The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 623 Floods flood Gyeonggi

"Based on the current situation, the situation in Gyeonggi Province should not be very good."

"We definitely can't live in the courtyard anymore. We have to be prepared to crowd into the building with everyone." Song Youai looked at Xie Ning with a worried expression.

Xie Ning was stunned, "Mom, what are you worried about? If you live in a building, you can live in a building. It's not like I haven't lived there before."

"Mom is worried that you won't get used to it. If you have to live together with a group of survivors, it won't be a matter of three or two days."

"I don't know when the water will recede. I guess it won't recede in two or three months."

"Mom, don't worry, I can't live anywhere." Xie Ning glanced at Comrade Song Youai in a funny way, "No mom, you... think I'm squeamish, right? Do you think I can't live in a dirty and messy environment?"

"No, no, that's not what Mom meant." Song Youai laughed dryly and quickly dropped the subject, "Now, Mom has thought about it, and the environment for living together in Gyeonggi will definitely not be good. Otherwise, don't let your grandparents Come out and suffer this."

"Of course." Xie Ning nodded, "Let them live in it."

"But, you say, the road was bumpy and bumpy, and maybe not many people paid attention to your grandparents. But when we returned to Gyeonggi, there were always people staring at our team. When the two elders were missing, they would ask questions. "

"Mom, don't worry." Xie Ning glanced at her helplessly, "This is nothing."

"Let them ask me. Those who are curious, just ask me and I will answer them." Xie Ning smiled.

Song Youai had a black line on his face and suddenly didn't want to talk.

Who dares to ask you!

Aren't you afraid of being beaten?

"Sister, sister." Song Shijun jumped over from the raft next door and approached her with a sullen expression, "Sister, I just saw Xie Mei."

"What's so surprising about seeing Xie Mei?" Song Kexin glanced at him with disgust, "Wasn't she rescued by Min Shaolun and those people on a small sightseeing boat?"

"Yes, here's the point. I saw that she had lost a lot of blood. Her face was whiter than white paper. I don't know what she did."

"Is it possible that I drank too much corpse soaking water and will die soon?"

"Uh..." Song Kexin showed a disgusting expression.

When I think of the words corpse soaking water, I feel a little nauseous.

"Where did you see it?"

"Nono, aunt, look behind you, towards seven o'clock."

Song Youai pretended to glance inadvertently, only to see Xie Mei with a pale face and slumped shoulders, as if she had been called back by someone.

"Hey, it doesn't feel like you've lost too much blood, it seems like you've consumed too much power?"

"What is she doing?"

"Isn't she a healer? Why don't you treat yourself?"

"There must be a serious problem with the corpse soaking water." Song Shijun gloated, "Maybe he is about to die."

Song Kexin rolled her eyes at her, "Then why is the old lady okay? Look at the old lady's face, it looks quite red."

"No, the old lady is said to be older than her. Her body sank in the water. If she dies, she should die first." Xie Ning nodded in agreement.

Song Youai glanced at the three siblings speechlessly, "You three have been muttering in the past few days. You just keep talking behind people's backs."

"What are you talking about, aunt?" Song Shijun opened his innocent eyes wide, "We didn't say anything."

"It's just a matter of observation."

"Okay, go back and hold the pole quickly, don't tire your dad out."

Baby Shijun put his hands on his hips proudly, "I don't even need a support pole. I can just move my fingers and let the wind push the raft forward."

"I told my dad not to hold on, but he wasn't worried."

"My brother-in-law is right to do this." Song Kexin laughed and complained to his face, "After all, you are not very reliable in your work. If you don't talk well, you won't be able to do your job!"

The three siblings were talking with a smile when they heard someone shouting from behind, "It's a big-headed fish. Fish it up quickly."

"Wow, this fish is not a mutant fish, is it edible?"

"Are you stupid? You can even eat mutant fish. Why can't you eat this kind of relatively normal-looking fish?"

"You're laughing so hard." Song Kexin couldn't help but laugh, "I feel like as long as our survivors regain their energy, they can do anything to kill you."

"Hey!" A power user in Li Dawei's team waved his hands at several survivors fishing for fish and shouted, "Bring the fish over and let the doctor examine it!"

"That's right, let the doctor check it. If you can't eat it, don't harm anyone."

"Not bad." Song Shijun said with a smile, "These little losers on the market have made rapid progress recently. Some of them can join the fishing army!"

Xie Ning is quite satisfied with these small changes.

People still have to rely on themselves. Some people have already taken the first step. As long as they are willing to work hard to save themselves, then the energy they spend to save them is worth it.

So when they were looking for a place to stay at around seven o'clock in the evening, many survivors on the rafts caught several fish.

Some of the people who caught the fish came specifically to thank Xie Ning and the others.

Because there were many fishing tools in the future, all of which were provided to them by several space superpowers.

The survivors of the Gushang base who caught the fish felt particularly excited. At least they were able to make ends meet on their own despite their hard work.

The atmosphere at night was particularly harmonious, and Xie Ning provided a handful of cabbage as a reward to the survivors who had made progress.

Survivors who catch fish often have a sumptuous meal with baby cabbage and big head fish.

Those who didn't catch fish at least had mutated crocodile meat to continue eating.

The people who lived the most and most uncomfortable lives were Song Xue and Teng Ziliang.

Seeing that there were only three people coming over, Song Xue frowned and asked, "Where are Tang Ke and Lao Li."

"Tang Ke and Lao Li are doing well. They got into the group of survivors. They eat meat, soup, and steamed buns with wild vegetables." The man who spoke was a fat man with a fat belly. His tone was full of envy.

Tang Ke and Lao Li actually got involved?

Song Xue was so angry that her teeth itched.

Teng Ziliang was also very angry and felt an inexplicable sense of betrayal.

Tang Ke and Lao Li are considered the backbone of their team. What's going on now? Are they not planning to come back? ?

"Tang Ke Lao Li doesn't want to form a team with us anymore, Brother Liang."

"They are hanging out with that group of survivors now. How can they think of us who are hungry and full?" Song Xue gritted her teeth.

The most disgusting thing is that even though they have food to eat, they don't even call them old teammates.

We have been together in the same boat for more than half a year. Let’s not talk about life and death friendship, but the friendship is not shallow. It is true that when disaster strikes, we all fly away.

"Brother Liang, how much food do we have now?" Fatty looked at Teng Ziliang eagerly.

"There's not much food left." Teng Ziliang's face was full of confusion, and he reached out and touched the backpack that was completely deflated.

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