The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 601 Just love buying, buying, buying

So Xiao Huangmao smiled brightly, pretending to be relaxed and comforted, "It's okay, sister, let's be nicer to Pengtou from now on, just don't beat him! Let him and Xiaohui be fed and clothed, Brother Dong That’s what I hope too.”

Xie Ning smiled and said, "Okay."

After the night fades and we see the light again, the speed of drifting will obviously speed up a lot.

It's just that at this speed, it would take about seven to ten days to float back to the Gyeonggi base, even with the wind speed blessing of the wind superpower.

Compared to the comfortable ride in the car, the conditions were much more difficult.

Moreover, it is a vast and torturous journey, and one does not know what will happen along the way, so it is not easy for everyone.

Especially some members of Group A who were exploring the road in assault boats looked very nervous.

Uncle Wang, who was on the raft next door, had been paying attention to Xie Ning's expression. He saw her leaning on a tree to rest, and it took her a long time to move her fingers to play with the air in front of her, and he couldn't help but feel curious.

In fact, Xie Ning asked Little Spider to open the mall interface, but she set it not to be displayed to the outside world, so when others looked at her, she was just staring at the air in a daze, and waving her hand to sweep the air from time to time.

The baby cabbage was sold out within a few days of being put on the shelves. Xie Ning was not surprised at all. Everything was reasonable.

After all, it is normal for people who have tasted Xie Ning brand cabbage not to be interested in these current junk foods.

For example, the dry and woody mutated animal meat can fill the stomach, but it is really not very tasty to humans.

Xie Ning scanned the buyer IDs and found that a large number of them were numerical codes starting with X.

Xie Ning asked Zhinao, and Little Spider said that this was the code name of the residents of the X world.

"Also, people who usually can only drink feces nutrient solution will be more or less interested in normal human food."

The little spider was speechless, and reminded him weakly, "The main body is big. In fact, people from the X world who can afford to buy Chinese cabbage are probably in a good financial situation. What they usually drink should be the ordinary version of nutrient solution at the very least."

"Most of the ordinary nutrient solutions are produced by screening and fermenting mutant fruits."

"The advanced version of the nutrient solution is more advanced. It may be made from the core part of mutated fruits, or the blood of some mutated animals."

Xie Ning curled her lips, not interested in things like nutrient solutions, "Isn't it just technology plus hard work?"

The little spider thought for a while and said seriously, "Master Ju Zhu is right. Whether it is taste or nutritional value, it cannot be compared with the food grown in the space of Ning Ning Ju Jue Farmhouse."

Xie Ning raised her hand to flip through the list of stores in the mall, "How do I use the two million points that the fool rewarded me with?"

"Then you have to get a Shacha account." Little Spider replied decisively.

"Yes." Xie Ning nodded with a smile and looked at the points status of Jinghe Duoduo's store.

Due to accumulation over the past few days, the account points have reached 3,400.

"I'll use these points first." Stop by and see what's good to buy in these shops.

"Future, sister, I have a strange idea, inspired by the cute little Song Kexin."

"Master, if you have any ideas, please speak up. I can help you with the details in the future."

"In the future, you are indeed my best friend in my life, master." Xie Ning kept releasing rainbow farts and said with a smile, "Actually, I was inspired by watching Song Kexin do physical fire."

"If you think about it, Song Kexin can turn something as invisible as fire into a kind of fire."

"My mother is right, this is a very good idea, right? My mother was also inspired by Xinxin's cuteness and made an ice blasting bead."

Xie Ning flipped through another page of mall stores and clicked on one at random.

There were only four grids of items on the shop interface. Xie Ning casually clicked on all four hanging jade products.

It only cost eight points in total.

This is also incredibly cheap...

Through the dimensional space, purchased items can appear in the hands of the owner very conveniently.

Before the end of the world, a person with less than three or two thousand dollars would not even be able to buy a small piece of jade of this quality.

"What do you want to say, Master Zhuzi?" Little Spider was confused.

Why does it feel like it can't keep up with the rhythm of the main subject's brain circuit?

How inspired are you by Xinxin's cuteness? Tell me!

The subject said he would keep half of it and then stopped talking, concentrating on buying things.

And all the shops I visited were useless jewelry shops.

Gold rings and jade bracelets, I bought whatever I saw and sold them all.

Moreover, there is a self-identification report from the X World System Mall. Forget about fakes or anything like that. They won’t be able to get into other stores at all.

Each type of jewelry has a detailed report generated by the system background. From the grams to the composition, it is extremely accurate.

Xie Ning basically glanced at it and bought the small items.

While shopping along the way, she bought a bunch of gold and jade items, all of which she stuffed into plastic bags.

Uncle Wang and the women's group on the raft next door were quite surprised and shocked at first, but they almost became numb after seeing what happened next.

Uncle Wang thought it was a little girl who was constantly taking out these gold and jade things from his own space. After watching for a long time, he couldn't help but interrupt and ask, "My dear girl, what are you doing? How many gold, silver and jade shops have you robbed in the end of the world?" "

Song Kexin:......

"Little girl, can you show me the gold ring you just put in?" One of the women's group couldn't help but talk to Xie Ning.

Xie Ning was happily scanning the goods and ignored them.

Little Spider was speechless, "Ning Ning Zhu Zhu, have you forgotten that when we were shopping at Hengyue Shopping Center in Jinshi? You shopped at countless jewelry, bag, beauty, and clothing stores!"

What the little spider wants to say is, how many new gold, silver and jade jewelry are there in your space!

Why go to the points mall to buy these impractical things and waste points?

"You don't understand, this is the joy of shopping as a woman!"

"What's the point of shopping? There's a row of empty stores for you to grab. It's not as fun as shopping."

Xie Ning took the time to answer.

Of course she remembered how many jewelry shops she visited in Hengyue Shopping Center before, and how many of these items she wanted, but that was different!

Now visiting these shops in the X Realm Points Mall, it reminded her inexplicably of shopping with a certain treasure before the end of the world, shopping in Duoduo, and the like.

It really feels like going back to the past. This feeling is beyond the comprehension of Zhi Nao.

"Lord Ning Ning Zhu Zhu, you haven't told the future yet, what exactly did you inspire?"

"What kind of metal skills do you associate with Xinxin's cute fire?"

Xie Ning shook a large plastic bag of jewelry in her hand and smiled, "The metal type can make knives and swords into physical objects. I was inspired by the space power."

"You know about the space folding machine in the X world?"

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