"What a good thing, what a good thing." Song Kexin was so happy.

Her sister can actually be inspired by her and make good items!

How come she doesn’t know what she has inspired her sister to do, haha.

Xie Ning talked about how she was inspired by Song Kexin’s fire and how she thought about, researched and made different types of spacecraft.

I picked out some important points and said them in a very rough outline, but everyone who heard them was stunned.

Song Kexin, in particular, opened her mouth in a silly and cute manner, and after a while she recovered and shouted, "Wow, my sister, you are such a genius."

"I can give you such a big inspiration with just a physical fire. You are really an incredible divergent thinker."

All the family members nodded heavily, with joy in their eyes.

Song Shijun was so excited that he hurriedly asked his sister, "Sister, sister, what type of space device did you make this time? Is it transmission or storage?"

Damn it, I used to think that my sister had already flown far enough when she took them flying.

Now it feels like they are going to fly into the sky and stand shoulder to shoulder with the sun...

Xie Ning took out a small gold ring from her pocket, "The object polished this time has the function of holding things in space."

"It's a pretty basic space device. If you want to go deeper, you have to continue to think about it."

"What a foundation. I've never seen anyone in the world who can develop space machines like my sister."

Song Kexin jumped up excitedly, quickly took the small gold ring that her sister handed her, and opened her mouth to bite her finger.

Everyone had a black line and hurriedly stopped him.

"What are you doing!" Xie Ning looked at this stupid girl speechlessly.

Classmate Song Kexin was stunned for a moment, "Well, don't you have to bite your finger and bleed to identify the owner of a storage ring?"


Song Shijun laughed heartily, "Sister, you must have watched too many TV series about cultivating immortals."

"Go, go." Song Kexin stretched out her legs to kick her younger brother angrily. She looked at her sister with a slightly red face and asked cautiously, "Don't we need this?"

"No need for this." Xie Ning raised her hand and patted the girl's big head, "I will connect your mental power, take you to concentrate in it, and open this space storage device."

"You remember the pattern we mentally constructed when we went in. Next time you go in, you just have to follow the pattern and build accordingly."

Song Kexin nodded her head in half understanding.

She actually didn't quite understand, what about spiritual construction? It sounds a bit difficult, maybe she can't open the space device alone, thinking this in her heart, she can't help but feel a little worried on her face.

"It's okay if you don't understand. I'll take you in and do it again. It's a very simple thing and can be completed in four or five seconds." Xie Ning comforted her sister.

After thinking about her words, Xie Ning tried to be as plain as possible and said to her sister, "When you turn on your phone, slide the password pattern."

Song Kexin nodded quickly.

"It's almost like that, come on."

Xie Ning raised her hand and pressed it on her head, quickly establishing a spiritual connection with her, and then led her spiritual power to sink into the storage container.

Generally speaking, as long as a person with an awakened superpower has a little bit of thin mental power, this mental power cannot be compared with that of a pure mental power user, but it is at least richer than ordinary people.

Song Kexin opened her eyes slightly at this time, feeling that her sister was leading her into the door of a new world.

There was originally a vast expanse of white in front of her eyes, so her sister led her to draw three diamond patterns in the blank space in front.

Immediately, the white mist faded from her eyes, and a large bungalow with an area of ​​about 100 square meters appeared.

It looks like a large warehouse of 100 square meters.

Like this, the space device that Xie Ning initially made cannot be infinitely high in height and space distance.

It's about the same height as a square warehouse, about ten meters.

But this space, if created by Song Kexin alone, would be large enough to fit in. Compared with the small cookie box space that is popular in X world, it is as different as a hidden dragon or an earthworm.

"Wow wow wow wow." Song Kexin spun around in circles happily, and all her family members looked at her like she was a fool.

The others didn't know what she saw, and they all stared at her curiously.

Song Youzhi was particularly anxious. He walked around his daughter who was jumping around and asked her repeatedly, "Hey, stop jumping around. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

"Dad, I have entered a new world!"

If it weren't for the wrong situation, with all her family and teammates staring at her, Song Kexin would have really wanted to roll around on the spot to express her current joy and excitement.

Brother Shijun was so curious that he kept urging his sister, "Sister, tell me, what does this space machine look like?"

Xie Ning looked at her sister with a smile, "You can go in alone and try it out. Just follow the pattern just now. Do you remember it all?"

"Remember, remember." Song Kexin nodded repeatedly, quickly exited the space and then entered again. As expected, it didn't take four or five seconds to finish drawing the entrance pattern, and she could immediately see the space of her large bungalow.

"Haha." Song Kexin laughed, turned to the side of the table, stretched out her hand and put all the pots and pans on the table into it.

Everyone looked at her expressionlessly.

Especially her father, seeing his daughter acting like this, he couldn't help but want to beat her.

He Shuping smiled from ear to ear, "Hey Xinxin, stop wandering around and tell us what's going on now."

"Auntie, I will be someone with space in the future!" Song Kexin jumped three feet high, her excitement palpable.

Song Youai didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and brought a glass of water to his niece, "Come on, come on, drink some water, calm down, and then talk to us."

Song Kexin took the water glass and took a sip, then vividly told everyone about the feeling of entering the space just now.

"It's very easy. Just follow my sister and draw a few simple shapes, and then a large square warehouse will appear in front of you. Hahahaha, do you know how big it is?"

"It's a hundred square meters, hahaha, and it's about ten meters high!"

"I can pack a lot of things, and I can also pack a scooter by myself, hahahahaha." Speaking of loading the car, Ke Xin became excited again and wanted to smile at the sky with her arms akimbo.

Everyone was also extremely pleasantly surprised, and they circled around Song Kexin and kept asking questions.

Song Youzhi was surprised and happy, "From now on, Xinxin will also have room to accommodate."

"Yes, that's great."

Ji Taixian, who was standing aside, had long been confused. He opened his mouth for a long time before crying and saying, "Then Xinxin won't need me anymore."

If everyone in the team has a space device, he will have no use for it.

No, he had to work harder to catch up with Xinxin's progress as soon as possible, and he had to work hard to reach the sixth level.

Song Kexin was very understanding and reached out to pat him on the shoulder, "How can you? Even if everyone has a space device in the future, our space is still not as big as your space."

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