The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 602 My main body is talent

"This is a model for the materialization of space powers."

The little spider couldn't help rolling around in the space, and suddenly cheered with its flat electronic voice, "Oh my god, my beautiful, generous, gentle, kind, lovely and bright subject, what are you thinking of? Do you want to make it?" Space folding machine?”

"So-called space folding is just one of them."

"I'm thinking, if, I mean if, I can inject different types of space powers into a small object. Can it be developed in the future, such as space storage, space teleportation, or just A function similar to space folding.”

"These small objects are a kind of props that carry my space powers. Think about it, if I can do this, will my mother have space in the future? My uncle, my aunt, and everyone on my team will all Can you have some space?"

"Of course, the space containers I make must be as big as a room normally. They will definitely not be as cumbersome as the dimension space the X world makes for them that is the size of a cookie box."

The little spider rolled excitedly on the leaves, "The main body is big, I find that you are a talent!"

Xie Ning was a little funny, "This is just my initial idea."

"No way, I saw that when you were bored a few days ago, you were tinkering with a button. It turned out that you were tinkering with space powers."

"The superpower is too powerful and the carrier is too weak. I may not be able to control it well."

The previous few times had failed, but Xie Ning was confident that if she tried a few more times, she might be able to succeed.

Even if it succeeds once, isn’t there hope?

And the most important thing is that Xie Ning didn't even reveal it to Little Spider.

That is, as long as she successfully creates space containers, each one will have its own positioning function.

As long as the space containers are not destroyed artificially, she can feel where the space containers she made are located at any time.

She won't tell anyone this, as long as she knows it.

"Condensing subject, you are indeed the most beautiful and intelligent subject in the world!"

"What, don't you tell me now that I bought a bunch of useless things?"

In fact, she not only raided a batch of jewelry in Hengyue Shopping Center. During the previous search and rescue of Canghua Home in Jinshi, she also tinkered with several large safes in the walls of residential buildings. Most of them contained banknotes, real estate certificates, valuable jewelry, etc. things.

I have raided so many places.

But these are not as interesting as online shopping. The little spider doesn’t understand the joy of online shopping. Fortunately, it is still a spider, so why doesn’t it love the Internet?

The little spider quickly rolled over to please, "It's useful, and it's not expensive. You can buy whatever you want from the Ning Ning body. If you don't have enough points, I'll hack it in and get it for you."

It was indeed not expensive. She visited dozens of stores and bought about two hundred pieces of jewelry. Many of them were sold as a set of jewelry for only two points...

In total, it costs 215 points, which is really an unprecedented bargain.

Xie Ning feels that this is actually not much different from Mingqiu...

"Thank you, good friend." Xie Ning picked up the big plastic bag in her hand in a funny way. Just as she was about to put the plastic bag into the space, the aunt on the raft next door said hello to her again, "Hey, little girl, you Just show me that gold ring."

Xie Ning heard clearly what the aunt was talking about this time, and glanced at her with a smile, "Auntie, one gold ring and two compressed biscuits."

The female comrade suddenly curled her lips unhappily, "Now this thing is not expensive. The last time I saw someone selling such a big gold ring, it only cost half a piece of bread."

Xie Ning rolled her eyes.

"Then why don't you buy it?" Who knows whether the big gold ring being sold on the street is real or fake?

The accessories she purchased in the X Realm Mall system are all genuine, right?

For example, the pair of jade earrings, humph, they are classified as authentic imperial green earrings in other malls. Even though they are small and a little bit larger, they were still expensive before the end of the world.

The system mall is very cold and machine-like. What is fake cannot become real, and it is impossible to tell you whether it is fake. It is so fair.

Of course, these genuine jewelry are now thrown away in large plastic bags by Xie like garbage...

It's not that Xie Ning is short of supplies, she just likes to make money with strangers. She doesn't owe anyone anything. After all, they will be strangers in the future.

Besides, the goods she bought from the mall showed that she admired them both in terms of style and texture, and Xie Ning didn't want to sell them.

But if the old aunt really likes it, it's not impossible to exchange it for something.

But obviously the aunt in front of me wants to have sex for free, so why?

"Chunmei, do you like that big gold ring?" Uncle Wang asked in surprise, "What's the use of it? You can't eat or drink it."

The aunt named Chunmei glared at Uncle Wang several times angrily, waved her hands at Xie Ning and said with a blushing face, "Forget it, I just wanted to see it but didn't want to buy it. If I don't show it to you, forget it."

"That's right. If you save two packs of compressed biscuits, you can eat them for two days. Don't buy them." Uncle Wang waved his hands naively, "It's not worth it, but life is still important."

Xie Ning stretched out her hand to put the big plastic bag into the space, and secretly told Little Spider to put another batch of cabbage on the shelves.

Looking back at her mood, she saw that vegetables and carrots were beginning to overflow in the space, and something might go wrong depending on the situation.

At the same time, there was chaos in the backstage control room of the X World System Mall.

"What's going on? Have you found the source of the black brain?"

"Minister, we are under attack!"

"Heizhi Nao didn't detect it. Our system was invaded by the other party again and is now being eaten away."

"What the hell are you waiting for? Why don't you fix the leak quickly?"

"I really don't know what you are doing for food? Who is the other person who has been doing this for so long? I don't know where he came from!"

"Also, didn't you say last time that there was a system store that was abnormal? What store was it found? Could it be that it is connected to this black brain?"

The operator was sweating profusely and touched the virtual keyboard, his face ashen, "It's over, I can't find the way in at all."

"Then seal it, seal it, damn it!! What are you doing for food?"

"The live broadcast, the live broadcast room is a mess, the mall, the mall system is a mess, what on earth can you electronic elites do! Waste, a bunch of waste!"

"Minister, minister, the dimensional warehouse has been attacked several times again. If it comes again next time, we may not be able to defend it..."

"Put P!!" The minister was furious, "I couldn't get back the things I lost at the last turntable, including the divine colored stones, white tigers, and high-end seeds. You told me again that you couldn't hold on!"

"I # ¥% @! You have to keep it even if you can't! Could it be that you plan to give away everything in the entire dimensional warehouse to others??"

"Hold on!!!" the minister shouted until his face twisted.

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