A raft of the second women's team was damaged by a mutated man-eating crocodile. Captain Zhou sent team member Wang Qin to Xie Ning to discuss borrowing a raft.

Wang Qin originally thought that she would be made things difficult for herself.

After all, Captain Xie is not very good at dealing with many people in their team...

Unexpectedly, before she could finish her words, Captain Xie took a brand new raft from space and handed it to her.

Wang Qin's face felt even more burning.

I felt like my face was so hot that I couldn't see anyone. It was really a villain's heart that judged a gentleman's heart. Captain Xie had such a pattern that he didn't even bother to meet them.

"Thank you, captain." Wang Qin said her thanks in a voice as loud as a mosquito's, then rowed the new raft and waved to several female members of the second team.

The female team members lowered their heads and shrank their necks, not daring to look at Xie Ning and the others.

They themselves still clearly remember the way they followed their deputy Feng Jiamin before, arrogantly looking for trouble for their sister, but now they simply can't bear to look at the past.

The people from Team Spark had just helped them kill the two predators regardless of their previous suspicions, and they didn't say a single word of ridicule or nonsense during the whole process, which made them feel even more ashamed.

Zhou Bing stood on the raft and glanced at the female team members. "I feel embarrassed. Don't follow Feng Jiamin and others around in the future."

"I am the eldest lady of the Feng family and the Mo family, right? You still need to figure out your position. If something goes wrong, what do you have if something goes wrong? Who will wipe your butts?"

Several team members did not dare to say anything, they just lowered their heads and stared at their toes.

Zhou Bing stopped talking and stopped talking.

The new raft is very sturdy, and it's obvious that the members of Team Spark have put a lot of care into making it.

Zhou Bing stood on the raft and looked ahead.

It wasn't until the sky got slightly brighter that they found a residential area.

The gate of the community had long been hit by a car and was torn to pieces, and the safety situation looked very bad.

Gu Chen turned his head and glanced at the haggard survivors of Gushang Base, and couldn't help but sigh secretly.

With his temperament, of course it would be better to rush back to Gyeonggi as soon as possible.

But it seems that these little rookies can’t survive...

It seemed like they wouldn't be able to keep up either physically or mentally if they didn't find a place to stay and rest for a few hours.

Lu Wei secretly glanced at him several times and asked in a low voice, "Do you want to come in?"

Gu Chen took a deep breath and nodded, "Come in."

Kress spoke on the spiritual network, "There are many zombies in the community, but the number of zombies in the 105 buildings next to the highway is relatively small."

"Then go to 105."

This building has about thirty floors, and people can live on the third floor or above. It shouldn't be a big problem to just rest for a few hours.

Ou Huaqian didn't really want to give in.

From the moment she stepped onto the stairs, she kept complaining in Min Shaolun's ears, "How can anyone live here?"

"Why did you choose to settle here?"

"I see that there are a few small villas inside that look okay. There is obviously a villa area here, so why do they have to settle in such resettlement houses?"

I don't think the houses close to the road will be very nice.

On the contrary, the buildings inside seemed to be better than here in terms of damage and safety.

The only advantage of living here is that it is convenient to retreat, but she doesn't want to make do with it, ah ah.

"It's disgusting to have to live with these refugees who have been sold to the base." Ou Huaqian babbled, "Salem, should I go talk to Captain Xie?"

"What are you looking for her for?" Min Shaolun said with a sullen face.

When he thought of Xie Ning, he reminded him of that big pervert Yu Tianfeng.

Now when he saw Xie Ning, he basically walked around, fearing that he would get Yu Tianfeng's snake spirit again, and had to take off his clothes and pinch him with tweezers along the way.

Ou Huaqian shook her arm angrily, "Why are you so cowardly?"

On the other side, old Mrs. Zhou Xuefen was pinching her nose and looking at the various cardboard boxes and garbage wood piled up in the corridor of the resettlement house with a look of disgust on her face.

Suddenly a dry hand came out of the garbage pile and held the old lady's ankle as she passed by.

This level of terror is estimated to be on the tenth level.

The old lady's high-pitched scream pierced the sky.

Xie Mei's eyes were sharp, and she immediately pulled out the dagger from her waist and stabbed the withered and weak claw.

His claws shrank in fear, and then the man hurriedly lifted the cardboard on his head and body, shouting repeatedly, "Don't do it, don't do it, I am a human being, I am a human being."

The old lady was so frightened that she almost convulsed.

Xie Xueli and Xie Xuexin held her on the left and right, shouting "Mom, Mom, Mom" ​​several times.

The old lady looked at the thin figure in shock.

Min Shaolun winked, and Hou Depeng, the wind superpower who had been protecting the old lady for a long time, strode forward, lifted the skinny man out of the trash heap like a chicken, and shouted, "Who are you? You are hiding here. What to do."

The wizened man waved his hands with difficulty and shouted repeatedly, "Don't kill me, don't kill me, all heroes and heroes, I, we are the road, passing by, passing by."

"What are you doing?" Zhai Ruobai led the people to squeeze through the crowd on the stairs and slowly moved towards the place where the movement was.

His brother Chen and his sister-in-law have already taken people upstairs to clean up the zombies. These people are really free to have time, and they are still in the mood to stop arguing.

Min Shaolun smiled lightly, "Caught a boy of unknown origin."

"What?" Zhai Ruobai glanced at the wizened man and said faintly, "There are several people living inside. My brother and the others all know it. Why are you arresting them for nothing?"

Min Shaolun's lungs were about to explode.

I'm sorry that the building No. 105 you chose has aboriginal people inside. You knew it but didn't say anything?

"I brought you here because there are few zombies on the floors below this building." Zhai Ruobai explained angrily, "What do you think? The zombies have just been cleaned up."

However, there are still a lot of zombies above the seventh floor, so my brother and sister-in-law took people to go ahead and clean up the zombies.

I don’t understand this, yet I still fantasize about being a base manager. It’s funny.

Old Mrs. Zhou Xuefen kept beating her chest and was so frightened that she could hardly breathe.

"Click." The door inside suddenly opened.

Min Shaolun and others were looking frightened when they saw a thin woman walking out of the door.

He was so thin that his chin was sharp and pointed, but the flaxen coat on his body was neatly taken care of, and his hair was combed into a long and smooth braid, bent on his chest.

There are two cheap blue bird crystal hairpins stuck on the head to catch the broken hair around the ears.

The whole person looks quite fresh, but he is malnourished, and even his hair looks dry and lackluster.

"I'm sorry everyone, did my brother scare you? He was just watching at the door of the house, afraid that zombies would come down the stairs."

Aunt Niu and Uncle Wang moved forward, with curious faces on their faces, "Girl, do you live here?"

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