The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 635 Blackmail is hopeless

"Yes, I grabbed the space on the top floor as soon as I came here. I don't know how the base is arranged. But we old residents don't have such preferential treatment."

Everyone knows that there is a rooftop on the top floor, so you can go up and take a breath if you feel suffocated.

Nowadays, a group of people are packed into a can like sardines. It’s really suffocating!

Gao Youxing said with a cold face, "If you have any opinions, please jointly submit them to the base. We are just here for a routine inspection."

As he spoke, he walked directly across a floor bunk towards the nearest house and knocked on the door several times.

"Come out, come out."

As expected, there were six households on this floor, and every door was closed tightly.

Compared with these unlucky people who have to make floors in stairwells and elevator corridors, those who can live in the house are relatively lucky.

You know what it's like to live in the hallway.

When people walk up and down the stairs, they have to step over their bedding, which is really annoying and annoying.

"No need to say more about the routine inspection, right?" Gao Youxing knocked on several doors in succession, raising his voice with a cold expression, "Open the door if you can't get out, and you will have to register again."

"Brother, how can we get out of this place when it's so crowded? Do you want us to stand on top of others?"

"If you can't get out, just stand at the door. Everyone must register one by one and report your number." Meng Pingan said loudly.

Most people rolled their eyes impatiently, while a few people huddled behind the crowd and watched.

"Don't waste everyone's time. Apart from you, we still have many buildings to inspect next."

While they were talking, Xie Ning had asked Little Spider to start testing in secret.

The detection of small spider groups still requires a range. For example, it cannot detect rooms 01 and 06 which are relatively far away.

Xie Ning stood at the top of the stairs, indifferent and speechless.

Everyone looked at them up and down with great curiosity.

"serial number."

"0000546." The man rolled his eyes and said impatiently, "Do you think we have nothing to do? Checking, checking, checking every day, it's annoying to death."

"0001983. Comrade, can you tell the leaders above? There are too many people living on our floor. Why are they selling refugees from the base, and only two hundred people live on each floor? Our floor There are more than three hundred and eighty, four hundred people."

"Yeah, look, we don't even have a place to step down. If we get up and move around, we might step on someone."

"You should report this situation to the Area C administrator yourself." Meng Ping'an said calmly, "We are only responsible for inspection, stay back."

Xie Ning and her siblings looked at the bedding that had nowhere to go, and frowned again.

The little spider is detecting very quickly now. In just a short time, he has detected all the people in rooms 02 to 05, including those in the corridor.

People who want to test 01 and 06, as well as the people on the other half of the aisle, must step through the heavy bedding.

Wu Meng saw Captain Xie's dilemma and quickly said, "Everyone, move your bunks to the side. We have to go over and check."

"How do you move it?" Someone shouted angrily.

"Don't you see that there are people here? Are you moving? Move inside the wall?"

"Yes, maybe we should hang the ceiling."

Xie Ning had no expression on her face as she raised her feet and stepped over several connected blankets.

In the middle of the journey, the old woman holding the child grabbed Xie Ning's arm and called out, "Hey, little girl, you stepped on my floor. I don't ask for anything else, just give me a Just give me food as compensation. Biscuits, instant noodles, whatever."

The elderly woman kept talking while her eyes kept staring at Xie Ning's bulging backpack.

"Let go." Xie Ning stared at the other party with sharp eyes and said lightly.

The old woman was glanced at coldly by her, and she couldn't help but retract her hand, but she still kept mumbling unconvincingly, "It's fierce, why is it so fierce? You, don't you need to pay compensation if you step on someone else?"

Xie Ning didn't want to talk too much with this kind of person.

This kind of people were the ones who liked petty gains before the apocalypse, but now in the apocalypse they still live without thinking.

I am lucky to be alive to this day.

If Xie Ning wanted to clean up such things, she could pack hundreds of them with one punch.

But it's not necessary.

As soon as the other party let go of her hand, she stepped across the other floor without saying a word and walked straight towards the door of Room 06.

Although people in the aisle couldn't see her face, they felt that her exposed eyes were particularly scary and seemed to be difficult to offend.

Although they were all very envious of the bulging backpacks carried by the three siblings, except for the old woman who boldly yelled, no one dared to provoke them easily.

Xie Ning and her brother walked to the door of 06. The old woman followed up with her child in her arms, "Hey, little girl, didn't you hear me talking to you?"

"I said you stepped on my floor, okay? You don't have to pay compensation if you step on someone else? Who are these people?"

"You didn't even apologize, so why are you acting so arrogant and ignoring people?"

"You can do it, sister-in-law." The administrator who came out of another stairwell finally arrived and glared at the old woman.

"You don't even look at your own floor. The soles of other people's shoes are not clean. You still want to blackmail someone, and I'm ashamed of you."

When the old woman saw the area C administrator coming up, her voice was slightly lowered and she said, "Comrade manager, I'm not making trouble, I'm just..."

"Okay, okay, didn't I tell you yesterday? The higher ups will send someone over to check today. Just cooperate. Why are you talking so much!"

The old woman curled her lips, seeing that the blackmail was hopeless, and snorted heavily from her nostrils.

The administrator glared at her warningly, "Please report your numbers and register them with several comrades."

"Answer people's questions honestly, and don't talk unnecessary nonsense!" the administrator gave the order, and the people in the corridor and crowded at the door of each room all nodded in embarrassment.

Although this administrator is only a small leader in Area C, no one dares to offend him when it comes to directly managing several buildings here.

Offending them would not do them any good. Now they have to receive two meals a day from the administrators.

"I'm sorry, comrades, something happened in the building next door just now. I went over to deal with it, and I came a little late." The administrator greeted with a smile, knocked on 06's door, and then ran to the opposite door and knocked on 01.

"Everyone, come out."

Hearing the familiar call, all the doors of 0106 opened. Many people crowded at the door and said with a smile, "Manage it well."

"No need to come out, just stand there." Xie Ning said calmly.

There is a place to stand wherever you go!

The corridor was so crowded that it was almost smoking.

Fortunately, Captain Xie had worn a mask beforehand, otherwise he would have been stunned by the various smells.

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