His backpack used to be full of goods, but now it has consumed a lot in just a few days.

It really can't go on like this, Teng Ziliang looked serious.

"Brother Liang, how about we eat something first." The fat man was still staring eagerly at the backpack in Teng Ziliang's hand, with the four characters "I want to eat" written all over his eyes.

Although Teng Ziliang was reluctant, seeing several people looking at him with burning eyes, he had no choice but to take out two small bags of biscuits.

"We don't have much left. If we continue like this, we will only be left with nothing." Teng Ziliang stared at several team members and said, "When they were hunting big fish before, why didn't you take action?"

He was actually quite dissatisfied. None of the team members took the initiative. How could he be the boss?

The fat man was chewing dried flower biscuits and said angrily, "Those people are like crazy. They squeeze their heads one by one to catch fish. How can I compete with them?"

"You are so big that you can't catch those refugees?" Song Xue looked contemptuous.

I don’t know how this person grew so tall. It’s obvious that it will be very difficult to have food and clothing in the apocalypse, but he still manages to be so fat.

At first glance, others would think that his living conditions were particularly good.

In fact, I can only eat compressed biscuits every day.

Therefore, it is rare to see people with natural beauty like her. Fat people are the type who can gain weight even if they drink water.

The fat man didn't dare to quarrel with the captain and his wife. He rubbed his hands honestly and giggled twice, "How can I snatch it from them? We are still riding on someone else's raft. Will we be slapped if we try to snatch someone else's big head fish?" Kicked off the raft in anger?"

Song Xue rolled her eyes, taunted her with a gun and a stick, "You are such a big guy and have such a big head. Did you eat everything on the pig?"

"If others don't want it, then you won't use your brain to come up with ideas!"

"If the hard one doesn't work, why don't you use the soft one? Just say you're here to help. If you catch a few big fish, we won't be so short on supplies, right A Liang?"

Teng Ziliang nodded, fully agreeing with what his fiancée said.

He just said that if you hang out with a group of stupid people, you will become equally stupid sooner or later.

Smart people still fit in being with smart people.

Let him observe and observe again. If these people are really not good enough, then find an opportunity to kick them out and stay together with Xuexue. Life will definitely not be too sad.

Seeing that the fat man's face turned bitter after being scolded by his woman, Teng Ziliang pretended to sigh, "If I have the chance in the future, I'd better go fishing with them or catch some mutated aquatic plants to satisfy my hunger."

"I understand, Brother Liang." Fatty nodded hesitantly, "Let's do our best."

"As much as we can, we all know what's going on in the team right now. If we don't work hard, we will really run out of ammunition and food!"

"I'm telling you, we really can't give in every step of the way, you know? The more you give in, the less others will take you seriously. Many times, supplies have to be fought for, do you understand?"

"Look at you, all of you are tall and thick men. How can those old ladies and old wives compete with you?"

"Do we all need to work together to understand? We must try our best to get as many supplies back as possible so that we can develop sustainably."

The fat-bellied people looked at each other.

Although he didn't say anything on his lips, he felt a little aggrieved in his heart.

What qualifications does Song Xue have to criticize them?

Although they ran out of the same small base together, they didn't say they wanted to form a team at the time.

The follow-up was that Teng Ziliang had a good character and ability, so he decided to team up with Brother Liang and act together.

But who is she, Song Xue?

She yelled at them in the name of Teng Ziliang's woman. If it weren't for Brother Liang's sake, who would blame her?

Teng Ziliang waited for his mother-in-law to finish her volley of scoldings, and then he pretended to hold Song Xue's hand, pretending to be a peacemaker.

"Okay, okay Xuexue, I think they all know they are wrong, so stop talking."

Several other people lowered their heads to gnaw on biscuits, and their dissatisfaction with Song Xue deepened again.

Song Xue didn't notice the emotions of those people. Even if she knew about it, she would just pretend that it didn't happen.

I can't stand her cursing, what else can I do?

They all depended on Brother Liang's supplies to survive, and she didn't scold them wrong.

As soon as Song Xue looked up, she saw Xie Ning and Song Kexin coming out of the small door and walking toward the corridor.

She took a look and felt depressed again.

Look at these people, they are dressed like wealthy ladies, their faces are as rosy as cream, and then look at my group, they all look like refugees with sallow faces and thin skin, they are completely incomparable.

