The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 646 Dark under the lamp

"I guess you could blow this thick metal door apart with one punch."

"That's not necessary, it's such a waste." Xie Ning nodded thoughtfully, "Tear down this door and take it away. Then cover it with your thunder and lightning, take it out and hit the zombies, hit them accurately."

Comrade Xiao Gu's eyes lit up, "This is not bad, you can even smash a piece."

In this way, the little girlfriend doesn’t have to work hard on her own, which is quite a good idea.

Xie Ning did as she was told, and completely dismantled the thick metal door in front of her without using any high-tech means such as brushing her face or irises.

She just put her hand on the door, and the metal object obeyed her command and was completely removed.

Comrade Gu looked at her with bright eyes and praised her, "Girlfriend, your skills are really good!"

The little gold element in their team can't do this. My girlfriend's gold element control is really amazing.

As long as she takes Ning Ning with her to enter and leave the building, no matter how powerful the security door is, it will be useless in front of her...

Xie Ning put the heavy metal door into the independent space, turned around and smiled at Comrade Xiao Gu.

"The materials are quite good. We may still be able to use them when we go on missions in the future."

Gu Chen nodded frequently and walked in front of Xie Ning.

The two of them walked into the house one after another and saw the white-haired old man sitting on the circular sofa. He was staring at them with a complicated look in his eyes.

"Minister Zhang is here." Gu Chen smiled lightly.

"Xiao Gu, what do you mean by this?" Zhang Degong sat upright and tried his best to look very calm.

Of course, just now, it was impossible not to be shocked when I saw Gu Chen breaking down the door with her girlfriend.

Although he expected the other party to come to the door in a grand manner, Zhenbang's arrangement was still very bad.

From the time Xie Ning stepped into this building until now, she has spent less than twenty minutes knocking on the door.

twenty minutes!

This is really depressing.

In other words, the people Zhenbang arranged downstairs were just a bunch of low-energy waste.

There are so many people who can’t even deal with anyone else!

Zhang Degong looked at Gu Chen with a smile on his face, and slowly turned his finger on the teacup in a circle, "Xiao Gu, if you have something to say, you can talk to me. It seems impolite for you to bring your woman and knock on the door like this... "

Before he could finish his words, a metal thorn pierced him directly.

Zhang Degong's face changed slightly, and he kicked the button under the sofa every minute, and a glass cover instantly enveloped him.

The metal thorn pierced the glass cover, but did not penetrate the cover immediately.

Xie Ning was surprised. She looked up at the glass cover with a smile on her face and said, "This safe house is indeed quite good."

It feels like it can resist zombies below level five.

If a safe house could be built for Team Spark, Captain Xie wouldn't have to take all the team members together every time.

Even though she was very cautious, she still ignored Cen Yun and her daughter this time.

Of course, this was also because Yu Xiaofei was not fully recovered when they left, so he left the two of them at the base and helped them look after a house.

Who would have thought that changes would come so quickly, and there would be natural disasters and man-made disasters all at once. These were indeed unexpected.

Zhang Degong, who was sitting in the glass dish, stared at the other party with a cold face. He didn't look too panicked, but looked calm.

Perhaps only the tightly clenched fingers could highlight how bad he was feeling at the moment.

The safe house built by the base for ordinary high-rise buildings was suddenly activated.

In addition to the raised protective shield, small holes protruded from the walls of the safe house, allowing for a sudden attack.

Xie Ningzheng was watching with interest, and Comrade Xiao Gu next to him made the first move.

Zhang Degong didn't see Gu Chen's moving figure clearly at all.

In one second, no, it should be 0.01 seconds, Gu Chen rushed in front of him, kicked the coffee table in front of him, raised his hand and released a ball of thunder, which hit the starting device under the floor with a bang.

Zhang Degong's face trembled like a cramp.

When he looked up, he almost fainted.

The small holes that originally appeared on the wall shrank back one by one, and the safe house's activation device was destroyed by Gu Chen.

What's even more amazing is what's behind, the captain of the Spark Team is currently demolishing walls and furniture with great interest.

Even though the well-informed Minister Zhang saw Xie Ning's heinous actions, he couldn't help but grit his teeth and veins appeared on his arms.

Captain Xie happily demolished two walls and knocked on the other side.

Since they are all renovated walls, after this thick metal wall is removed, the original cement wall will be exposed.

