The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 638 The sin is unforgivable

"Get out of the way, get out of the way." The patrolmen waved their hands coldly to the crowd watching the excitement outside the door.

"What are you doing? What are you doing?" Li Baldy shook his body with fear on his face.

He had a very bad feeling!

If I had known better, I wouldn't have sneaked back with my nephews. In this situation, I can't believe that even my sister's last bit of blood can't be saved.

"Brother, can you let our uncle and nephew live? I beg you, I will kowtow to you."

"Be honest!" The patrolman stretched out his hand to hold him down, prohibiting him from making any restless movements.

The patrolman was also very angry.

After finishing a good day's work, I was just in time to change my shift with my colleagues. When I was going back to rest, I was pulled over by Director Zhou.

If these people weren't mentally ill, would they have this extra job?

The old woman who was originally complaining about Xie Ning, a young and unkind girl, suddenly collapsed next to the woman after hearing Director Zhou's scolding words, her eyes wide open in confusion, with a look of panic on her face.

Could it be that they were really kind and did something wrong?

No way……

Good intentions are never wrong. How can someone be wrong if they have good intentions?

The old lady got up unwillingly, "Sir, we, we were kept in the dark. We didn't know there were such big hidden dangers. Do you think we can... take a lighter sentence?"

The old lady's voice became lower and lower. Forced by Director Zhou's sharp gaze, she could hardly speak.

"We really don't know." Someone in the living room immediately started crying, as if they were wronged.

But they do cause unnecessary trouble to everyone here.

The patrol officers had expressionless faces and wore uniform protective clothing and protective glasses. They went in, picked up the two little zombies and dragged them out of the door.

Although the zombie was gagged, it was very strong. As it continued to struggle, its body couldn't help but hit the door frame and the wall, making muffled sounds.

The patrolman looked disgusted and wanted to kill these two zombies as soon as possible.

Because there are too many people in the building, once a zombie is killed, the zombie blood containing the virus may drip down the stairs.

This would make cleaning up difficult, so they tolerated it for a time.

The two little zombies, whose bodies and necks were strangled by the fork pole, were turning their gray-white eyes, staring at the big fat mass in front of them with salivation.

Yes, it was fat meat. The big meal was placed in front of the little zombies, but they couldn't eat it, so they seemed extremely restless.

Everyone outside saw a zombie being forked out with their own eyes, and they immediately backed away in fear.

"Oh my god, they are really zombies."

"I rely on living zombies, look at you, those gray eyes are staring at us."

"Stop it, stop it!"

"You are so bold. You dare to look into the zombie's eyes. I was scared to death."

"Get them out quickly, they are really scary."

The corridor was very crowded, and everyone wanted to shrink into the corners, causing everyone to almost bump into each other.

Li Baldy was pressed on the shoulder by the patrolman, his face full of pain and he couldn't help but howl, "Don't hurt my child, don't hurt me! Let's go, can't we go!"

"Let me go, let me go, I'll take them away, I'll take them away!"

Director Zhou stared at this inexperienced man with an ugly face. His direct management leader yelled at him, "What do you call it? Do you think your problem can be solved so easily?"

"You secretly put zombies into the base and brought them into residential buildings. This matter must be dealt with seriously!"

"Your behavior harms others and yourself! I won't let you go so easily and let you leave the base."

The little zombie was forked downstairs, naturally causing panic screams along the way.

"Is there anyone with fire powers?" the patrolman asked again, stepping upstairs.

"We plan to get rid of these two zombies at the entrance of the building. Please ask the fire power user to help burn them."

After hearing this, Song Kexin hurriedly ran downstairs.

Li Baldy was also dragged outside with his hands tied by the patrol officers.

He howled and refused to cooperate, raising his head and looking out the door, "What do you want? What do you want to do to my nephew! They are still so young, do you have any sympathy at all?"

"Can you do it??" When he heard the patrolman saying that he wanted to deal with his two nephews on the spot, he was frightened to death.

