The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 645 The lackey appears

Beat someone up?

Executive Zhao was stunned for a moment by what Gu Chen said, and he quickly chased out the door. He raised his hand and waved, "Xiao Gu, don't be impulsive. We still have to talk to Captain Xie carefully."

Comrade Xiao Gu ignored him at all and gave him a stubborn look on the back of his head...

Team Leader Yan really wanted to take off the wig and wipe the sweat stains on his bald head.

But as soon as Executive Zhao turned around, Team Leader Yan did not dare to make a mistake.

Executive Zhao stared at him, "What are you still doing here? Hurry and bring some people over to take a look. Where is your Director Zhou?"

"Let Director Zhou go there together."

Team leader Yan smiled bitterly, "The director said that he manages the investigation section of the operations department, and things like fights are not within his scope of responsibility."

This old guy was so quick to get out of trouble, it was ridiculous.

Standing Zhao angrily waved his hand, "Go find Deputy Director Liu and take him with you!"

"Come back, come back, and bring more people over. Ah, keep an eye on them. Everything else is easy to say, but don't blow up the Survivor Center! There are still many people living in it!"

Xie Ning raised her head and stared at the survivor center building in front of her.

The sun was shining brightly today, and the meandering light fell on the large brown glass in the Survivor Center, making it look a bit radiant.

The two junior officers cast a fearful look at her and said weakly, "Thank you, Captain."

"Which floor is it?"

"Ten, fifteenth floor." The young clerk didn't dare to say anything nonsense.

Although Captain Xie had already told Captain Xie about the floor where Minister Zhang lived, when the other party asked, he could only answer obediently again.

On the fifteenth floor, Xie Ning raised her eyes and smiled lightly, "Let's go."

A group of three people went up from the third floor. As soon as they arrived at the lobby on the fourth floor, they saw two staff members coming forward with smiles. "During the flood, the service hours of the survivor center are every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Three o'clock."

Xie Ning looked at the bracelet.

What a coincidence, it's just before nine o'clock on Tuesday morning.

But she wasn't here to do anything. Xie Ning looked at the other party with a smile in her eyes and pointed in the direction of the stairs, "Looking for someone."

The staff's eyes flashed, and one of them stepped forward to block her path, "Who are you looking for? The sixth floor and above are currently private residential areas. Which floor do you want to go to?"

"Now only the fourth and fifth floors are the Survivor Center offices. This lady, we can..."

Xie Ning grabbed the opponent's arm that was blocking her and twisted it around easily.

The man's hands were pinned behind his back, and his expression suddenly twisted.

"I'll send you two here on the 15th floor to stop them. Can you stop them?" She smiled, but her eyes were covered with cold ice.

"It's not the fifteenth floor, ah, ah, ah." The man shouted in pain, "Stop it."

Oh my god, what kind of devilish woman is this? Is she so ruthless?

Upon seeing this, the other person hurriedly turned around to run, but he hit the wall of air in front of him, making him dizzy and almost fell to the ground.

Xie Ning curled her lips slightly, took the man's almost useless hand, and walked forward slowly.

"You can stop me by sending some minions? Who are you looking down on?"

As soon as she finished speaking, three or five people rushed out from the corner.

Each of them held a firearm in his hand and fired several shots at her.

"That's great, you will shoot one of your own!" Xie Ning smiled and nodded, waving her hand and a space barrier was erected in front of the two pale-faced officers.

Then he stretched out his hand and flicked the bullets around him at high speed, all of them stopped in the air.

Then, at a speed visible to the naked eye, he turned around, turned back, and rushed towards the shooters with a "whoosh, whoosh, whoosh" sound.

After several "chichi" sounds, the people who fired the shots rolled to the ground one after another, all of them holding their hands and feet and fluttering in pain.

The two clerks stood behind the space wall, looking at everything in front of them with their mouths wide open, both breaking out in a cold sweat.

This minister is too cruel and ruthless.

Judging from the attitude of those people who just rushed out and fired, they didn't even think about letting them go.

I want them to die together with Captain Xie!

Too arrogant and hateful!

The young clerk's face turned red and he clenched his fists angrily.

Xie Ning kicked away a killer who was wailing in front of her and walked quickly upstairs.

The killer was rolling on the ground, and as soon as his hand touched the gun that fell on the ground, the gun exploded in his hand, blowing off half of his palm on the spot.

Xie Ning stood at the corner of the stairs and looked back, giving the people on the ground a cold look.

Dozens of golden needles suddenly appeared from behind, and they came down instantly, piercing the hands and wrists of those lying on the ground.

