The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 594 A long night of anxiety

The little man was unwilling to leave the small base in the slum, and was finally knocked unconscious by Brother Dong with a knife.

Before setting off at three o'clock in the afternoon, Dong Ge came over specially to shake hands with them and say goodbye, his words full of gratitude.

Xiaohui has always been very obedient and quiet, and the big eyes on his sunken cheeks are always looking at Brother Dong and the others.

Gu Chen led everyone downstairs.

When they got on the wooden rafts and floated out of the dangerous building one after another, Brother Dong and several members of the small base stood at the window and watched them silently for a long time.

Song Kexin pulled out a chocolate energy bar from her bag and handed it to Xiaohui, who was raising his head.

He raised his hand and touched the child's sparse hair, and said softly, "Stop looking and eat something first."

"Thank you sister."

"No thanks." Song Kexin looked down at the child.

The night was long and the cold wind was blowing. A group of people stood on the raft and looked at the thick night in the distance, feeling a sense of loneliness in their hearts.

I don’t know when such days will end.

The three rafts of Xie Ning's team floated at the front. There was a slender tree growing in the middle of each raft, which was just suitable for hanging searchlights.

In this way, the raft following behind can follow the light spot in front, and will not be like a blind man walking around like an elephant.

After drifting out of the old city, the future was full of uncertainty, and everyone felt heavy in their hearts.

"Alas." Song Shijun couldn't help but sigh, "I thought the situation outside the city would be better, but I didn't expect it to be the same."

"It seems that this kind of apocalyptic natural disaster is expected to be synchronized around the world."

Xie Ning said "hmm" and stood in front of the raft, looking at the dark water in the distance.

Walking in the dark is so tiring.

Especially now it's still floating on the water.

Fortunately, Gu Chen had sent people to study the terrain and plan a rafting route, otherwise it would have been a huge headache.

Xie Ning stood in front of the raft with a metal knife and looked at it for a long time. "Be careful, I always feel that it is impossible to be so calm."

Li Zongyuan and the others from the X world have not shown up yet, and they don't know where they are hiding, staring at them secretly.

Xie Ning wanted to dig out this type of uncertainty and resolve it with her own hands.

But now there seems to be no other option but to be beaten passively.

The group of survivors behind them were too weak to deal with even the first-level zombies, let alone a surprise attack by Li Zongyuan. The situation was likely to become very bad.

Xie Ning didn't say much, but there was actually a bad premonition lingering in her heart.

"Ning Ning." Song Youyi held the pole, his face a little solemn, "Is something going to happen?"

"Is there that kind of aquatic mutant plant hidden in the water?"

Xie Ning couldn't tell specifically, but she had a vague premonition, "I don't know if there is something hidden in the water, but it's better to be careful."

At five o'clock, there were faint sounds of crying and complaining from behind, "Are we going to be doomed? Will there be no daylight in the future?"

"What should I do? It won't get bright again!"

"This is not in accordance with scientific laws! How could the sun never appear?"

“Do you think the end of the world conforms to scientific laws??”

The person who questioned was immediately speechless, but he still couldn't help but mutter to himself, "What should we do in the future? Will it continue like this?"

"We're going to live in darkness forever."

The crying became louder, and Xie Ning was upset when she heard it.

"Stop crying!" A familiar roar penetrated the dark night, "Cry, cry, cry, what problem can crying solve?"

"Everyone is busy, pay attention to the movement of the water under your feet, and if you are energetic, help paddle the raft. The rafter has been rowing for two hours, and you are the only one who has the time and energy to cry." Comrade Huang Genmei scolded angrily.

"No." Lang Xiaoye continued to complain about the group of survivors who cried at every turn, "We still have sandworms on us, which have not been completely eradicated. Now we have to cooperate with the doctors for treatment. We are not ten thousand times worse than you."

"No." Two metal-type superpowers murmured and nodded, "We just used medicine to temporarily suppress the reproduction of mutant sandworms in the body. In the past, we couldn't even use our superpowers. Isn't it the worst in the world?"

The crying was much quieter, but some people were still sobbing faintly. They felt that they were very miserable, so miserable that they couldn't be more miserable.

Xie Ning sighed, "These people must seize the time to train them when they take back the Gyeonggi base, otherwise they may not survive for half a year."

Survivors like them who are very weak from heart to body will be basically invisible one year after the end of the world.

Over the past year or so, those who should be screened have been screened for several rounds. Those who can survive, regardless of their combat ability, first of all have very good psychological quality.

"If it's like what they said, and there will be no light in the long night from now on, what will Ning Ning do?" He Shuping asked cautiously.

Xie Ning was silent for a long time, and finally sighed softly, "Then go and get used to this dark and long night."

There is no other way. The environment will never accommodate you. You can only further adapt to it slowly.

She had asked Little Spider, but there was no change in the farmhouse space. It was still the same as before, changing with the changes in the outside world.

The sun rises and the moon sets, day and night rotate normally.

So this may be the most fortunate thing. Even if the world becomes dark in the future, at least her little world will be normal.

He Shuping held Experimental Subject Zero and gently patted the child's back.

The child, who had been sleeping peacefully, suddenly opened his eyes wide, and there seemed to be a faint light slowly flowing in his lake-blue eyes.

"Mom, mom! Mom!"

Xie Ning suddenly heard the cheerful voice of Experimental Subject Zero, "There is a shield, there is a shield ahead."

Xie Ning's heart skipped a beat.

Although I don’t understand what a jammer is, my intuition is that it’s not a good thing.

"What is it?"

This son is of some use. Xie Ning quickly established a mental network with the little guy and asked further.

"It is a high-end device. Its function is to block all auras and lurk. It can hide from the eyes and ears of high-level spiritual power users. It is a device that is more powerful than invisibility powers."

Xie Ning immediately spread out her mental net and pulled in everyone from Spark Team and Gu Chen's Team A, "There is a situation ahead."

As soon as the sound entered their minds, everyone suddenly became nervous.

Xie Ning briefly informed all the team members about the jammer informed by Experimental Subject Zero.

"Finally found it." Xie Ning sneered.

She was still worried about when these little mice would come out. Wasn't this just what she expected.

"Are they Li Zongyuan and those people?" Kress asked.

"Only they have all kinds of weird equipment in their hands."

Song Shijun's entry point was very strange, "Sister, this shielding device is so powerful, let's just grab it and use it ourselves!"

"What my brother said makes sense."

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