"Can you please let them go? Don't kill them!"

"Nonsense, those are zombies. There's nothing they can't do to zombies." The patrolman replied angrily, "Okay, okay, stop talking nonsense and cooperate with us to go out together."

"Let me go. I beg everyone, leaders, leaders. Let me take my nephews away. I will take them away now. You believe me, my nephews really don't bite. They have never bitten anyone."

"This is not a question of whether it bites or not! It's been a long time since the end of the world. I don't know what the nature of zombies is. I don't know how fast the zombie virus spreads!!"

Director Zhou was so angry that his chest hurt after what the fool said, "You are stubborn!"

He waved his hand and finally came out of sight!

It needs to be dealt with, whatever should be done, anyway, this matter will definitely not go well.

In the corridor, everyone looked around and pointed with ugly faces.

After the zombies were forked away, the group of people became more courageous, and slowly gathered around the door again, shouting and cursing at the people inside.

Although the water is now filling the air and they cannot get out of the building, what is it now?

It sounds like the building is closed!

Being unable to leave and not being allowed to leave are two different concepts. This makes people angry.

In addition, what they heard from Director Zhou made them hate the people in Room 01.

Inexplicably, it turned into a zombie building and had to be sealed and quarantined for inspection.

It's a good thing that he wasn't infected, but if he was really infected with the damn zombie virus, he would be really unlucky for eighteen lifetimes!

The crowd in the corridor continued to curse and accuse, pointing at the person in the room who was like a widower, and cursed loudly, "You have a good life, but you are pushing yourself into a dead end, right?"

"It's so funny. If you want to die, you will hurt others! Are you still human?"

"You don't have a lot of brains! Can compassion be eaten? If you just sympathize with others, can the mutated zombies be reincarnated as humans??"

"I was really killed by you."

"Management, we are all implicated by them."

"Yes, can you arrange for us to live in another place?"

"What does the base say now? We are all innocent and implicated."

"We demand separation from these idiots!"

"Yes, yes, they are in the same room with zombies. Who knows if they have been infected with some unknown virus? We don't want to continue to be quarantined in the same building with them!"

The manager frequently wiped the cold sweat on his forehead with a handkerchief, feeling that he had reached the end of his management role today.

People in the building were secretly raising zombies, but this matter was reported to the operations department, and there was no way they could do anything about it.

"Please everyone obey the arrangements in this matter."

What a joke, the entire base, due to the flood, has all the accommodations that can be arranged.

At this time, let them find another building for them to live in.

It’s great to be able to stay in a residential building that is sheltered from the wind and rain. What a choice!

"Everyone, please be quiet! Be quiet." The leader directly under the management raised his hand and said with a heavy face, "Because of what happened to you in Room 01, now according to the base management regulations, the building needs to be sealed for everyone."

"At that time, professional doctors will come to your door to check everyone."

The people on the entire floor had panic and fear on their faces, "Management, are we going to be okay?"

"Yes, you won't be without food in the next few days, right?"

"Yes, without food or water it will kill someone."

"The evil spirit was really killed by this bunch of stupid donkeys. What on earth were you thinking, and you were covering up for the people who raised zombies? Do you want to kill your whole family?"

"Don't worry, everyone." The manager, who had a splitting headache, comforted everyone. He stared at the idiot in Room 01, wishing he could eat them alive.

At the same time, all the people in Room 01 will be taken away and will be individually examined and interrogated one after another.

At this time, the strong man and others, who were relatively calm at first, were all a little panicked.

The patrol officers came forward to tie them up, and they struggled violently, "What are you doing?"

"We were just helping people, what's wrong? We didn't mean it!"

"What's not intentional?" The woman who screamed earlier was so angry that she wanted to vomit blood, "A bunch of bastards, why do you put us all in danger? Just because of your fake kindness? Now you have harmed three of our family! "

"It's the end of the world, and you still pretend to be a peerless holy father, bah!"