"Wait." The girl said quietly, with a hint of sarcasm in her voice, "When Secretary-General Chen and Executive Director Zhao arrive, I will ask them personally whether the base management personnel's guns are specifically aimed at survivors. By."

The clerk took out a sweaty handkerchief and wiped the cold sweat from his head. He shook his hands and quickly contacted Executive Zhao and his team who were still unaware.

Something happened, something big happened!

The elevator has stopped since it entered the water.

Xie Ninglan climbed up the stairs step by step, opened her gold wings, and flew directly to the fifteenth floor platform.

As soon as she stopped in the lobby on the 15th floor, dozens of people armed with machetes and axes poured out from the glass door, all of them howling and rushing towards her.

The ax and machete fell on her head without hesitation.

Xie Ning kicked the person in front of him in the stomach, knocking him out and knocking down a group of people behind him.

Many people rolled into a pile on the spot, but the rest persisted, still wielding machetes to attack her head.

Xie Ning laughed angrily.

He grabbed a strong man's small fist wrapped in a special metal object, hit the man's face hard several times, and kicked it away.

"If you have the guts, send everyone in the base to protect you, otherwise you will die today. What I said, I will leave it here."

Xie Ning punched three times and five times, hitting everyone in front of her hard, "Those who are not afraid of death, come together."

The hands of the two strong men holding the iron rod were twisted and turned outward by her, showing an abnormal twisting posture, howling and crashing into the glass door.

There was a crisp sound, and the glass shattered all over the hall.

Xie Ning had no expression on her face as she stepped on the broken glass and walked inside.

Leng Buding rushed out from the office doors on both sides, and a dozen more people rushed out. They all held guns with spray heads, and they sprayed at her.

In the blink of an eye, Xie Ning's body was covered with a thin layer of gold armor.

A set of golden coats wrapped her heavily, revealing only a pair of extremely deep eyes.

The speed of this full-body armor is simply breathtaking, and it really frightened those who jumped out to shoot the spray.

Xie Ning stretched out a small golden fist from her sleeve, raised her fingers and twisted some sticky medicine left on the surface of the metal object.

There was a smile in his eyes, and his watery eyes blinked slightly, "Is it an inhibitor?"

"No wonder you are so confident." Xie Ning nodded lightly, "It turns out there was a way to deal with me early on."

Unfortunately, this method was of no use to her.

The group of people holding inhibitor nozzles looked at her with horror on their faces.

For a moment I didn't know what to do.

Minister Zhang had made so many preparations in advance, but he was still no match for this woman.

So are superpowers really invincible?

Some people's eyes flashed with a trace of unwillingness, and they felt very unhappy.

Previously, the conditions had been negotiated with the other party!

As long as they work together to get the woman in front of them, money, reputation and status will all be at their fingertips.

But now, in fact, they can't figure it out, and everything in front of them has disappeared.

It's all this damn superpower's fault. Why doesn't he just surrender?

A man curled up on the ground suddenly became angry while holding his last breath.

But before his claws even touched Xie Ning's metal coat, he was kicked away by Captain Xie.

Half of his body hit the opposite wall hard, making a muffled sound.

"I kill you!"

Before the man next to him could get up, Captain Xie stepped down again.

It was so outrageous that there was no possibility of moving at all. Some people even looked up at Xie Ning and were hit by Xie Ning's flying golden palm prints into the opposite wall.

There is no comparison at all...

Everyone present understood this truth and obviously did not dare to rush forward.

Xie Ning glanced at them and walked inside.

He kicked open a few office doors nearby, and couldn't help but raise his eyebrows when he saw that it was empty inside.

She casually grabbed a man with sinister eyebrows and messy hair, dragged him in front of her and smashed him to the ground.

"Where is the person?" Captain Xie smiled very gently.

But everyone could see the turbulent waves hidden under this gentle look in her eyes.

It's quite uncomfortable. No one wants to feel this feeling of being beaten and suppressed.

Seeing that the man was mumbling and not saying anything, Xie Ning slapped him to the ground.

Everyone present only heard a loud "dong" sound, and the man with the evil eyebrows and rat eyes immediately howled.

"Stop howling." Xie Ning took out a golden thread from between her fingers and put it on the other person's neck, "Where is he?"

"Top, top floor, Minister Zhang and the others are on the top floor. The suite on the top floor has been renovated internally and has bulletproof facilities!"

Xie Ning put away the gold wire in her hand and kicked the sharp-mouthed monkey-cheeked man, "Then what?"

