What image does he have?

The bald human head suddenly grew out among a pile of black tentacles.

This scene can no longer be described as scary!

It should be particularly scary and terrifying.

Zhang Degong, who was trapped in the glass dish, also looked very shocked at this time.

He clenched his hands into fists, punched the glass cover in front of him, and opened and closed his mouth as if screaming his son's name.

Xie condensed his wings and slowly flew up. He hung in mid-air and launched a fierce attack on the alien species in front of him.

The golden needles covered the sky and covered the ground like shadows.

Accompanied by bursts of chirping noises, golden needles formed on the ground, and purple-red thunder and lightning moved upstream.

The body of the alien species was very large and cumbersome. When it was dragged across the ground, its plump tentacles pressed against rows of lightning needles.

As far as everyone could see, Zhang Zhenbang's body seemed to have been electrified, and the tentacles all over his body were shaking wildly and flying in the air.

The sizzling current flowed through each of his tentacles, causing him to howl.

"Go to hell!" Xie Ning swooped down with a smile, a golden ball overflowing with light appeared in her hand.

The ball was as big as half a football, and she dropped it hard from the air.

Li Dawei, a melon-eater, immediately howled, "Sister, let's retreat quickly!!"

I feel like that bitch of a village beauty is going to do something showy again...

Does Li Xiang still use her brother to remind her?

When Xie Ning spread her small wings and flew into the air, she had already quietly dragged Ge Yan back.

When he saw the ball floating in the air, he felt a very bad premonition in his heart.

Without saying a word, he dragged the confused Ge Yan and fled.

"Sister Yanzi, you must not die. Everything in our team is in your space!"

Ge Yan rolled her eyes at her, "Thank you."

There didn't seem to be any explosions in the air, but the entire survivor building shook slightly as if it had been affected by an earthquake.

The rolled up invisible air current spreads in all directions.

Wherever he passed, the rotten furniture and collapsed walls were all crushed into pieces.

Everyone retreated out of the door with horror on their faces.

He watched helplessly as the terrifying strangulating air flow stopped steadily in front of the sofa and was blocked by a thick transparent barrier.

The consequences of the collision of strength and power are astonishing.

The destructive metal power directly destroyed the space wall that Captain Xie had laid down.

Fortunately, after the two phases melted, the terrifying metal storm did not sweep towards them again.

Even so, everyone can still feel the terrifying pressure of the windless force whizzing past them.

Just when they opened their mouths and couldn't fully react.

Comrade Xiao Gu jumped forward and then dropped a black and gray ball mixed with purple and red lightning.

Secretary-General Chen and his party were all messed up in the wind.

Before he could say "no", the terrifying pressure swept over him again.

Fortunately, Xie Ning saw that something was wrong and once again built a wall of air in front of them, barely able to withstand the crushing and messy pressure.

The survivor building shook again.

When everything calmed down, everyone glanced ahead with dull expressions.

But I saw a big hole in the floor, and the steel and concrete were leaking out...

Song Kexin squeezed through the door and almost subconsciously burned the broken black tentacles.

Secretary-General Chen and Executive Director Zhao stood stiffly at the door.

Of course they knew before that Comrade Xiao Gu, as the leader of Special Operations Group A, must be one of the best in the country in terms of military force.

But now, they feel that the level of force value of these two people needs to be carefully evaluated again.

Look at this building, this house, these dilapidated ruins.

Others can't imagine it.

Half an hour ago, this was the safe house that the Gyeonggi Base Survivor Center had undergone after many layers of renovations!

Look at this tattered appearance, as if it had been bombarded by a combination of electromagnetic cannons and laser guns!

Team Leader Yan subconsciously touched the wig piece on his head, wiped the cold sweat with a handkerchief, and asked stumblingly, "Manager Zhao, what should we do next?"

"How about the corridor outside?" Xie Ning said calmly, her expression calm.

Those who didn’t know, thought she was just walking to the Survivor Center and strolling around her back garden...

Kress squeezed through the crowd and waved his hand, "Everything is normal. There are still two black whiskers with some vital signs. Let Sister Xinxin burn them again."

Xie Ning nodded, then turned to look at Zhang Degong, who was behind a glass cover and had witnessed everything from beginning to end.

The latter was holding the glass container, looking a little dull, staring at them blankly.

Xie Ning was too lazy to look at her one more time and slowly fell from the air.

But it didn't quite land.

Because there is still yellow and red pus dripping on the ground, it’s so disgusting!

She was five or six inches away from the ground, floating off the ground, following Comrade Xiao Gu, and drifted towards the small experimental cabin.

"Xiao Gu." Xie Ning took out a gas mask from the space and threw it to Xiao Gu. She also put one on her face.

It stinks so much, it's so smelly inside that I can't describe it in words.

Although it is much faster and easier to clean up parasitic alien species now.

Xie Ning's mood was still very heavy.

If Cen Yun and her daughter were caught here, they might be in danger.

Although she didn't say anything, she was very upset in her heart.

Mainly because after so many days back in Gyeonggi, the Zhang family never made any move towards her, and she had simply forgotten about the Zhang family in Gyeonggi.

It suddenly appeared, very unexpectedly.

But it's not completely traceable.

Whether it's a personal feud or a public feud, the conflict between her and the Zhang family has long been a dead end.

The temperature in the experimental cabin is very low, and several large glass cabinets are placed against the wall.

Xie Ning floated over to take a look and couldn't help but clenched her fists.

Inside were naked experimental bodies one after another.

They were basically young men and women, in their early teens, and everyone had tubes inserted into their mouths, and some even had holes drilled in their heads with glass tubes inserted into them.

Xie Ning floated around the small experimental cabin with an almost heavy heart.

Fortunately, Cen Yun and her daughter are not among them.

Xie Ning and Gu Chen looked at each other, pointed outwards, and quickly left the small experimental cabin.

Taking off the gas mask, Xie Ning looked at the anxious Secretary-General Chen and Executive Zhao with a cold face.

"You bring people in to watch and observe."

"Remember to take precautions." She sneered.

He turned to his younger siblings and said, "Aunt Cen and the others are not inside."

Song Shijun breathed a sigh of relief, "It's good that it's not inside. Then there is still hope."

"Where will that person be kept?"

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