Captain Xie dismantled all the small structures on the wall and took them away. While dismantling them, he called Xiao Gu to come over and help carry them...

Minister Zhang, who was covered by a safety shield, felt his eyes hurt from the pain.

I have never seen such a shameless person!

Comrade Gu was very cooperative. He would knock wherever his girlfriend said she wanted to demolish.

Worried that the superpower he released would damage the wall, he took the small hammer handed to him by his girlfriend and banged it "dong dong dong".

When Secretary-General Chen, Executive Zhao, and Director Zhou rushed into the top floor of the survivor center, their eyes almost fell out of their sockets.

The entire safe house, including windows, doors, walls and furniture, was all missing...

Comrade Xiao Gu, on the other hand, looked at them with an innocent face and his peach blossom eyes blinked.

Director Zhou quickly stretched out his hand to support Executive Zhao, who was leaning back, and secretly glanced at the dark-faced Zhang Degong.

Team Leader Yan took off his mist-filled glasses, wiped them, put them back on, and said expressionlessly, "Is this... solving the problem now?"

Solve a P! !

Zhang Degong was sitting in the glass enclosure, so angry that he wanted to swear at the people who came over.

Do you have no eyes to see?

Look what this evil couple has done!

After demolishing his entire safe house, Zhang Degong felt that in his sixty or seventy years of living, he had never seen anyone more arrogant, domineering and bad than the two people in front of him!

Xie Ning pulled Xiao Gu and pointed at the wall behind her, "Look, I just said there is a secret door behind this wall, right?"

"Ning Ning is still smart." Comrade Gu nodded repeatedly, "Tear down the outer wall and expose the secret door inside!"

Xie Ning agreed very much and nodded her head.

The two of them walked forward hand in hand. As soon as they reached the door, they frowned in unison.


Gu Chen's smiling peach blossom eyes narrowed coldly at this time.

He turned to look at Zhang Degong, still smiling, but with a cold look in his eyes, "I didn't expect that Minister Zhang was actually in the safe house, blatantly raising zombies. You are really a good leader of the base."

Zhang Degong wanted to quibble, but at this time, his whole body was covered in a safety cover, and he could not get out, and he could not even make a sound...

I could only stare at those two little brats.

Xie Ning took out two heavy axes from the space and handed one to Gu Chen.

The two of them worked together and slashed hard at the door.

After cutting off the door with the wallpaper on the outside, a small door in the style of an experimental cabin was revealed.

The small door is very narrow, only allowing one person to pass sideways.

But it was such a small door of the experimental cabin hidden under the double wall that made Secretary-General Chen, Executive Director Zhao and others standing at the door look solemn.

"What's this?"

A total of eight rooms have been renovated on the top floor of the Survivor Center.

How come there is such a strange air cabin door in the room assigned to Minister Zhang? ?

At this time, the strong rancid smell made it impossible for Secretary-General Chen and the others to pretend not to smell it.

Although the smell was well controlled, the smell had already drifted out due to the cracks in the wall next to it.

"I didn't expect Minister Zhang to be so relaxed and relaxed." Gu Chen couldn't help but laugh, "He actually built a small experimental cabin in the safe house? It's amazing."

"Impossible!" Secretary-General Chen and others were shocked.

"We have visited and inspected the renovation of the top floor. How could there be an experimental cabin inside this wall??"

"It's impossible." Xie Ning sneered, "This Minister Zhang is familiar with Li Zongyuan from the X world. Don't forget that their technology is much higher than ours."

"If I want to build a small experimental cabin under your nose, it's just a piece of cake."

Executive Zhao was shocked, angry and depressed at the same time, with a fat face, as if he had knocked over a palette...

Colorful emotions swayed over and over on his face.

Xie Ning found it very interesting, so she punched the outside of the small experimental cabin twice.

The big ax made a sound.

Several leaders also followed in their hearts, uh... Bang Bang...

It’s quite uncomfortable anyway.

Minister Zhang is usually a quiet person, but who would have thought he could do such a big thing.

This was a big moth appearing among their top brass, and no one expected it.

Xie Ning was too lazy to appease the emotions of these leaders, and just hit them with a big ax "dong dong dong".

After the walls next to it were chipped away, the strong stench wafted out more and more.

It's just that the small door of the experimental cabin is obviously very strong, and it hasn't been opened until now.

