The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 637 Kindness and Principles

"Blame me, blame me for not taking good care of the children, blame me!" Uncle Li burst into tears and beat the ground, "Don't kill them. I swear, they have never bitten or hurt anyone else!"

"I, I can take them away, I will never drag you down!"

Song Shijun looked at his expressionless sister with a sad expression.

Although it has been almost two years since the end of the world, and I have become accustomed to such scenes of flesh and blood being separated, I don't know why, but seeing Uncle Li crying like a man in tears always makes me feel a little sad.

"Little girl, I can testify that they have never bitten anyone." An old woman walked out from the side and waved her hands repeatedly.

Her expression could clearly tell how anxious she was at the moment.

Are you really worried that the two little zombies will be killed by law enforcement officers like them?

Of course, in the eyes of the old lady, these "law enforcement officers" are really too cold-blooded and ruthless.

You see other people are crying like this, how can they still be so indifferent?

Xie Ning looked at everything in front of her coldly, without saying a word, but she felt very bad in her heart.

"Xiao Li, he is a good boy. He has always locked his two nephews in a small room and never let them out."

"I swear, I swear to God."

"They are bound and gagged every day. They have never harmed anyone." The old woman's eyes were red. "I just talk to them occasionally. Girl, can you let them go?"

Xie Ning looked at all this with a blank expression.

It's not that she is cold-blooded, but from her point of view, secretly bringing mutated zombies back to residential areas is actually a sign of irresponsibility for the entire Gyeonggi base.

If one is not controlled well, it will cause large-scale casualties, and the hidden dangers are too great.

And if the situation cannot be controlled, the entire Gyeonggi Province will follow. This is no joke.

If something really happened, who among the people present could save him?


"Do you think if you cry once or twice, others will do what you say?" Xie Ning looked at the bald man with a sneer.

"If you wanted to live with two zombies early in the morning, you wouldn't paddle back in the heavy rain."

The woman who had screamed before screamed again, "This little girl is right, Baldy Li, what are your intentions? You know that your two nephews have mutated into zombies, but you brought them back and locked them in the house!"

"What do you want to do?"

"I'm telling you, you are such an incredible person. You are hurting others without benefiting yourself! Baldy Li, get out of here and get out of this house. Don't hurt our whole family."

The old woman took another step forward and waved her hands repeatedly, pleading for mercy for the bald man, "Miss, please calm down. Well, you see, the truth is, Xiao Li can't let go of his two nephews."

"Since none of us caused any damage, how about forgetting it."

"You said forget it?" Xie Ning turned to look at the old lady with a cold look, "Do you still think that you are kind and great, or even think that you are not wrong at all? Huh?"

Xie Ning sneered, "If he doesn't get the zombies back to the base, I won't say any nonsense."

"He wants to wander around with zombies, no problem, he is free. But where is this place? It is a survivor base, one of the last pure lands of mankind. It is not your private property. The people living here are more miserable and poor than you. fellow human beings.”

"Not many good days have passed before I thought of ways to make heaven and earth."

"Once the zombie virus breaks out throughout the base, do you know what the consequences will be?"

"There are so many ordinary people living here, and everyone will be dragged to death by you!"

"You think your life is miserable enough, don't you? In fact, there are thousands of people who are worse off than you in places you can't see!"

"Although your place is overcrowded, at least you have roofs to cover your head, and two meals a day are provided by the base."

"I'm telling you, it's OK to seek your own death, but it's not OK if you implicate the entire base! This is a matter of principle, and there is no humane reason to speak of."

"Go and report it. Now!" Xie Ning turned to look at the manager who was wiping his hands in cold sweat. "You have neglected your duty."

"Yes, yes, yes." The manager almost cried, mentally scolding Baldy Li and the rest of the room.

What the hell are these guys?

Isn’t this simply to cause trouble for him, ah!

Management is going crazy.

He never expected that someone would be so bold as to secretly keep zombies in the house.

They are really not afraid of being bitten.

