The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 651 No need to pay attention

Of course, it is impossible for her to show her ability to absorb energy crystals and merge other people's spaces in front of others.

She never revealed anything about the fact that people with superpowers could absorb energy crystals.

After all, people’s hearts are very unpredictable before the end of the world, let alone now.

Once this information is confirmed to be useful, maybe everyone will want to take a shortcut for nothing in the future.

It's so much faster to dig up other people's energy crystals and get the results of other people's powers. It's better than constantly practicing your own powers.

In the previous life, a few years after the end of the world, some people discovered that energy crystals in the human body could also be ingested.

There had been chaos for quite a while at that time, forcing the base's top brass to take a heavy blow and kill a large number of people with evil powers to scare the monkeys.

The matter was eventually settled, but the damage caused to the superpowers was immeasurable.

Xie Ning now just wants the damn fat man to hand over his things obediently.

Captain Xie looked down upon his ten-square-foot small space!

Five minutes later, the fat man, who couldn't stand the mental intimidation of Kress, finally handed over all the supply boxes in the space.

Seeing the mountains of supply boxes piled up in the living room, the ordinary people sitting in rows huddled at the door of the toilet were all shocked.

Of course they knew that the fat brother living in the room must be someone with a great background.

After all, they can occupy the master bedroom and the second bedroom, and the management is respectful every time they see them.

But they really didn't expect that Brother Fatty would have so many supplies in his hands.

Some people couldn't help but jump up, point at the two of them and yell at them.


“We don’t have enough food and clothing, so a powerful person can illegally possess so many things?”

"Damn thing!"

Xie Ning put away all the things, completely ignoring the indignant looks of the old and young in the living room.

"Girl, with so much food and drink, can't you leave some for us?" A sister-in-law asked, staring at Xie Ning with hope.

"Yes, we are all victims, so we must give some compensation."

Song Kexin couldn't help but rolled her eyes and said back, "What kind of compensation? Is the base short for you to live in or eat and drink? Didn't you all sign a contract? Just act according to the contract."

"That's not what you said, little girl." Everyone in the living room was arguing.

"You see, we have always been kept in the dark, and two houses have been occupied by related households. We have always lived a miserable life."

"Yeah, what's the matter? If you have a relationship with the top management of the base, you can control the supplies."

"You should talk to the base leaders about this. We are only responsible for searching people and supplies. These items will eventually be returned to the base warehouse." Song Kexin said impatiently, "If it's not your own, don't think about it."

"Then we don't want them all. If you keep one or two boxes, it won't be a loss to you."

"Why should I leave you one or two boxes? I need to keep one or two boxes of this, and three or four boxes of that. Do you still need to return the items to the base warehouse??"

"Bah." An old woman jumped up and spat at them, "That's nice to say. Return it to the base warehouse. Then it won't fall into the hands of powerful people like you."

"We ordinary people have a hard life! We don't have enough to eat or wear warm clothes. Summer is coming soon. We are still wearing winter clothes and don't even have a simple set of summer clothes."

As soon as the old woman howled, more than a dozen people in the living room began to cry.

Xie Ning glanced at them expressionlessly, "Why are you talking so much to them? Just pack up and leave."

If you try to reason with unreasonable people, aren't you asking for your own fault?

Everyone will naturally understand what to pack.

Wang Zongxuan stepped forward, kicked the sweaty fat man, and dragged him into the room.

"What are you doing? My cousin is from the Zhang family in Gyeonggi Province. Minister Zhang has heard of it? What are you going to do?"

"Let me go, all heroes, I beg you."

"I will never dare to do it again, never again."

"We will never covet the things in the base warehouse again. It's my cousin who keeps these things for my cousin!"

"Yeah yeah!"

The sound behind became vague and unclear.

Within a moment, Wang Zongxuan, Kress and the others walked out of the house with relaxed expressions.

Li Dawei swallowed, glanced at them with concern, and hid behind his sister.

I don’t know if it’s my own misunderstanding.

I always feel that this group of people in Team Spark are much more cruel and ruthless than before.

Li Xiang also swallowed his saliva and asked in a low voice, "Brother, brother, those two fat guys were..."

She quietly wiped her neck.

Li Dawei winked at her.

Doesn't this mean you are talking nonsense?

Li Xiang shrank her shoulders, leaned closer to her brother and whispered, "Brother, I found that you are still wise."

"Since you decided to embrace the girl's lap a long time ago, I think your IQ has been soaring!"

Li Dawei felt that his sister's words didn't sound like he was praising him, but... it was still pleasant to hear.

Uncle Ge Liang, who was standing on the side, saw this and nodded in agreement, "Think about it, you're right. Dawei, you kid, you used to be a bit lazy, but now you have a much better brain than before."

"When I look back at the past, I still have messages about you begging for food in the group on my phone! Alas, there is no comparison. Look, think about it, you can now cook more than a dozen simple dishes. Dawei, you have also made progress. Quite a few, not bad, keep up the good work.”

Brother and sister Li Dawei have black hair.

Uncle, you can't get over the problem of begging for food in the group, right?

Song Kexin and the others followed Xie Ning and filed out of the house.

The dozen or so people in the living room immediately became agitated.

This is the pampered superpower in the base. He is well-housed and well-fed. Now that he has collected his things, he doesn’t even want to say a word to ordinary people like them.

Why, are you superior to others?

"You can't leave!" The old woman was the first to jump forward, and relying on her old and brute strength, she grabbed Ji Taixian's arm and pulled hard.

"My old lady and her family are starving to death, you must at least leave a box of food for us to fill up!"

Song Kexin and a hen guarding her young rushed over and grabbed Ji Taixian, raising their flaming fists with a fierce look, "Are you looking for death?"

"Ah!" The old woman fell to the ground and screamed at the top of her voice in fear, "Where is the manager? I want to find the manager! People with superpowers have killed people, people with superpowers have killed people!"

Xie Ningyang raised her phone and said, "Stop acting. It's all recorded. You can continue as long as you feel tired."

The old woman's voice suddenly stopped as if she had been slapped with a sap.

"If you want supplies, you have to rely on labor or contribution, or you can tell the base leaders yourself."

"I'm just a transit point."

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