How could God be so unfair?

How come she, Xie Ning, can live so comfortably, while she, Song Xue, can't even live as good as a dog?

The more Song Xue thought about it, the angrier she became. She almost choked to death after taking one bite of the compressed biscuit.

"Xue Xue, I plan to find an opportunity to talk to their captain." Teng Ziliang looked gentle and reached out to pat Song Xue on the back.

Song Xue blurted out, "What do you want to talk to Brother Gu Chen about?"

Teng Ziliang glanced at her suspiciously.

Brother Gu Chen?

Song Xue calls her so affectionately, does she have some connection with Captain Gu?

"You know each other well?"

"No, not familiar." Song Xue also knew that she was about to say the wrong thing, so she hurriedly lowered her head and lowered her eyebrows, "A-Liang, you haven't given up yet, right?"

She was clinging to the man in front of her now. It would definitely not be good for him to know that she was in Lanshan Tower Lake before, so she had to rely on Brother Gu Chen for nothing.

She looked away feeling guilty.

"You're looking for Gu Chen...won't you still want to take us to the base?"

"Designed to the base?" Fatty turned to look at Teng Ziliang, showing an excited look, "Brother Liang, is it true? I, we also want to tell you about this."

"Oh?" Teng Ziliang glanced at them lightly, "What do you want to say."

"We have not been idle these past two days and have inquired with the survivors. They said that after signing a contract with the Gyeonggi base, they can get free food and water every day."

"I think this is good." Another team member next to Fat Belly also whispered, "Brother Liang, why don't you think about it?"

"Yes, that way at least we don't have to worry about food and drink every day, right."

"Yes, I heard that they have steamed buns to eat, and sometimes dry flour cakes. That's better than us eating biscuits every day, Brother Liang, are you right?"

"That's all you have to offer?" Song Xue couldn't help but quarrel again, "Do you know what the base will assign you to do? Sweeping cesspits and streets, you are willing to do this job, but I am not."

"What's wrong with sweeping cesspits and sweeping streets? In today's environment, as long as you can have food to eat, you can do whatever you want!" The middle-aged man in the team who had been silent until now suddenly spoke up and said coldly, "I heard Tang Ke and Lao Li have already joined other teams of superpowers."

"And with their abilities, they will definitely live a very comfortable life in the future."

"We here can't compare with them, so attaching ourselves to the base is actually the best choice. After all, as the old saying goes, it's better to enjoy the shade under the big trees!"

"What??" Song Xue jumped up immediately upon hearing this.

A fire burned in her heart, and she was so angry that she wanted to rush over and ask Tang Ke Lao Li what was going on.

Teng Ziliang was calmer and held her hand, "Xue Xue, our team is just a temporary team to be honest. Now that Tang Ke and Lao Li are trying to reach new heights, we can't say they are at fault."

The fat-bellied man grinned innocently, "Yeah, what did you say to Tang Ke Lao Li when you ran over? Are you saying they abandoned their teammates and chose another team? Who do we stand against them!"

Song Xue glared angrily and said unreasonably, "Oh, since they have left the team, of course they have to return all the food and water that were given to them before, right?"

"How can there be such a good thing in the world? You don't have to return supplies even if you leave the team?"

Teng Ziliang couldn't help but laugh, holding Song Xue's hand and speaking softly, "Xue Xue, don't be angry, sit down, sit down first, sit down and listen to me."

"Although Tang Ke and Lao Li are not very kind in doing this, it is understandable. After all, people have a tendency to become stronger. If people go to higher places, water will flow to lower places. You should calm down."

"We can't go over to settle accounts with them. This will only make Xie Ning and the others look at our excitement, right?"

When Teng Ziliang mentioned Xie Ning, Song Xue slowly calmed down, gritting her teeth and still feeling angry in her heart.

"We can't let that woman Xie Ning watch us having fun, but this matter shouldn't just end like this."

"Tang Ke Lao Li needs to get back the food he owes us."

"How can this be considered a debt? Tang Ke and Lao Li did a lot of work for us when they were in the team, right? Now they have a good place to go, so let's not hold grudges and just wish them well."

"It's just people like Tang Ke Lao Li who like to climb high branches. It's better that we don't talk to him in the future."