Who gets bitten? Could it be that it was all his fault of management negligence?

The manager had a sad face and was communicating with the headquarters with his bracelet. His whole face was sticky with sweat, and his hair was stuck to his scalp with sweat from the rush.

He kept thinking in his mind that it was over, it was over, and he reported the situation tremblingly.

The top brass of the base received the notice quickly and were all shocked.

The Assistant Director of the Operations Department hurriedly pushed open the Director's door and said in a deep voice, "Something serious has happened, Director."

Director Zhou was rarely leisurely at this time, and even after making a cup of tea, he didn't even have time to take a few hot sips.

Seeing the assistant's look, my heart immediately skipped a beat.

The assistant said "something big happened". Under normal circumstances, if it was just a trivial matter, he would never look so serious.

"What happened?" His expression immediately became serious.

"In a residential building in Area C, someone was found to be raising little zombies privately."

"What." Director Zhou thought he heard wrong for a moment.

Raising little zombies?

In a residential building?

What an international joke this is.

I have heard of raising cats, dogs and rabbits, but I have never heard of raising zombies since ancient times. Why raise zombies? Can I eat or drink?

"Quick, quick, call the master." The director quickly stood up and walked out, not even taking a sip of tea.

He said with a solemn expression, "Does Executive Zhao know about this? Send someone over quickly to report."


Director Zhou of the Operation Department rushed to the scene with a group of patrolmen.

At first glance, Dang even was stunned by the two little zombies tied with sheets in the room.

At this time, the direct leader of the management had also arrived at the scene and was furious at him, cursing him for eating.

"How long has this been going on??"

"How long!!" Director Zhou shouted angrily with sweat all over his head.

The manager was sweating coldly and couldn't help but look at the group of people in Bald Li's room.

Except for the loudly yelling woman and her family, everyone else was silent.

"It's been more than ten days! It should have been at least ten days!" the woman cursed angrily, "They all hid it from us. The leader, our family of three, had no idea at all!"

"If we had known about it earlier, we would have reported it to the management immediately! This matter had nothing to do with us, it was all their fault, hiding it from everyone!"

When the woman said this, there was a hint of resentment in her eyes.

She slid her fingers over everyone present, wishing to poke everyone in the face, "I'm all dizzy from eating it. You helped Bald Li raise zombies in the house without telling the three of us. You guys are so good, so good!"

"I'm telling you, this is definitely not over."

"Leader, I demand compensation for mental damages!" The woman rolled her eyes and protested hurriedly, "I don't know if our family of three will suffer from the smell of zombies. I demand compensation for Bald Li, and him, and them. Everyone, please apologize to our family of three and give us at least five kilograms of rice as compensation."

"If you don't have rice, you can use something else instead."

The woman took advantage of the situation and shouted at the top of her lungs. Originally, there were only two people in charge of her, but now she was heard yelling away with a high-pitched voice.

This one is even bigger than one!

"Okay, okay, shut up first." The leader directly under management waved his hand at the woman angrily, "We'll talk about this after you've settled your matter here. You go ahead and sit aside, don't make any noise."

"Leader, how can I be making a quarrel! I demand compensation for mental and physical losses. There is nothing wrong with that."

"Think about it. Our family of three has been kept in the dark for so many days. Who knows whether we might suffer internal injuries from the smell of that little zombie's corpse."

"Internal injury, I still have internal strength!" The leader yelled at her angrily, "Go, go, you don't pick the right time, don't you see Director Zhou is handling things? Why are you yelling so loudly?"

"Are we listening to you yelling, or are we listening to Director Zhou? Shut up!"

As soon as the leader raised his voice, the woman's arrogance immediately dropped, but she still couldn't help but murmur to herself.

"I'm not trying to do anything wrong. Aren't we worried about our own family?"

Over there, Director Zhou, accompanied by several patrolmen, first went to the small room to take a look. The patrolmen used a military fork to cross their necks and kept whining and howling little zombies.

Seeing this, he was so angry that his head was filled with smoke and he kept stamping and jumping.

