The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 650 The destruction of the Zhang family 2

"Hey Xinxin, who is this Zhang family you are talking about? Why don't I have any impression of it?"

"The daughter of Mr. Zhang from Tahu in Lanshan, you know."

"Oh!" Ji Taehyun finally remembered, "That's the healing woman."

"His brother Zhang Zhennong rushed to our house and wreaked havoc, and he was mauled to death by my sister." Song Kexin sneered, "I didn't expect that the Zhang family is still here in Gyeonggi Province, waiting for us to go out to do tasks to mess with our own people!"

"It's so wicked." Ji Taixian shook his head.

Thinking that the old man of the Zhang family dug a grave for himself, he couldn't help but feel happy.

"Their family has done many evil things, not because they don't report when the time has not come. Now that the time has come, let's send them on their way together."

What Song Kexin doesn't understand is, "Do you think the Zhang family loves Zhang Zhennong and Zhang Biyun so much? Are you still thinking of avenging them after such a long time?"

"I feel like this family is a family that puts interests first." Ji Taixian shook his head, "It's unlikely that they would take their deaths to heart."

"This matter is just for me." Xie Ning said in a deep voice, "Don't have divergent associations. Zhang Degong and the others are not avenging their brothers at all."

"Maybe revenge is incidental, but the main purpose should be to try the inhibitory effect on me."

Xie Ning sneered, "Li Zongyuan and those people have probably sneaked near the base and made contact with Zhang Degong."

"Sister Ning, we have just packed up several batches of potions. We will let Xiaoyu test them in person later."

Xie Ning nodded slightly, "If we don't kill all the rats in the Zhang family, we will be in a lot of trouble in the future."

Everyone understood what she meant and nodded silently.

By the time the group of people rushed to Xiao Gu's side with murderous intent, several eldest brothers of the Zhang family had been dealt with.

Seeing Xie Ning running over, Comrade Xiao Gu winked at her and said, "The suspect has something on his mind. When he saw us breaking in, he jumped out of the window one after another and couldn't stop us."

"This... more than 30-story building, its internal organs ruptured the moment it hit the water." Comrade Gu said with a voice of regret, "But a lot of supplies were found from the small storage room in the suspect's home."

"These things have the labels of the base warehouse. It is impossible to send them more than a dozen boxes of supplies at once. It can be seen that Minister Zhang is lining his own pockets and using his power for personal gain."

Everyone couldn't help but be stunned.

Comrade Gu led Captain Xie and the others to the small storage room next door to take a look.

Sure enough, there were a lot of things piled up.

There are all kinds of consumables for food and use, and it seems that the life is very comfortable.

Xie Ning raised her eyebrows and glanced at Gu Chen.

Gu Chen nodded hurriedly, "Ning Ning, help collect it. Let's go back and say hello to the base. Thanks to Ning Ning's presence in this search, we found such a big rat stealing the base's resources."

"After reporting the situation, I will definitely leave some supplies for Ning Ning as a reward."

Xie Ning was a little dumbfounded.

The way she looked at him had no other meaning at all, and she never thought about competing for food with a group of refugees at the base!

But after this incident, she had to think carefully about donating resources to the base.

Or you need to sit down with Xiao Gu and discuss it carefully to see how to operate it.

She didn't want one-third of the donated reserve materials to be swallowed up by some high-level officials at the base to line their own pockets.

Thinking of this, Xie Ning took the first step to quietly collect the things and led Xiao Gu and the others to the last Zhang family hideout.

When they arrived, Li Dawei and his party had already finished solving the problem.

Seeing Xie Ning and the others coming over, she greeted them very happily, "Village flower, village flower, village flower, hurry up and take a look. Take a look."

A group of people made way for Xie Ning, Gu Chen and others to pass.

Li Dawei kicked open the door of the bedroom next to him, "When we came, we found that there were only fifteen or sixteen people living in this family. And the others lived between the living room and the kitchen. Only the two Zhang brothers had one room each. Possessing."

"Look, this room...good guy, I can only say good guy!" Li Dawei showed an exaggerated expression and stretched out his hand to make a gesture of invitation.

Xie Ning followed Gu Chen and went in to take a look.

Sure enough, there were also many boxes with base storage labels stored inside.

The two rooms combined contained more than thirty boxes.

"Wow, these two brothers are incredible." Li Dawei kicked one of the fat guys, "And let me tell you, the village beauty, I also discovered that this damn fat guy is actually a space superpower."

"I suspect he still has a lot of stuff hidden in that space."

Uncle Ge Liang yelled, "You are a worm and a scum of society! Return the supplies quickly."

"I guess Fatty's space must not be big, otherwise he wouldn't be able to keep so many boxes in the room."

Xie Ning felt that the analysis of several people present was very reasonable.

He nodded and walked closer to the fat man step by step.

The fat man who was curled up on the ground and pretending to be dead suddenly had a spray-like weapon in his hand.

Unscrewing the button, he sprayed hard at Xie Ning who was approaching him.

Before Xie Ning had time to take action, Uncle Ge Liang rushed over with a big iron pot in hand.

Everything sprayed out fell on the iron pot, making a hissing sound.

A bit of white smoke rose, but not much.

When Li Xiang saw this, he cursed and stretched out his legs to kick the fat man, "Holy crap, you actually hid a weapon."

"Is Ning Ning okay?" Uncle Ge Liang turned to look at Xie Ning, "When we came in just now, these two fat guys attacked us with this spray weapon."

But they also underestimated the strength of the Tigers team.

Not to mention Uncle Ge Liang and the others' abilities have all improved by leaps and bounds. Their unreliable captain Li Dawei alone can crush these two guys to death.

"It's okay, Uncle." Xie Ning nodded slightly, moved a few steps to the side, and scanned the two fat men lightly.

"Kress, scan his space."

Kress nodded, turned on the mental scanning function, and said with a smile, "Fifteen square meters of space, filled with boxes with base tags."

The fat man was stunned when he heard this, and his whole body trembled mechanically.

"You take it out yourself, or I take off your hands and feet, cut it into pieces and take it out again."

The fat man's teeth were chattering and he could hardly speak clearly, "You, you can't possibly take it out."

"Really?" Xie Ning took a step closer and said to the fat man with his spiritual voice: "Then you probably don't know the reason why the energy source of the superpower can be taken out, right?"

"By absorbing your energy crystal, you can get everything in your space."

"But it will be very painful for you."

"No, you're not evil..." Before the fat man could say anything, a big golden fist flew out and hit his mouth. His teeth were shattered on the ground and his face was covered in blood.

She continued to threaten her mentally, "Do you want me to get it for you personally?"

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