"If you had the ability and ability, you could end this apocalypse!"

"I'm so incompetent that I drag other people down. It's really disgusting."

"Yes." The people in the corridor outside were also very angry at this time, and they wanted to rush in and beat people.

"Damn it, why don't you raise zombies? Why don't you raise flowers and plants? It's more pleasing to the eye."

"Bah, except for people with wood powers, who can grow flowers and plants these days?"

The patrols could only separate the two groups and pulled out the forty people who were still struggling in the house, including the old woman who was lying on the ground crying and howling in pain.

Director Zhou said with a livid face, "Bring these people back and interrogate them one by one. If it is found that they are harboring zombies, they will all be blacklisted and expelled from the base."

The base has base laws and regulations. After all, they are now responsible for so many survivors, and some things cannot be done arbitrarily.

Most of the people in Room 01 were dumbfounded. The old woman was so frightened that she collapsed on the ground and cried, "We are not sheltering zombies. We are just helping this kid Xiao Li. We don't know what will happen." So serious..."

"Yes, that's right. Ignorance is not a crime. How can you drive us out of the base just because we disagree?"

The woman holding the child also cried and shouted, "I just see those two children, who are similar in age to my own child, and I can't bear it. How can this be harboring zombies?"

"You can't just put this kind of accusation on us casually."

"We don't admit it! Absolutely we don't admit it! Don't even think about playing that trick of surrendering..."

Several people cried and shouted, "How can we survive when we are driven out of the base? We are just ordinary people. Do you know that you are killing people? Killing people! It's useless for you to be important government officials, how can you do such a heartless thing." "

Before he finished speaking, several howling mouths were blocked and dragged directly downstairs.

"If it is determined after the review that these people are indeed harboring zombies, it will be an unforgivable crime!" Director Zhou said bitterly, "I hope everyone here understands one thing. The base is not your personal base. , belongs to all of us.”

"Everyone must be responsible for their own actions! Don't cry and refuse to admit your mistakes when things happen! This is a matter of principle and there is no room for any mistakes."

Everyone on the floor looked at them in silence, and no one dared to say a word.

For a moment, even the curses were muted.

Xie Ning said no more, turned around and walked upstairs with Wu Meng and others.

This building must be tested as soon as possible. If there are no abnormalities, the building will need to be closed for about a week to allow the medical team to conduct professional virus testing.

These things have nothing to do with Captain Xie, she just needs to detect the alien species.

The top priority is the matter of alien species.

As far as Captain Xie is concerned, the issue of raising zombies that he encountered today was just an episode during the inspection.

Song Shijun and Song Kexin followed their sister and looked at each other.

Walking down the stairs on the ground floor, classmate Song Shijun secretly glanced at his sister's expression, and then Qiqi Aiai said, "Sister, did we do it wrong again?"

"There's nothing wrong with that." Xie Ning said calmly, "It's a good thing to have sympathy. It shows that everyone still maintains their original humanity even after the end of the world."

"But the general direction and principles cannot go wrong. Before you sympathize with others, you must first use your own brain to think about whether this matter is a good thing for most people."

"Shijun, ordinary people like my uncle and aunt have no resistance to the zombie virus. Do you think what will happen if the virus spreads throughout the base?"

There is no need for everyone to board the Ark to take refuge, because a large number of ordinary people will die by then.

Maybe the only ones left who will die in a few minutes are those with superpowers.

The probability of people with supernatural powers in the world can only be said to be less than one in ten thousand.

Song Shijun's handsome face was suddenly as white as a piece of paper, and even thinking about it, he felt that he was too stupid.

They are still too inexperienced. To put it bluntly, they still don’t have enough experience in the apocalypse.

Many times, kindness is actually a double-edged sword, which may lead them into an abyss.

"Do you want to put my uncle, aunt, and aunt in danger?"

"No, we don't want to." Song Kexin and Song Shijun shook their heads in unison.

"Then before doing anything, use more brains, be cautious, and follow through."

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