These elderly people are too old and can no longer bear any trouble. If you leave with Captain Gu, it will be too difficult and painful for them."

"The night is long and hail and rain can come at any time. I know that if we say we will go with you, you will do our best to protect the elderly."

"But no, these old people have been rooted in the old city all their lives. They are not willing to leave their hometown and wander around when they are old."

"Actually, when they reach that age, they probably just want to leave quietly. Even if they die, they want to be buried in their hometown."

"But Captain Gu, I have something to ask for. Take Xiaodou and Xiaohui away. Xiaodou is only eighteen years old and Xiaohui is only nine years old. Their lives have just started. Don't let them suffer with us anymore. Please take them with you." Bar."

Gu Chen felt a little depressed after explaining this, and reached out to rub his girlfriend's hair.

"Brother Dong's girlfriend works in hospice services. She always comes to this nursing home to do volunteer work when she is free on weekends."

"On the first day of the apocalypse, her girlfriend was bitten by zombies and died. This Brother Dong wants to carry forward his girlfriend's spirit of a good death."

"He wanted to help these elderly people finish their last journey."

Xie Ning turned her head and said in a muffled voice, "Idiot."

Isn't he an idiot? Although he can have better development prospects if he is strong, he is willing to do this for the sake of a relationship.

"When I went in today, although the smell in the room was unpleasant, the old lady lying on the bed and smiling at me was clean."

She may never forget the way the old lady smiled and nodded at her. Her face was full of wrinkles, but she smiled very kindly.

As mentally strong as she is, it can be seen at a glance that these old people's vital signs are very weak.

"Will he die?" Xie Ning paused, "I mean that social person."

Gu Chen lowered his head and rubbed the top of her head, "We don't know whether he will die, but what is certain is that these old people will be very happy to have them by their side at the end of their lives."

"I hope this apocalypse will end soon." Xie Ning was buried in Gu Chen's arms, and her small voice reached Gu Chen's ears.

"I hope so too." Gu Chen lowered his head and kissed her head, "We have been working tirelessly towards this goal, haven't we?"

I came here the next day, and by two o'clock in the afternoon, there was still no sign of the sky lighting up.

All the survivors were even more anxious and panicked, and sobbing could be heard coming from the team from time to time.

Gu Chen ordered the team to set off at three o'clock. Min Shaolun and Ou Huaqian came to them and asked solemnly, "Captain Gu, how do you plan to set off? Is there lighting equipment to clear the way?"

Because of the last time he made a fool of himself in public, Min Shaolun didn't dare to show his face in front of others for several days, and now his balls hurt when he saw Yu Tianfeng.

But the ugly is ugly. If you want to ask something, you still have to ask it clearly before setting off. It is related to the safety of the entire team in their Fenghe base. He cannot continue to pretend to be dead.

"There is lighting equipment." Unexpectedly, Gu Chen answered very naturally.

Min Shaolun was stunned for a moment, and then wanted to see Xie Ning in room 705.

The room was ajar, and I didn't know what Captain Xie was doing inside. He was about to leave.

"If everything is alright, Commander Min? How about we prepare first?" Gu Chen frowned, stepped back and blocked the door, not wanting this annoying man to even see the gap.

What are you looking at? If your eyes are useless, it’s better to poke them blind.

Ou Huaqian tugged on Min Shaolun's clothes, and the latter reluctantly turned around and left.

Xie Ning put two boxes of emergency medical kits in the house, and later put a lot of medicines, daily necessities, cotton clothes, quilts and other items.

The food supplies left by Gu Chen were placed on the other side.

After half the room was filled with things, Xie Ning walked out to join the team members.

Gu Chen glanced at her and she nodded, indicating that she was ready.

Song Youai said worriedly, "Hey, didn't that Xiaodong say that there is a gang called Lao Ba who comes here to rob us from time to time?"

Xie Ning understood what her mother meant. If these supplies were left behind, they would be robbed, which would harm people like Brother Dong.

"Don't worry, aunt. Brother Bai took us this morning and already took care of Lao Ba's den." Song Shijun made a neck gesture and said, "No one was left."

"Then I hope this dangerous building can last longer." Song Youai sighed.

Social people are so great.

Song Youai felt that she couldn't do this. Between other people and her family, she would choose her family without hesitation.

The daughter is the most important person, and no one can surpass her precious daughter.

In the corridor, the survivors silently packed their bedding, and rustling sounds accompanied by sobbing could be heard from time to time, which made people feel very depressed.

"I won't leave!" The little man was thrown out at the door of 707, roaring in grief, "I won't leave, let them take Xiaohui away, Brother Dong, I am already so old, I have the right to choose."

"You choose a P, and the path I choose for you will not be wrong. You are a brother and I am a brother?? What nonsense, stop blabbering and get out."

"I won't get out!" The little man looked angry and wiped his dirty face, "I won't get out! Brother Dong, don't think about throwing me away, I..."

Before he finished speaking, Brother Dong kicked him on the butt.

Brother Dong grabbed the little man by the back of his neck like a chicken and threw him in front of Gu Chen, "Captain Gu, I leave everything to you."

"This kid is rough-skinned. If he doesn't obey, he'll be beaten hard."

A wizened and thin woman led Xiao Hui to Xie Ning, smiled shyly at them, and pushed the child towards Song Youai.

Song Youai saw that this woman was not very old, so he couldn't bear to ask, "You, won't you come with us?"

The wizened woman shook her head and smiled very gently, "This child is an orphan. He has not had a full meal in more than a year. I hope you will take good care of him."

"My husband and children are all here in the old city." The woman smiled calmly. "I used to be able to see them from a distance, but now they are buried under the water. I just wanted to stay and spend more time with them."


Song Youai nodded silently and pulled Xiaohui's face away.

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