The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 636 They are very good and don’t bite.

Without these people wasting time on this nonsense, Little Spider would have checked very quickly.

After just checking the group of people crowded at the door of Room 0106, Xie Ning paused slightly and looked at the people in Room 01, "No, there are still two people in the room who have not come out."

A bald man crowded at the door quickly shook his head, "There is no one. There is no one."

Xie Ning didn't talk nonsense to him. She turned to look at the administrator and said, "Tell them to get out of the way."

The manager looked confused and turned over the form in his hand, "I just heard them report their numbers. There are indeed 42 people living in Room 01, and there are nine households in total. The 42 numbers are all correct. Come on."

Xie Ning glanced at Song Shijun.

Song Shijun took a step forward and raised his hand.

A strong wind blew up, blowing everyone crowded at the door into the house.

Everyone was stunned when they saw this saucy operation, and they didn't dare to express their anger.

Especially the old woman holding a child who had previously planned to blackmail Captain Xie shrank her neck in fear and hurriedly retreated to the corner.

"Uh, thank you, captain." The manager said with a surprised look on his face, and quickly begged for mercy, "This building is full of ordinary people with no special powers. Thank you, captain, we really can't do this..."

"There are two people hiding inside." Xie Ning walked towards Room 01 with a calm expression. After thinking about it, she kindly reminded her, "There is a mutation happening."

"What do you mean?" The manager was shocked.

"That's what you think." Song Shijun reached out and patted the manager on the shoulder, "Be careful following behind."

Xie Ning walked directly towards the small room. The bald man who was blown to the door of the toilet room by the strong wind hurriedly stood up and tried to stop them.

Song Kexin pushed him away and said seriously, "What are you doing? Do you want to raise zombies in a residential building?"

"Zombies?" Some people in the room shouted with strange expressions, "Where did the zombies come from? We are all old residents of the Gyeonggi base. We have gone through security checks when entering and exiting. There are no zombies."

"Really?" Song Kexin slapped her little hand, "You can smell the stink of zombies through the mask. Have you lost your sense of smell?"


Everyone couldn't help but look at each other.

This building always stinks.

Because there were hundreds of people crowded on each floor, and no one took a shower.

It's okay in winter, the smell is covered under thick clothes.

The temperature started to warm up yesterday. Early this morning, many people took off their cotton-padded jackets and put on unlined clothes. The stench naturally wafted out.

Who can tell the difference between the stench of humans and the stench of zombies? Anyway, they both stink.

Xie Ning kicked open the door of the small room inside.

The two little zombies who were tied to the bed and gagged suddenly turned their heads and shook their heads at the group of them.

The two little zombies were only fourteen or fifteen years old, with ferocious expressions and strips of rotten flesh hanging on their faces, which shocked everyone in the room.

The woman hiding in the corner suddenly screamed, "Holy shit, Baldy Li, you are really raising zombies in a small room. What do you want to do? Do you want to raise zombies to bite people?"

"It's not that I didn't!" The bald man was sweating heavily. He blocked the door and looked at the crowd with his eyes pleading, "They don't bite. Even if they are very good, they won't bite."

"I beg you, please don't kill them. I only have this pair of nephews. My sister is dead and my brother-in-law is gone. I only have these two children." The bald man clasped his hands together and bowed, " Please don’t kill them.”

"I beg you, I will take care of the child."

"I will definitely take good care of the children. They are very well-behaved and will definitely not bite."

"Uncle, please wake up. Your nephews are dead and no longer human! It's useless for you to keep them. They are just walking zombies now, without thinking." Song Kexin glared at him with hatred.

The administrator broke out in a cold sweat. He really didn't expect that the investigation team sent from above would find two little zombies from the room in the area he managed!

If this matter reaches the ears of the superiors, his management will be ruined!

He must be dismissed!

The manager's face was livid with anger, "Guests, I'm sorry, I'll notify the patrol team to come and deal with it."

The manager gritted his teeth and lowered his head to contact the patrol team with his bracelet.

Unexpectedly, Baldy Li fell to his knees with a thud, kowtowed and begged for mercy, "Everyone, please don't arrest my child. Don't arrest my child. I beg you, don't arrest my child."

"Bald Li, where did you get these two little zombies?"

"That's not right. We have been trapped in the water for almost half a month. Where did they crawl in?" the woman screamed.

"Is it that time more than ten days ago? I remember you went out to take some supplies as an excuse. You smuggled the little zombie back that day, right?"

Now there is flood everywhere, and except for patrols rowing boats around to check the situation, there is no one guarding the door.

So that's when Li Baldy transported the little zombie to their building. Damn it!

"Stop it, you're talking too much nonsense!" a strong man next to the sofa roared and choked.

The woman turned her head, stared at the faces of the other people in the room, and cried out in surprise, "Oh, you guys, you all know that, right?"

"No wonder the door of the small room is always locked, and sometimes it makes a banging sound. But you keep telling me that there is no sound! Damn! Are you all crazy?"

"Raising zombies at home." The woman shouted in a high-pitched voice, "Management, arrest them, arrest them all. Except for our family who don't know, everyone else here is protecting Baldy Li!"

"Little sister, catch them, catch them!" the woman yelled at Xie Ning and the others, pointing at Baldy Li and shouting loudly.

This roar aroused the emotions of the two little zombies in the room, and they struggled and fluttered back and forth.

Just because there was cotton stuffed in his mouth, he could only let out some low growls and whimpers.

"Don't kill them, I beg you, don't kill them." Uncle Li crawled to Xie Ning's feet and begged, "I was wrong, I was wrong, I was wrong. I shouldn't have taken them Entering a residential building, I, I did something wrong, I hurt everyone, I made everyone fearful and frightened."

"I'm leaving, I'm leaving now!" Li Baldy shouted, causing all the chaotic sounds in the room to stop.

All the people in the corridor crowded at the door and watched, all of them looking shocked.

"Uncle, what are you talking about?" Song Kexin opened her mouth in shock, "There is water everywhere, where are you going?"

"Before my sister and brother-in-law died, I promised them that they would take good care of the children."

Li Baldy cried and kowtowed, "I didn't know that the child would become ill within two days after we brought him back!"

"I beg you, don't kill them, I'll take them away."

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