The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 606 Let’s have some face

"Oh no." The young girl with a sharp chin shook her head and showed an apologetic smile, "We were just passing by. My uncle, sister, brother and I, as well as a few other people in the base, escaped all the way here. We want to go to the big base closest to here, the Gyeonggi Base.”

"It's not easy to walk because of the flood. We arrived here yesterday and wanted to rest until noon before setting off. I didn't expect your large force to come."

The young girl looked at Zhai Ruobai with soft eyes, "Captain Zhai, we meet again. I'm so happy to meet you here. I wonder if Captain Gu and the others are here?"

Zhai Ruobai was stunned for a moment, "Uh, do you know me?"

The girl nodded, "Yes, we met at Lanshan Tower Lake a year ago."

"Let me go, let me go, oh, it turns out we are all acquaintances." The wizened man slapped the hand of Hou Depeng, the wind power user, and shouted angrily.

"You are..." Li Xiang squeezed in from behind the crowd, pointed at the girl, looked up and down, and called out hesitantly, "Song Xue?"

"Uh, Sister Li Xiang, you are here too. It's great to meet you all again." The young girl smiled at her sincerely, "Sister Li Xiang has really not changed at all in the past year or so."

"Uh-huh, nothing has changed." Li Xiang smiled awkwardly, "I've gained a little weight these days, haven't I."

Li Dawei couldn't wait to reach out and stop his stupid sister's mouth.

Being able to gain weight after the apocalypse, doesn't it tell the whole world that their team is living well?

Keep a low profile and keep a low profile. Although you are living a good life, you can't just show it off everywhere. Doesn't this make people hate the rich?

"Big Viagra." Song Xue smiled at him enthusiastically.

Li Dawei waved his hand quickly, "Hey, if you need anything, come to your old Song family, not to us. Our team is very poor!"

Li Xiang stepped on the stupid brother angrily, turned to Song Xue and smiled, "Are you going to Gyeonggi too? Where have you been developing in the past year or so?"

"You're still talking about it!" The wizened man beside Song Xue couldn't help shouting, "When everyone ran out of Lanshan Tower Lake together, you actually lost us! The mountains are long and the rivers are far away. We followed the crowd and ran around, and we were diverted to I don’t know where, so I found a small base nearby to stay.”

"Who are you?" Li Dawei stared at the man who kept talking.

Song Xue hurriedly grabbed him and smiled at Li Dawei with an apologetic look on her face, "This is my brother Song Jiabao. I'm sorry, Big Viagra, for making you laugh."

"Ah!!" Li Dawei's eyes almost fell out of their sockets, "Song Jiabao? Why did you, this little brat, change into such a devilish behavior?"

Song Xue didn't say anything, but he thought it was some middle-aged uncle...

Li Dawei wanted to cover his face. This boy was obviously only seventeen or eighteen years old, and he looked a little older than himself.

Sure enough, holding the village beauty's thigh all the way was the wisest decision he made in his life!

Song Jiabao is dark and thin. If you look closely, you can see that he is missing half of his ear.

Li Dawei chuckled and said, "Oh, are your parents, eldest sister, and others all okay?"

"You still have the nerve to ask my mother?!"

Li Dawei looked confused, "Why don't I have the shame to ask your mother?"

"When my mother was killed by Xie Ning in Lanshan Tower Lake, you all turned a blind eye and no one said you would stand up for her!"

"Jiabao Jiabao, don't talk nonsense, don't talk nonsense, how could Ning Ning harm auntie?" Song Xue hurriedly tugged on his sleeve.

"She was the one who caused it, she was the one who caused it. She deliberately gave my mother a big bag of sandwich biscuits, which caused my mother to be robbed by a group of gangsters, who robbed things and killed people! None of them were human beings."

Zhai Ruobai's face darkened, "Don't talk nonsense here."

Li Dawei also curled his lips and sneered, "I'm going to give you something to eat. Is it still harmful to others? Have some face! Besides, why would a village girl give your mother biscuits for no reason? Your mother must be shameless and shameless to ask her for it! Otherwise, with her He’s such a stubborn person, can he be so kind as to give you cookies??”

Li Xiang:……

Brother, if you can’t speak, just say a few words.

"Captain, captain, captain." Xu Boliang came forward with his assistant and persuaded the excited Captain Li to go back, "Let's not talk anymore, ah. If we don't talk anymore, let's go upstairs first."

"Yes, yes, Captain Xie and the others have gone upstairs to clean up the zombies. Let's go and help too." Two teammates picked up their noisy captain, one on the left and the other on the right, and walked up the stairs.

Li Xiang stretched out his hand to cover his face, squeezed past Zhai Ruobai, and coughed lightly, "Captain Zhai, you don't want to tell the village girl what my brother said without thinking. Thank you."

Zhai Ruobai didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and turned sideways to let the group of living treasures pass.

Seeing this, Song Xue called out again, "Brother Xiaolong, Sister Ge Yan, Uncle Ge Liang, let's get together later."

Ge Yan glanced at her, raised her finger to the top of the stairs, and pulled her father away quickly.

Just kidding, they don't want to have anything to do with Song Kuang's weird family.

Although Ma Guilan's old weirdo is gone, Song Kuang and Song Jiabao, father and son, are not easy people to deal with...

Although Xiaoxue is quite pitiful, but... if her blood is sucked by Song Kuang's family, they will be even more miserable.

"What nonsense are you talking to them about? Our family doesn't have enough food to entertain those outsiders." Song Jiabao glared at Song Xue dissatisfied and rolled his eyes.

Mom is right, women are losers and have no brains at all.

Song Xue was too lazy to talk nonsense to Song Jiabao, a brainless retarder. She looked at Zhai Ruobai with a smile and asked again, "Captain Zhai, Captain Gu and the others went upstairs to clean up the zombies?"

Zhai Ruobai nodded.

Song Xue immediately showed a grateful smile, "Thank you so much. In this way, we all have sufficient security."

Zhai Ruobai showed his straight man spirit and shook his head, "You're welcome. There are many of us and we need to clear out so many floors to accommodate people. Besides, aren't you leaving soon?"

Song Xue didn't know how to respond to Comrade Zhai's words for a moment...

Li Dawei and the others ran all the way to the 28th floor before meeting up with Xie Ning and the others.

In the first sentence of the meeting, Li Dawei shouted nervously at Xie Ning, "Village beauty, it's not good, it's not good, Song Kuang's family is here!"

Li Xiang barely glanced at her dramatist brother and covered his face with his hands.

Li Dawei quickly concealed his gloating expression, "Village beauty, I told them that you don't care about their family affairs. But that girl Song Xue still insists on seeing you."

"It's over, it's over, your old Song family is going to be entangled by Song Kuang and the others. They are not good birds."

"I don't know what Song Jiabao has been through. He is seventeen or eighteen years old and looks older than your uncle!"

Song Youzhi's eyes almost rolled to the sky.

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