The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 649 The destruction of the Zhang family 1

Everyone gasped for air.

Yu Xiaofei, who was tightly hugged by Cen Yun, was stunned for a second and saw a group of familiar people, and couldn't help but burst into tears.

"Don't cry, Xiaofei, don't cry, it's okay, it's okay." Song Kexin wiped the child's tears distressedly and squeezed Yu Xiaofei's dry and thin hand.

Obviously when they left, they left a lot of food and water, as well as nutrient solution.

But Yu Xiaofei's body is still as thin as a leaf and will wither in the wind at any time.

This shows how hard it has been to live on tenterhooks for the past half month.

Xie Ning said nothing, but felt greatly relieved.

Song Shijun, Ji Taixian, and Wang Zongxuan were currently holding down the two fat men, punching and kicking them.

Song Kexin hurriedly took out water and bread from her backpack and gave them to Cen Yun and her daughter, who had golden-faced faces.

It could be seen that the mother and daughter must have been hungry for several days.

As soon as he saw the water and bread, he didn't say anything. He took them and poured them into his mouth, wolfing them down.

"Eat slowly, eat slowly, we are back, there is still a lot more than is enough." Song Kexin reached out and patted Yu Xiaofei on the back, feeling distressed and angry at the same time.

After the mother and daughter drank two bottles of water and ate several pieces of bread, Song Kexin helped them get up.

The mother and daughter didn't even have the strength to stand at this moment, and they were almost swaying against the door.

Cen Yun looked at Song Kexin, tears streaming down her face, and she was so choked up that she was completely speechless.

"I know, I know, you are suffering." Song Kexin hurriedly stretched out her hand to comfort her, pulling them to look up and down.

Seeing that although their clothes were a bit tattered and dirty, they were still neat, I couldn't help but feel relieved.

Just now, when Shijun kicked the door open and she saw two fat men dragging the mother and daughter, she would be lying if she said she wasn't panicking.

Although they appear to be alive, sometimes the mental torture and pain may be more heartbreaking than the physical pain.

Now, thankfully, it seemed that the mother and daughter were not seriously injured, they were just extremely hungry.

"Aunt Cen, can you still speak?"

Cen Yun nodded, took the handkerchief from Song Kexin and wiped her tears, "Not long after you left, the base suddenly flooded."

"We and others were moved to ordinary residential buildings. We were fine living there originally."

"Although we live in a very crowded place, fortunately we have plenty of food and water. If we eat secretly while avoiding people, we will definitely be able to wait until you return safely."

"But half a month ago, someone suddenly informed us that a big leader wanted us to cook a dinner at his home."

"I still felt very strange at the time, why the big boss came to me."

"The man smiled and told me, don't worry, it's just that the boss heard that I was good at cooking, so he wanted to invite me over."

"It's said that the big boss wants to entertain some boss friends at home and needs my cooking skills."

"I thought it was absolutely safe at the base, so I took Xiaofei with me without thinking too much."

Who would have thought that once you go there, you will never come back.

Not only were all the belongings on his body confiscated, but he was also controlled on the spot.

The leader also announced to the outside world that the mother and daughter who stole things from home would only be imprisoned for a while and punished with minor punishments.

"I'm so stupid, I almost hurt Xiao Fei." Thinking of this, Cen Yun wanted to slap herself a few times.

Song Kexin was angry and angry, and grabbed her hand to dissuade her, "Aunt Cen, you didn't expect such a thing to happen. After all, you are right. Who in the base would have known that such a thing would happen."

"We were locked up in a secret laboratory for the past two weeks. It was so smelly that we fell asleep every day, couldn't eat, and even forgot the time."

"Xiao Fei was suddenly sent here a few days ago, and Xiao Fei was almost killed by these two fat men!!" When Cen Yun said this, she could not help but tremble with anger.

If she hadn't rushed forward with all her might and frantically protected her daughter, they would have succeeded the night before yesterday.

The two fat men were also a little afraid of Captain Xie of the Spark Team. Thinking of what Mr. Zhang said to them, they finally gave up in anger.

I figured I had to kill Team Spark from top to bottom first before I could have some fun with the mother and daughter.

Yu Xiaofei seemed to recall the scene that day, his face turned pale, and he shivered secretly in his mother's arms.

Song Kexin was so angry that she burst into tears, "Damn it!! Sister, I want to kill them! Kill them!"

Xie Ning stood at the door and nodded decisively, "Go ahead."

There is no need for this kind of scumbag to stay in the world, even if he doesn't spare a teenage girl.

Even if you die, you can save countless boys and girls.

Song Kexin pulled out the whip wrapped around her waist, with a bit of cruelty in her eyes.

She doesn't usually use this super speed whip.

Because this whip is so fast, it will more than double the speed of her fire attacks.

Normally, she wouldn't use this whip when she was simply practicing her fire powers.

But now it feels right to smoke someone.

A whip swept down with scorching fire, blue flames covered the whip, and the whole body was emitted with a faint blue light.

The two fat men were rolling on the ground and howling, showing expressions of pain and agony.

Xie Ning looked on with cold eyes.

All the men in the room walked aside, leaving the space for Song Kexin to perform.

Cen Yun gritted her teeth and showed her pleasure. She hugged her daughter tightly and comforted her repeatedly, "Don't be afraid of Xiaofei. Don't be afraid. These two bad guys will be beaten to death by your sister Kexin. They will never be seen again in the future." It’s impossible to hurt you. Be strong, Xiaofei, don’t be afraid!”

Yu Xiaofei was trembling all over, raised his head from his mother's arms, and glanced at the window.

Seeing the two big bad guys rolling back and forth on the ground begging for mercy, she clenched her fists tightly, raised her head and bit her lip, "I, I'm strong!"

Song Kexin was whipped more than a dozen times, but the two fat men could not bear it. After seven or eight lashes, they almost died.

When Ji Taixian saw that she was convulsing, he quickly ran forward and handed her another cup of tea, "Xinxin, Xinxin, take a break and drink some energy-boosting water before you smoke."

Song Shijun simply didn't even notice the dog-leg pendant, and twitched his lips and turned away.

Wang Zongxuan had long been accustomed to his brother's convulsive behavior and stood aside expressionlessly.

Xinxin took back the whip angrily, pointed at the two bloody figures on the ground, and took the tea he handed him.

"Understood!" Ji Taixian nodded in understanding, quickly turned around and called his brothers to come forward, picked up the fat man and threw him down the corridor.

It was thrown down from more than 20 floors, making a loud sound of water.

All the people sitting by the windows downstairs ran to the windows to see some movement.

In the end, I couldn't see clearly what it was. It seemed like a huge object was thrown into the water from upstairs.

Xie Ning curled her lips, raised her wrist, clicked on a few messages and sent them out at the same time, "There is no need for the Zhang family in Gyeonggi to exist."

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