Xie Ning touched around the experimental cabin with her metal-wrapped hands.

Mainly because it smelled so bad that Captain Xie didn't want to touch it directly. He had to cover it with a layer of copper before he could touch it.

Otherwise, if the smell gets to your hands, you may not be able to wash them off.

"Thank you, Captain." Secretary-General Chen stepped forward with a shocked look on his face, "Can this small experimental cabin be opened? Do you still need people? If you need people..."

Now they just want to open the small door of the experimental cabin as soon as possible to see what is going on inside.

"No need." Xie Ning waved her hand.

This door is also made of metal, but Xie Ning is worried that if it is forcibly destroyed, the surviving experimental subjects inside may be destroyed directly.

Thinking of Cen Yun and her daughter, Xie Ning frowned.

She took a deep breath and tried to use gentler means to dismantle the metal hatch.

After the hatch moved in her hands, Xie Ning whispered, "Be careful."

Gu Chen nodded, ready to grab his girlfriend and run away at any time.

Xie Ning suddenly pulled off the cabin door and threw it directly to the sofa.

At the same time, Gu Chen raised his hand to hug her, and the two quickly retreated and jumped onto the coffee table.

A stream of thick yellow juice gushed out from the experimental cabin.

It's quite disgusting.

Zhang Degong suddenly stood up from the sofa, beat hard through the glass cover, and shouted something outside.

His voice was completely blocked by the glass cover.

Moreover, at this time, it is impossible for Secretary-General Chen, Executive Director Zhao and others to focus on this person.

They stared at the dark laboratory inside, their hearts sinking as hard as they could and sinking further.

This is really... interesting enough.

Someone built a smelly experimental cabin right under their noses in the survivor building, and they didn't know what they were doing.

And actually... no one knows.

"Everyone, stand back." Xie Ning waved her hand back.

The patrolmen surrounding the leader were already frightened. When they heard the order, they all gathered around the leader and moved towards the door.

Suddenly, several black tentacles crawled out from the door of the small experimental cabin, extending outward.

"Is it a parasitic alien species?" Gu Chen looked extremely ugly.

"Yes." Xie Ning casually released a space barrier.

The black tentacles seemed to know that the thing in front of them was not easy to mess with. They squeaked and crawled backwards.

"You stink so much!!" Xie Ning was so furious that she rushed forward and threw out hundreds of golden needles.

A bunch of them shot towards the black tentacles.

Comrade Xiao Gu is already very good at cooperating with his little girlfriend.

As soon as his girlfriend launched a move, he quickly threw out a few thunder whips and followed her away like a shadow.

Everyone saw the tentacle lying on the wall next to it, shaking continuously as if being touched.

"Oh my God!" At this time, Li Dawei and others who were watching the excitement came from the door.

"What the hell!" Everyone was almost shocked when they saw it.

Song Kexin and Song Shijun squeezed in front of them, pushing the crowd out, "Don't go over, don't go over and cause trouble!"

"Holy shit, is this a mutated wild plant??" Li Xiang exclaimed.

Uncle Ge Liang rolled his eyes, "Read more books, you are also a talent. It looks like animal tentacles, and it has a certain relationship with plants!"

"Think about it, those tentacles look so disgusting, go back quickly."

Xie Ning didn't want to land at all. There was something similar to golden water spread on the floor at the door of the experimental cabin. The visual experience was quite disgusting!

Of course, Gu Chen couldn't let his girlfriend get contaminated by such disgusting things, so he jumped over first...

Thunder and lightning struck the tentacles as if they were free of charge.

The thing inside seemed to be completely angered and rushed out with a howl.

No one could see what it was at all, and all they saw was a mess of tentacles wrapped in a thick ball rolling out.

Li Xiang stood at the door and took a look, and almost fainted, "Oh my mother! Brother, look, is there a head on top?"

After being reminded by Li Xiang, everyone looked in the direction pointed by her finger.

Sure enough, in the middle of those messy tentacles, a bare human head grew there very abruptly.

Zhang Degong was so excited that he beat the glass plate and kept shouting two words.

Secretary-General Chen took a closer look and then looked at the bald head. His body was shaken and he screamed, "Is it Zhang Zhenbang??"

"What??" Director Zhou was stunned.

Isn't Zhang Zhenbang the son that Minister Zhang is most proud of?

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