"I understand." The leader in charge of warehouse management nodded his head frequently, showing a look of extreme shame. "The investigation into the theft of materials will definitely be completed within five days."

"As for the original batch of warehousing management, they will be independently verified and reorganized."

Mr. Hua nodded.

An hour later, the Secretary-General was worried about Mr. Hua's health and left the meeting to send Mr. Hua back to rest.

This meeting lasted for most of the day.

Captain Xie is hiding in the farmhouse space, working tirelessly to study her spatial ability materialization skills.

Xie Ning concentrated on integrating space powers into the gold and jade she bought in the mall. It didn't matter if she failed again and again, she would always succeed.

She has experimented many times before, and now her control over spatial abilities has reached a new level, and she feels like she might be able to do it today.

Speaking of which, her mall points in the X world are now considered to be at the boss level.

Not to mention the more than two million life-buying points that were previously rewarded to her by the live broadcast, the mall points of her Jinghe Duoduo account have now exceeded 13,000.

She no longer charges mall points for the cabbage, radish, potatoes and other items she currently sells, and sells them all with crystal cores.

The price of baby cabbage has increased, each one has five second-order crystal nuclei.

Baby cabbage is light in weight, and ten second-order crystal nuclei are enough.

Just by selling these two things, Crystal Core's income can almost be said to be making a lot of money every day.

Occasionally, I sell corn, and the early adopter price of corn is two hundred and second-order crystal cores.

This price is based on previous lives.

Captain Xie has always been worried about the two hundred and second-order crystal cores of half a corn in her previous life. At that time, she couldn't afford it at all. Now...she makes it impossible for others to afford it...

Others may prefer half a pound of pork with 520-order crystal cores compared to one corn with 220-order crystal cores.

More and more people come to Jinghe Duoduo's stores to buy items, and they no longer include the poor and miserable people around the world, but more of them are residents of the X world.

They already have a large amount of mall points, but now Captain Xie doesn't collect points but only collects crystal cores, which makes everyone in the X world very angry.

The mall was also furious. Cheng Yaojin rushed out of Jinghe Duoduo store out of nowhere and snatched up all the Jinghe business that originally belonged to them.

Without a crystal core, how can we open up the passage in the laboratory and bring a large number of people there?

The passage is unstable, so only a small group of people can always go to the other end of the parallel space. How can this be done? The X world has been plunged into misery during this period.

There is not much time left for them!

"Minister, what should we do now?" The backend operator of the system mall carefully asked their ugly-looking minister.

No matter who encounters this, his face will not look good.

Obviously, the purpose of opening the system mall channel to the earth is to earn more crystal cores from the people on earth.

But now, Jinghe Duoduo Store has taken away a lot of their business.

The minister almost scratched his head and scratched his head, and suddenly looked ferocious, "Does this Crystal Core Duoduo Store have any connection with Heizhi Nao, who has invaded the mall system many times before? I asked you to check for so long. What did you do to eat? Didn't you find anything?"

The operators all lowered their heads, not daring to look directly into the minister's angry eyes.

It is true that they did not do their job well. After searching for so long, they could not find anything and did not say anything. They also allowed the black brain to wander around and take whatever they wanted as if they were visiting their back garden.

"I haven't found any trace of Mr. X yet." The minister slumped down on the stool.

Now I am afraid that only by going to Mr. X can we fully understand the true identity of this black brain.

But once Mr. X is alerted, he is not far away from the supreme commander.

Ahhhhh, at that time, he will definitely receive a lot of disciplinary punishment. The minister almost cried.

He silently dialed Lao Bai's communication terminal, and there came the picture and audio of Lao Bai's anxious state.

"Old Fang, I'm in such a mess myself. I really can't help you. Ever since the natives of Earth gave our live broadcast system a nasty trick last time, I've been suffering from complaints every day. Word."

Lao Bai, the person in charge of the live broadcast system of the show, looked at Fang Qiming on the other side of the screen with a mournful face and sighed repeatedly.

"I'm really at my wits end." Lao Bai almost cried, "Ever since that Earth native girl did such a naughty trick, my place has really changed."

"Many people now hope that the authorities will shut down our show live broadcast system. I am scolded by my boss every day, and the big boss of New Era Live has even called me on video to scold me."

"They said that many teenagers fell ill after watching the live broadcast. They vomited and were frightened. The official secretariat received hundreds of complaint emails a day."

"Now, a special investigator from the Secretariat is here to conduct a detailed investigation on us. Until the results of the investigation are released, all of us cannot leave our current place of residence. Lao Fang, I can't even protect myself, so you can just ask for your blessings."

After Bai Jingxiong said a lot of words, he closed the communication terminal on his own, leaving Fang Qiming with his mouth wide open and a dull look on his face.

"Minister." The operator said weakly, "Now, what, what should I do?"

"What can I do? Keep looking for the traces of Hei Zhi Nao, keep going!!" The minister roared, and felt his mood hit rock bottom.

"The focus is still on the Jinghe Duoduo store. I will give you three more days to find out the origin of the store."

When everyone heard this, they felt as if they were mourning for their heirs.

We didn't find out the reason in the previous month, but now we're giving a deadline of three days?

It takes three days to find out a ghost.

That was true, but now that Minister Fang was so angry, no one dared to talk nonsense and could only bury their heads in typing on the keyboard.

Xie Ning didn't know how irritable the X world was at this time. Even if she knew, she would only curse.

Captain Xie is studying her space skills diligently, and no one in the family dares to disturb her.

Even at meal time, he only glanced at her secretly, saw that she was busy with her hands, and then slipped away quietly.

Although her family didn't know what she was busy with, they could feel the fluctuations of supernatural powers in the air.

All in all, it should be pretty tall.

It wasn't until around seven o'clock in the evening that Xie Ning closed her stall and jumped out of the space. She was so happy that she raised her eyes and met Xiao Gu's gaze.

"Come over for dinner quickly. Aunt Song and the others said that you have been busy for most of the day." Gu Chen waved to her.

Brother Shijun, who was nibbling watermelon, also slipped over and whispered, "Sister, what are you busy with all day? You are so busy that you forget to eat and sleep."

Xie Ning really felt hungry at this time. She wolfed down half a bowl of rice, put down her chopsticks and looked at everyone, "I was inspired by Song Kexin and developed a good thing."

"So I decided to give this thing to Song Kexin first."

Classmate Song Kexin's eyes lit up when she heard this.

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