"Confused!" Director Zhou pointed at the people in the room with their heads hanging down and shouted loudly, "Do you know that zombies are covered with viruses? Look at what they look like now, huh? Are they still humans? No! Zombies can follow humans. Do you live in the same house?"

"Can compassion save yourselves?"

"You and zombies have lived under the same roof for so long, and you all need to be quarantined and examined!" Director Zhou said hysterically, holding back his anger.

If it weren't for his good upbringing that allowed him to barely control himself, he would have wanted to imitate a gangster and curse out loud!

What kind of idiots are there in this fucking base?

While they are working hard to ensure the safety of the base, there are some people who will try to hinder you if they don't do their job!

There are so many stupid people in the world, and they are all in one room today!

"Ah?" One of the female comrades holding the child shouted with a pale face, "Leader, leader, we, we don't get close to that small room, and we don't usually go in. And we haven't been scratched by zombies at all. ah!"

"So what, ah?" Director Zhou glared at them angrily, "Do you think zombies are still the low-level zombies they were a year ago?"

"Do you have any idea of ​​what zombies are mutating now and how the virus spreads?"

"Although the little zombies have been locked in a small room and have never come out, are you sure whether the skin surface and respiratory tract of the person they often come into contact with has been infected by the virus?"

Director Zhou pointed at Li Baldy with a bitter look on his face and restrained his roar.

"And you, you! You all live under the same roof. Can you guarantee whether virus molecules are spreading in the air when you go in and out?" Director Zhou became more and more angry as he spoke.

The group of people who came in all wore masks, and the director and others even put on gas masks without risking their lives...

This situation made everyone in the corridor feel that things might be really serious.

Although they don't live in that house, they are stupid and breathe the same air in the same building. I wonder if they will also be quarantined and inspected.

Thinking of this, the people in the corridor outside also stared at the group of good people in the door with evil eyes.

Some people couldn't help but cursed, "It's your business to be kind, why bother all of us."

"Yeah, what do you think we should do now? Will we be quarantined together?"

"The evil spirit is killing us."

"Living in the same building with you is a bad luck for eight lifetimes."

"Leader, leader, no, it's not that serious." The woman holding the child spoke tremblingly, her whole face looking very pale.

Director Zhou glanced at her sideways, "What do you think? Ordinary people may be infected with the zombie virus in a fraction of a second if they come into contact with it! Are you sure that you are not infected at all? Are you people with powers?"

"Do you have the virus antibodies that come with superpowers?"

"You have nothing and don't understand anything, so you just rashly accepted two zombies to live in the house! You, you guys are really, I don't even know what to say about you." Director Zhou sighed and shook his head, with a trace of pity in his eyes. .

"It's a good thing to have a kind heart, but some issues of principle must not be violated. You have violated the base's principles this time, do you understand?"

The director looked so serious, he definitely didn't look like he was joking with them.

Everyone in the room panicked at this moment, and everyone said in a panic, "Well, that can't happen, right? Now, the virus doesn't even need to be scratched or touched, and it can be spread??"

The woman holding the child was so frightened that she squatted down on the sofa, clutching her chest, and began to have difficulty breathing.

"What do you think??" Director Zhou looked at this group of ignorant useless people and was furious, hating that iron could never become steel. "There are already seventh-level superpowers among superpowers around the world. Do you think the zombie virus will not progress?"

"According to our research, zombie viruses mutate for seven to eight generations."

"Do you understand synchronized changes? Synchronous!"

In other words, the current zombie virus will be more deadly to ordinary people.

These ignorant and reckless village women! The entire base was harmed by them!

"If Captain Xie hadn't discovered what happened today, there's no guarantee that the entire Gyeonggi base would have become a dead city in a month!"

"You want to die and drag down the whole base! You, you are so hateful!" Director Zhou was anxious and angry. He turned around and ordered loudly, "Go, go and mobilize all the people here, this whole building , the whole building must be sealed!”

The patrolmen started to move.

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