Xie Ning pondered for a second, then turned to look at Director Zhou and Team Leader Yan who were sweating frequently.

"Are there any other relatives in the Zhang family? Uncles and brothers, list."

Director Zhou and Team Leader Yan felt suddenly panicked.

The way Captain Xie said this could not be called terrifying, it could be called murderous.

Acting like this, it's like trying to drive out the old Zhang family...

Xie Ning saw the two of them in a daze and said nothing, but smiled.

"Don't panic, I'm not a murderer." Captain Xie said this with a smile in his eyes.

The smile does not reach the bottom of the eyes.

Under the broken and cold white glass lamp, her whole body seemed to be wrapped in a blurred and cold murderous intention, which was beyond words.

Three minutes later, Xie Ning received the Zhang family list from Director Zhou shakily and walked out.

"I'll leave this to you." Gu Chen waved his paw at Director Zhou, "Minister Zhang is running a secret experimental cabin in the survivor center. His eldest son is actually a parasitic alien species carefully cultivated by the X world. Several leaders should know What to do next.”

Director Zhou wiped his sweat and nodded quickly, "We will lead people to clean the entire experimental cabin immediately."

"Remember to wear a gas mask." Gu Chen smiled.

It really stinks in there!

It's a shame that Zhang Zhenbang, a loser, could hide in such a smelly place for so long.

It is indeed a foreign species, and it has really broken away from the human realm.

Xie Ning rushed out with Kress and others, and Li Xiang, Li Dawei and the others followed her out.

"Help find someone."

"The Zhang family has three other brothers who live in a nearby apartment building. We searched separately and contacted each other."

"If you find that something is wrong, exit in time. If you encounter a secret experimental cabin or the like, don't be aggressive and contact us as soon as possible." Xie Ning sent the address information to Li Dawei and others who were accompanying them.

Then everyone rushed towards three apartment buildings.

Xie Ning took her siblings in one group, and asked Comrade Xiao Gu to take Kress and the housekeeper in another group.

The only remaining place can only be left to Li Dawei and others to search.

"Sister, everything that family has done in the past year has been sent to us." Song Kexin nodded and read while looking at the bracelet.

"Hey, what a garbage family. Relying on their eldest brother, the minister, they really do all kinds of bad things."

"Their methods are not very clever, but their bad deeds are very hidden." Song Kexin said angrily, "For more than a year, the base has had to deal with various natural disasters and man-made changes from time to time, and it definitely has no time to care about such trivial matters like theirs. Let these cockroaches Rats are slowly breeding in the sewers!"

"Xinxin won't be angry with them. They are a bunch of snakes and rats. They are not worth our anger." Ji Taixian handed her a cup of hot tea and served her attentively. "You just used too many powers. Drink some water from the replenishing well first."

"Is it the family in Lanshan Tahu?" Song Shijun looked confused.

I feel that the Lanshan Tahu family is not a good thing. It turns out that their roots are still in Gyeonggi Province. They are really a nest of snakes and rats.

"Yes." Xie Ning nodded.

"Go over quickly, I don't know what happened to Aunt Cen and the others." Song Kexin said angrily, "If I had known this, we should have cleared this up as soon as we came back."

Xie Ning nodded, feeling very annoyed.

Perhaps the smooth sailing for more than a year had made her unknowingly confident in herself. She always felt that no fool would specifically pick out someone from their team.

"How will Zhang Degong deal with it?"

Xie Ning narrowed her eyes and sneered, "Death."

If the base wants to save his life, it depends on whether Xie Ning agrees.

The group of people rushed to the apartment building, picked out their targets and went upstairs.

Because of the strong aura, all the way up, the crowds crowded in the corridors and corridors gave way and peeked secretly.

Xie Ning had just come over to check on the alien species not long ago, and the people in the apartment were quite impressed by her.

That little girl is a resolute boss, and she will start a fight if she disagrees.

Everyone in the corridor obediently gave way, but still watched them go upstairs with curious faces.

Many people secretly whispered to each other, "What's going on? What's going on?"

"Could it be that one of the families in our building has committed another crime?"

"The management is very strict these days!"

"I heard that the people in Area C next door raise zombies."

"Oh no."

"Hey, my cousin works in the management system. My source of information is accurate. That's why the management is particularly strict with us these days."

"Because I was scared by those idiots in Area C."

"If there are zombies in the building, I don't know if it will become a source of infection. These days, several buildings in Area C are under control. In short, it is quite annoying."

"Tsk tsk, so that's it."

"Then this woman suddenly brought someone here again. Could it be that someone is raising zombies in our building?"

"Ah, bah, bah, bah, I won't pick up any pot."

"How is this possible? Who can't imagine that? Why raise zombies? They are not mutated animals and plants. They can be killed for meat. Are you raising zombies and letting them bite people?"

Xie Ning turned a deaf ear to these noisy sounds and led people directly to the 21st floor.

Without saying a word, he used the metal power to unlock the door.

Song Shijun kicked the door open first, causing a panic inside.

Xie Ninglai had done a xenogeneic scan and was quite impressed with this family.

After all, there are relatively few people living in this household, with the three families adding up to only a dozen people.

Compared to other residents who wish they had thirty or fifty people crammed into one room, this family is considered lucky.

At that time, she was still surprised. It turned out that someone in the court was easy to do.

After all, he is the nephew of Minister Zhang's brother's family. Although he can only be said to be a clan relative, he is also in the favor of Minister Zhang's family.

Even in the last days, relationship households are still unavoidable.

Xie Ning pointed to the door of the large room inside.

Song Shijun rushed over and kicked his leg, and the door panel fell down.

Two fat men inside were grabbing the pale-faced mother and daughter Cen Yun and dragging them towards the window.

"You still want to run!!!" Song Kexin breathed a sigh of relief when she saw the mother and daughter alive.

At the same time, the whole person rushed towards the mouth like a cannonball.

A layer of flame quickly appeared in his hand, and it hit the opponent directly.

"I heard that Zhang Zhenbang had a very good mind during his lifetime."

That's why I thought of such a bad move.

After Xie Ning finished inspecting the entire base, she secretly sent people to other Zhang family members.

She suspected that Zhang Zhenbang should have known that she was detecting alien species in the base, so he hid in the dark wall experimental cabin in order to get through.

Maybe Zhang Zhenbang had already passed on the news about her search for parasitic alien species to Li Zongyuan and others.

"Bang!" The man was hit in the body by the fire fist, and his whole body fell backward.

Song Shijun, Ji Taixian and Wang Zongxuan rushed in together, knocked down the two fat men with three punches and two kicks, and dragged Cen Yun and his daughter over.

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