The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 634 Things are different now

After leaving the detention center and returning to the waterway, Xie Ning and the others were attacked by more than a dozen water-walking zombies.

These zombies are pretty smart.

Lurking under the water, they were motionless. Unfortunately, they didn't know that Xie Ning, a psychic psychic, had locked all their positions at the first opportunity.

When they rushed out of the water, they were first picked up by a strong wind and thrown aside, and then they were sealed on the surface of the water and unable to enter the water at all.

There was no need for Xie Ning to take action at all. Song Kexin's small fireball burned these third-level water zombies completely.

When Xie Ning came over the next day, she knew that the freezing method was completely unworkable.

Because the temperature has risen another ten degrees today.

The survivors at the Gyeonggi base woke up early in the morning covered in sweat and heat. They opened their thick quilts in confusion and took off their cotton coats and down jackets.

"How many degrees did my mother spend today?"

"It was announced on the radio just now that the temperature will rise to 13 degrees today."

"What the hell is the weather? Yesterday it was three degrees below zero."


"Is it possible that the temperature will become normal?" Some people looked overjoyed, "Look, it's already the end of May, right? It should be hot even if you count the days."

"Don't you remember how hot it was out there? I wish it could reach seventy degrees."

"Yes, have you forgotten that the temperature once dropped from 60 degrees to zero in one day? A lot of people died at that time! They were all unable to survive because their hearts could not bear it. .”

Everyone looked at each other with lingering fear.

"No way." Someone said weakly, "Then it's actually not bad now, it's only rising ten degrees a day."

"If it suddenly rises to fifty degrees a day like before, then we might be suffocated by big cotton-padded jackets and quilts in our sleep."

"Yes, yes, those unlucky ones who died in the past froze themselves to death while sleeping."

Some people are afraid to say, "Well, what should we do now? Will it rise again tomorrow? Should we not cover ourselves with quilts before going to bed?"

"Then who knows! What if by chance, the temperature is out of control and drops by thirty degrees tomorrow, and you freeze to death without a blanket?"

Everyone was silent.

This is simply out of control!

So whatever I do seems to be a mistake.

"The meteorologists at our base can't measure the temperature either."

"They are just researchers, not gods. The temperature is now fluctuating high and low, and the equipment is very crude. How can it be completely accurate?"

"Hey, let's go, is there a doctor? My mother seems to be feeling unwell. Is there a doctor who can take a look at her?"

Comrade Xie woke up from the heat.

With a confused look on his face, he lifted up the quilt on his body and wiped the sweat that came out.

Just listen to the little spider's mechanical voice in your mind, "Condensation main body, I reminded you that the temperature is starting to rise at twelve o'clock in the middle of the night! But you are still wrapped in your little quilt, sleeping happily without knowing anything."

Xie Ning smiled.

She always slept very well. If she hadn't foreseen a crisis, she would basically be able to sleep all night long until dawn.

When Gu Chen came to see them, he brought two big cool watermelons.

It is said that after Comrade Xiao Lu woke up from the heat last night, he went out to find an ice superpower and kept him in the ice for several hours.

It is said that the people in Group A ate a watermelon after waking up from the heat and then went out to help patrol...

Song Youzhi and others happily took the watermelon and went into the house to cut it.

After a while, a plate of red and watery ice watermelon was placed in front of Captain Xie.

Captain Xie had already changed into a short-sleeved sportswear, with a pair of off-white cropped pants underneath, revealing half of his slender ankles.

Gu Chen saw that his girlfriend was so cute and pink, and he was very happy just looking at her.

"The temperature has changed a lot, and I have to go to a meeting later. Today I can only trouble Ning Ning to take her younger siblings to get tested."

Xie Ning waved her hand, "It's no trouble to work with the contribution points."

It’s not like she took the test for nothing, the base had already credited her with 10,000 contribution points.

In terms of her net worth based on her contribution, she can be considered a half-rich woman now.

"We are doing great together." Comrade Gu was extremely happy.

After the two chatted for a few words, a teammate of the team ran up to call Gu Chen, urging him to go over for a meeting.

After Xie Ning finished her breakfast, she ate two more pieces of iced watermelon and stuffed the rest into her backpack in the ice box.

The three siblings set off and headed to Area C of the residential building with Xiao Meng and Xiao Gao.

The area in Area C is full of ordinary affordable housing. The living environment can't be said to be very good, but at least it's okay.

Compared with the dirty and messy areas behind it, it is a relatively satisfactory residential complex.

"We will start the inspection from the fourth floor later. Just like the day before yesterday, let everyone on the fourth floor come together and do the test at once."

Meng Ping'an smiled bitterly, "The residential buildings in Area C have relatively small communal areas. The residents on the first floor are concentrated in the area in front of the elevator. I'm afraid there won't be enough room for so many people."

"That place is not like the commercial housing complex we have been to before. Each floor has a relatively spacious reception area."

Xie Ning was stunned, thinking about it.

Now it is not like before the end of the world, where there are only three or five people living in each household.

Nowadays, a house of 70 square meters can accommodate thirty to fifty people. If one floor is calculated as six apartments, it is roughly estimated that two to three hundred people will be crammed into it.

And that doesn’t include the people arranged in the corridors and stairs of each floor...

If you add this amount, I'm afraid it will double again.

"Okay." Xie Ning nodded, "Go in first and see what's going on."

Nowadays, the living environment is poor. Residential buildings in ordinary communities like this are packed like sardine cans. They are probably overcrowded.

"Captain Xie, with so many people living in the residential building, the smell will probably be stronger..." Wu Meng reminded in a low voice, "Do you think you should put on a mask?"

Xie Ning silently put on two layers of masks, pulled on her raincoat and jumped in from the third floor window.

Several people put on their masks and filed in. Xie Ning casually put the assault boat away.

A group of six people climbed up to the fourth floor through the water on the stairwell. As soon as they reached the stairwell, they saw that there was a lot of paving at the entrance of the elevator.

Everyone was sitting or lying down in a row.

Some were staring at the ceiling in despair, while others were whispering in private. When they heard the sound, everyone's eyes were focused on them.

Meng Ping'an took a step forward and gave a high-five, "I've been notified. It's a routine inspection. Everyone should line up and register the situation."

Some people rolled their eyes and lay lazily on the ground, while others stood up with their necks hunched.

An elderly woman holding a child rolled her eyes and whispered, "Didn't you register everything before moving in? You can't look through other departments' information internally."

"Yes, we are all old residents of the Gyeonggi base. Is there anything to check? If you want to check, check those people above the 20th floor. They have all been arranged to live in the base recently. They are said to be refugees from the Gushang base. ,snort."

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