The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 657 Captain Xie’s goal

"Besides, don't you have 660 square meters now? The height is also much greater than what we have. Your space is more suitable for installation and more useful, and it will continue to increase as you upgrade in the future."

"Besides, you are not just a mobile warehouse like us. You also have space skills. With a swoosh, the space blades fly and zombies fall down in droves."

Everyone looked at these two living treasures in amusement.

One looks like a sad little daughter-in-law, and the other looks like a strong female King Kong, patting the other person's shoulders to comfort them.

The style of painting is very funny.

Ji Taixian was quickly comforted, and he felt that Xinxin was right to say cute things.

He can't belittle himself, in fact he is still very useful.

The big deal is that in the future, we will work hard to practice our abilities and strive to advance to the next level, but we can't be decadent just because everyone in the team will have space machines in the future.

Everyone saw that he looked happy again and couldn't help but laugh too.

Ning Ning has developed a good thing and the whole team has benefited. Today is like a Chinese New Year and everyone is very happy.

Song Youai pondered for a moment but couldn't help but ask, "I just heard what you said about spiritual connection patterns and so on. Does that mean that only those with psychic powers can open the space device? Can't ordinary people do it?"

It would be better if ordinary people like my brother and the others could wear space machines.

They can stuff some weapons, inhibitors and other things into the space and use them at will, which will greatly improve their own safety.

Now, although everyone can hang a gun on their waist, it is quite troublesome once the bullets run out.

Digging through things in your backpack is a waste of time and requires too many steps.

Xie Ning smiled and shook her head, "It's okay. It doesn't require any mental power. I just guide them to enter the space for the first time to connect spiritually. In the future, the space device can be improved and improved. Ordinary people must be able to use it."

After hearing what she said, Song Youyi, Song Youxuan and others who were still worried at first showed happy smiles on their faces.

Xie Ning's current goal is that from now on, the entire team will have a space device.

In this way, it will be much more convenient whether you keep the personnel at the base or go out on missions together later.

But currently, space machines are still relatively difficult to make, and it is impossible for her to spend all her time on it every day.

So I can only take as much free time as possible to do it.

But fortunately, making a space machine can also exercise your spatial abilities at the same time. This does not delay your practice of spatial abilities.

The happiest student was Song Kexin, who wandered around the crowd like a little butterfly, telling everyone she met that she had obtained a space device.

In the end, her father slapped her on the head lightly, "Okay, stop blabbing in front of me! Go, go, have fun."

I really want to hit her!

That is a large warehouse space of about 100 square meters. Just thinking about it makes him excited. He wants it so much...

Everyone gathered around Song Kexin to watch her take things and put them away, and they often praised her, "She collects things very quickly."

"Yes, you can put it in and out without any trouble at once. This reminds me of the way Taixian did a great job when he put things away in the first place!"

Ji Tae Hyun:......

Wow, he didn't offend anyone, why would he want to talk about the embarrassing things from back then.

Wang Zongxuan couldn't help laughing.

Dance master, poof, Aunt Song’s words are as sharp as ever.

Xie Ning quietly sneaked up to Comrade Xiao Gu, reached out and tugged on his sleeves, and whispered, "I will make the next space device for you. Let me think about it and see if I can make it more mature."

Comrade Xiao Gu's eyes lit up, "It has to be bigger than Xinxin's space."

Xie Ning glanced at him, couldn't help but smile and nodded, "Okay."

The room next door.

As soon as Zhong Yayuan entered the door with her child in her arms, she saw her man lying against the wall like a gecko.

The large fonts are all stuck together, and they look funny.

"What are you doing!" She stepped forward and patted his shoulder.

Li Dawei quickly turned around and said, "Shhhhhhhh" and took his wife's hand, "Listen, the guy next door is still laughing at this time. Why is he so excited? He's been laughing for a long time."

Zhong Yayuan rolled her eyes at him, "It's none of your business. Don't worry about the team next door all day long. You don't know what Captain Xie's temper is like. Be careful of her hurting you."

"Speaking of which, I think your sister is right. You are paying too much attention to Captain Xie. Are you interested in her?"

"Ah, bah, bah, who would fall in love with that tigress? Only Leader Gu has the courage and courage. If you try it on someone else, you won't be slapped to death on the bed!"

Zhong Yayuan burst into laughter and said, "You really lack virtue. I see Captain Xie is a fair and fair girl. The more I look at her, the more I like her."

"Hehe." Li Dawei smiled and pulled his wife to the bedside, "Did your son make trouble for you today? You can raise him with confidence. If he doesn't behave, he will beat him. My son, Li Dawei, is very resistant to beatings."

Zhong Yayuan rolled her eyes at him and said, "Go away, you won't have any trouble raising a child. Let me tell you, this child is very smart. When he gets older, we have to find a master for him in the base."

"I hope my child can awaken his supernatural powers." Zhong Yayuan sighed and looked at her husband, "It's best not to be like me."

"What are you talking about? There's nothing wrong with being like you. Don't worry, no matter what happens to our son, his father can protect you two."

Zhong Yayuan sighed, "I hope my son's road will be easier in the future."

"Okay, don't worry. At worst, when the child is older, I will abandon this face and go to Team Spark to beg for nothing to find him a reliable master."

"There are so many talented people next door, why are you worried? Our son will inherit my fine bloodline and will definitely be able to awaken his powers in the future."

Zhong Yayuan almost laughed out loud and reached out to pat him.

The Spark Team next door is really in trouble when they meet you, a nubuck.

Song Kexin originally thought that she might be so excited that she couldn't sleep all night.

As a result, she overestimated herself and fell asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow...

The first thing I did when I woke up the next morning was check the gold ring on my hand.

Oh, the golden color is so dazzling.

Will it be too conspicuous and coveted by others?

She sat on the bed and thought.

Do you want to wear the ring and make it a necklace to put around your neck?

She was happily working in her room. When Song Youzhi knocked on the door and walked in, his jaw almost dropped to the floor.

The room was empty, all the furniture was gone.

"What are you doing!" Song Youzhi roared at his daughter and stepped forward to beat her...

"Take away the bed and sofa. Your sisters won't sleep when they come back at night??"

Song Kexin took out the furniture and put it away angrily, making a face at her father, "I just took it away casually! It's not like I won't return it."

Song Youzhi was speechless and helpless.

This bastard kid has not come out of his excitement since last night.

"Xingxing, wash up quickly and go out with your sister later."

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