The man was a little confused.

And then what? Didn't he explain everything?

"Where did these inhibitors in your hands come from?"

The man swallowed his saliva, as if he didn't expect Captain Xie to be able to tell at a glance what kind of medicine the special firearms they were carrying were equipped with.

Xie Ning was impatient of others hesitating and kicked him on the back, "Is it so difficult to say after thinking about it for so long?"

"Yes, Minister Zhang gave it to us."

"It's said to be a very special potion."

"Yes, yes, it's none of our business, boss."

"We are also forced to have no choice!"

"Yes, it was Minister Zhang who forced us to do this!"

"What nonsense? I'm asking you where this inhibitor came from. You have been with Zhang for so long, and you must know who he usually associates with. Could it be that Old Man Zhang produced this inhibitor himself?"

It is definitely impossible to produce it yourself...

A group of people were lying on the ground. You looked at me and I looked at you, and they were all a little at a loss.

Suddenly, a man who fell into the glass shards raised his hands tremblingly and said, "I, I know. Minister Zhang has an extraordinary relationship with... and that Mr. Li Zongyuan."

As expected, he is a bitch in the X world!

Xie Ning secretly gritted her teeth, looked sharply, and walked up to the man, "Has Li Zongyuan seen anyone named Zhang recently? When was the last time they met."

"Ying, it should be more than a month ago? It's Captain Xie, before you set off for Gushang Base. I, I met him once. At that time, several of Minister Zhang's personal bodyguards met Mr. Li! Captain Xie didn't believe it You can ask other people.”

When the others saw Xie Ning's eyes sweeping over her, they nodded in agreement, not daring to confront her.

Aren't you afraid of being beaten to death?

Could it be that the Zhang family in Gyeonggi Province is related to parasitic alien species?

Xie Ning turned her head in thought, just in time to see Gu Chen with a cold handsome face running in from the corridor with a group of people from Group A.

"Ning Ning."

Gu Chen breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't hear any movement when he was downstairs, and felt a little panicked for no reason.

When he came up and saw that his little girlfriend was unharmed, Gu Chen looked relaxed.

"I'm fine." Xie Ning nodded to him and pointed to the group on the ground unceremoniously, "Leave these people to you, I'll go to the top floor to take a look."

"They said that one or something is on the top floor."

Today I have to meet with Zhang Hui no matter what.

This is no longer just about finding Cen Yun and her daughter, but also involves a series of issues such as Li Zongyuan in the X world.

As soon as they said goodbye, Li Zongyuan and the others disappeared completely.

I don’t know if he secretly lurked back to Gyeonggi.

Like the current situation where the city is blocked by floods, it is actually quite simple for Li Zongyuan and the others to sneak back quietly.

Just avoid the few patrols traveling through the water.

And they probably have high-tech products like jammers and space folding machines in their hands. Who knows if they can sneak in and hide them somewhere.

Gu Chen nodded, said "I'll go up with you", and asked the remaining teammates to step forward to deal with the half-crippled people on the ground.

Xie Ning turned to look at him, "Is there any relationship between the Zhang family in Gyeonggi and Zhang Deban, the temporary base director of Lanshan Tahu?"

Gu Chen was stunned for a moment, then nodded heavily, "Yes. Why do you think of asking this?"

Xie Ning's eyes were cold and she glanced towards the top floor, "I'll pull you up together."

She paused, "I'm here to kill someone, are you sure you want to come with me?"

Gu Chen nodded without hesitation, "The person Ning Ning killed must be a bad guy without a doubt. Let's work together."

But Gu Chen still didn't understand, "What did they say? Minister Zhang sent someone to control Cen Yun of your team? Why?"

"Well, you're coming for me." Xie Ning held Gu Chen's wrist with one hand, pulled him to spread out two golden wings, and flew straight to the top floor.

The members of Group A who helped tie up the semi-crippled man looked at each other in disbelief.

Someone finally couldn't help but said weakly, "Minister Zhang, what's going on? Why can't you think about it so hard?"

Yes, why can’t you think about it so hard?

This is also what Secretary-General Chen, Executive Director Zhao and others who hurried to the survivor center building wanted to know.

Xie Ning pulled Gu Chen, flew to the top floor and landed, raising her eyebrows and staring at the heavy metal door in front of her.

"Xiao Gu, guess if I can open this door."

Gu Chen felt helpless and extremely funny.

Zhang Degong was such a shy turtle that he hid in the renovated room on the attic after finishing his work.

This kind of thick metal door can only block ordinary people...

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