The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 659 I have everything

In the past two days, the water has receded to the first floor. It is reasonable that people can live on the second and third floors, but the base did not issue an order, and no one dared to move in secretly.

After all, this is a fatal matter. No one knows whether the water level will rise again overnight.

What if the water level came back up in the middle of the night after they moved in? They would be in a hurry, and those who were less lucky might be drowned by the water.

The base does not dare to joke with the lives of survivors. After all, these days, it is easy to find zombies, but it is not easy to find survivors.

So even though the water receded two floors down, a group of survivors were still huddled together on the same floor, making a lot of noise and doing various things every day.

Xie Ning sat by the window, holding her chin up and staring at the lowering water.

I secretly speculated and thought, feeling that if the water level receded as it did now, it might take less than a week for it to recede completely.

I don’t know what trouble will be caused by that time.

And I don’t know what the situation is like outside the Gyeonggi region. Is the water receding in all places at the same time, or is it sooner or later?

As a result, Kress moved around her, as if he was sitting on pins and needles and not being honest.

"What are you doing?" Xie Ning was annoyed by his troubles and glanced at him angrily.

Kress's handsome face was almost wrinkled, and his mood was quite sad.

Xie Ning then looked at him carefully and couldn't help but laugh out loud, "What's the matter with you? Didn't you sleep well yesterday?"

Why do you still have two dark circles under your eyes?

"They're coming!"

"Who is it?" Xie Ning was stunned, completely unable to follow this young man's thoughts.

"Hey, they are members of my family! They came here with the exchange group from Country Y and said they wanted to communicate with us about supernatural powers."

Xie Ning raised her eyebrows, "Oh."

"Oh what, why aren't you in a hurry!" Kress lowered his voice and approached her, "I'm telling you, they are definitely coming for us this time!"

"You're talking about bullshit exchanges, they're actually just discussions! Do you think about the exchanges? Can you be spared? I've got the latest news. Seventh-level superpowers have appeared in Country Y, and their purpose is to meet Meet your sixth-level gold-type superpower from country C."

"That's you, the sixth-level metal superpower known as the best in the world! Why aren't you worried?"

"She's already at the seventh level." Kress looked Xie Ning up and down. "You don't know if you can beat them. I'm really worried about you. What if you can't beat them? Of course I'm here to help. It's yours, but when the time comes, it's hard to say which side the people in my family will stand on..."

Xie Ning patted the young man on the shoulder, "What are you worried about? The soldiers will come to block the water and come to Tutun, so just come."

Kress almost jumped up from his seat, "Be serious! In addition to learning about your abilities, they will also take me back."

"Aren't you worried about me? If I leave, you will lose such a talented and capable team member!"

"Don't you feel heartbroken when you think about our team's future, and then about me?"

Xie Ning looked at him speechlessly.

I don’t know if I’m heartbroken or not, but this kid has a lot of drama!

"You don't want to go back with them?"

"Aren't you talking nonsense?" Kress glared at her angrily, "You woman, you have to check your conscience. How many years have we been together from the beginning to now? Do you have the heart to send me away?? "

"It's a shame that I still want to be by your side and help you protect you! What kind of attitude do you have!"

"Okay, don't get excited, don't get excited, I didn't say I was going to send you away." Xie Ning couldn't help but patted his hand, "What about you... family members, please tell me first. "

"This time, they came with the country Y exchange group. You know, the country Y branch of the Global Academy for Superpowers must be involved."

"It's really troublesome this time. I heard that there is a level of division, which is like...the difference between heaven and earth, you know. Don't you people in C country always have an old saying? It's called "what's the centimeter lost, what's lost" Thousands of miles.”

Xie Ning twitched the corner of her mouth, stretched out her hand to push his face away, "Don't talk."

A slight difference can make a huge difference, which is not how you use it.

You are from country Y. If you can speak smoothly with your tongue, you are already very good, so don’t challenge the ancient Kyushu sayings.

"What do you think we should do about this?"

"Don't worry." Xie Ning comforted the young man, "Anyway, I have everything."

Seeing how determined she looked, Kress felt inexplicably relieved, "Then, let's make an agreement. You can't just send me out just to avoid trouble."

He knew Xie Ning very well. Once he felt that he was troublesome, he would definitely want to get rid of this hot potato as soon as possible.

So she had to put her words aside and give her a wake-up call.

Lest this evil-hearted woman find herself in trouble and kick her out of the team!

"Am I that kind of person?" Xie Ning glanced at him and stared expressionlessly.


Kress wanted to answer her decisively, but what he said in the end was, "Of course you are not, but you don't understand the people in my family. It's troublesome anyway. But don't believe anything they say, and don't take it to heart." Go, anyway, you can’t hand me over.”

"I know, I know." Xie Ning slapped his hand away angrily.

"I noticed that you have become more and more talkative recently. You usually practice more superpowers when you have time. By the way, have your superpower levels been raised to level six now?"

Kress didn't want to talk to her, so he silently turned his face to face her with the back of his head.

"If you ignore me, I will treat you as if you are on the sixth level."

Kress almost laughed angrily.

Can this thing still be "used"?

Fortunately, he worked hard enough, otherwise he would have been embarrassed to death by this woman today.

"In that case, we have three sixth-level and above superpowers in our team, which is good." Xie Ning nodded repeatedly, "My mother can also work hard to raise it to a higher level, but Shijun probably can't. He Just reached the fifth level."

"Uncle and Yueyue can keep an eye on them."

Xie Ning thought about it and said, "Oh, we probably have to go out again, probably in the next few days."

"When will the Country Y sightseeing tour group you mentioned arrive? Maybe we will go out by then."

"It's best to ask mom and others to mention their abilities before going out."

After all, it takes a certain amount of time to upgrade, and it is definitely not safe to upgrade outside.

Sometimes it may take a whole day and a night, and you will always be in a state of nervousness when you go out, so it is not appropriate to do that.

Of course, if there is nothing you can do if you are outside in time to level up, you can still hide in space to level up, but Xie Ning still hopes that everyone can make preparations in advance at the base.

Kress's eyes lit up, "Are we leaving tomorrow?"

"In two days."

Kress was disappointed again, "Why wait two days? We'll leave tomorrow. They'll arrive in two days, and then we won't be able to leave!"

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