"They don't show mercy to us, and they don't even say hello when they leave the team. Let's not care about them. We will stay away from such people in the future."

Song Xue was very unconvinced and was pulled to sit down by Teng Ziliang, her whole face still dark.

Seeing that Teng Ziliang was calm in dealing with things, the middle-aged man couldn't help but soften his expression and nodded, "A-Liang, what do you mean now?"

"Brother Liang, I actually have the same idea as you." Teng Ziliang nodded slightly, "I also think that if I join the base, life may be easier."

"Douzi is right. From now on, we can at least ensure basic food and clothing. Let's work for the base. If we develop well, we might be able to join the officialdom." Teng Ziliang expressed his inner thoughts.

The fat-bellied, middle-aged man and another team member nodded in agreement.

"Great, Brother Liang, when will we talk to the base? Join early and enjoy early, right? We are willing to sign a labor contract with them."

"That's right, what's the point of being tired? As long as you can barely fill your stomach with two meals a day, everything else is a piece of cake!"

Song Xue's face was very ugly, and her whole face was almost hanging upside down, with black ink dripping from it.

"Xuexue, don't be angry. Brother Liang has more life experience than all of us here. If he says there is no problem, then it must be no problem. I think we should listen to Brother Liang's advice and act."

The middle-aged man's expression softened again, and he secretly praised in his heart: Although young Teng Ziliang is fond of Song Xue, he has not yet lost his head over a woman.

He admired such a calm little leader, and his original plan to leave the team in a few days suddenly faded a lot.

As long as the captain is sensible and smart enough, life will definitely not be difficult after joining the base.

Song Xue gritted her teeth, "Then I'll go with you to talk to Gu Chen..."

"No need." Teng Ziliang waved his hand, "I can just talk about this kind of thing with shame alone. You just stay here with Brother Liang and the others. I will try to find him later."

"No, I have to go with you!" Song Xue refused and insisted on finding Gu Chen together.

Teng Ziliang looked at her in confusion, "Why did you suddenly change your mind again?"

Song Xuezhi hid her guilty expression and said cautiously, "There are many of them, so I'm quite worried about you alone."

Teng Zi's conscience felt inexplicably. He put his arm around Song Xue's shoulders and said with a smile, "Okay, if you want to go, come with me, but you have to promise me not to lose your temper again."

Song Xue pretended to give him an angry look, "Am I so inappropriate in your heart that I just mess around without caring about the situation?"

"Of course not, hahaha." Teng Ziliang smiled and hugged her shoulders, "My Xuexue can go out of the hall and into the kitchen, but she is my best wife."

Song Xue twitched her lips without comment, her smile was quite forced.

Early the next morning, everyone was energetic and ready to set off.

It was as if a small motor was installed all the way, and it rushed towards the last distance quickly.

Everyone is very excited because they will be able to return to the safe base soon, and they feel that good times are coming soon.

Especially the refugees from the Gushang base who have been displaced during this period of time have their eyes flashing with joy. You look at me and I look at you, with smiles on their faces.

From a distance, we can see the huge water surrounding the Gyeonggi base.

Everyone was mentally prepared, so they were not too panicked when they saw this situation.

Comrade Zhai Ruobai, who was driving the assault boat at the front, saw at a glance the base patrol team on the assault boat outside the water, which seemed to be carefully cleaning up something under the water.

He and several members of Team A stood up and waved to the opposite side.

The patrol also saw a large number of them, with happy expressions on their faces.

"Hey, this way, this way!"

The square-faced man wearing a red armband took the horn from his teammate and yelled at the other side, "Xiao Gu, you bastards, why are you back now? How long has it been? I thought you were here again. It will take two months of wandering to come back."

"Lao Du, what you said is so unkind!"

"We in this industry worked hard to survive!" Zhai Ruobai snorted angrily, "There were endless nights and floods along the way, and there were countless difficulties, dangers, and hardships. It was so desolate."

"Hahahaha!" Du Zhonggang directed the assault boat to drive over, got closer, jumped sideways onto the rubber boat, and patted Zhai Ruobai and others on the shoulders.

"Come on, when I went on missions with your captain before, I never came back until I was happy."

"Hahaha, who are you trying to fool? Who doesn't know your virtues yet?" Du Zhonggang said, but his eyes bypassed Zhai Ruobai and turned around on a group of talented refugees.

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