The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 660 The Secret of Stone

"Why are you so anxious?" Xie Ning said she would be as calm as possible.

Patting the young man's shoulder to comfort him, "Don't worry. Anyway, I promise you that I won't let you be taken away by others. Don't you still believe me?"

"I promise you in my name, Captain Starfire, that as long as you are unwilling to leave Starfire, it will be useless for anyone to force you."

"Put your heart at ease in your stomach, eat and drink when you need to, do what you need to do, what are you worrying about."

Seeing how calm she was, Kress felt much better.

"Okay, but let me tell you, you can't fool me." Kress glanced at her and said seriously, "I'm telling you, I have to vaccinate you in advance."

"The people in my family are quite troublesome. Not everyone is as easy to talk to as I am, you know? So you have to be prepared in advance and don't be unprepared."

Xie Ning was already a little annoyed with him, so she turned to stare at him and asked word by word, "Can we fight?"

Kress was stunned for a moment, then perked up and straightened his body.

The young man stared at her with bright eyes, "Of course you can fight if you can. Especially if there is a red-haired boy inside, you can fight however you want."

"It's best if we can beat them all away, then I won't have to worry about this or that. I won't be so worried."

"Okay, I know, please stop being so long-winded." Xie Ning waved her little hand, "I find that you are really, more and more like a little old man now. Look at how young you are. You are just so long-winded. How can you be so long-winded?" What can we do in ten years?"

"Anyway, I promise you, when I see people from your family, I will discuss it with them patiently and in a good voice. If we don't get through the discussion, I will fight!"

"As long as you don't want to leave our Starfire for a day, then you don't have to go with them. I will definitely protect you, right?"

Kress immediately became happy, nodded towards her, and confirmed again and again, "Hey, I didn't force you! You said this yourself, you can't go back on it!"

"When the time comes, if people hit you with supplies, you can't hand me over casually."

Xie Ning's eyes lit up when she heard this: "Ah, your family members will still use supplies to hit me? They must have supplies."

Too hasty, Xie Ning thought to herself silently. It seems that the people in the Kress family are not as bad as he said.

Could it be that the people in the Kress family thought that she had kidnapped the Kress boy, so they were planning to come over and pay the ransom?

Thinking of this, Xie Ning couldn't help but feel a little headache.

But since I promised this hot potato that I will take responsibility for this matter to the end, I definitely can't become a hands-off shopkeeper midway.

Oh, forget it, for the sake of this child being very good recently, she will help him.

Kress saw that her expression was gloomy and sometimes showed a hint of annoyance, so he knew that he had let the news slip.

Then he quickly poked her with his finger, looking unhappy, "Are those supplies more important than me in your eyes?"

"If you think about the supplies in our space, it will be enough for a few lifetimes, right?"

"I am such a big living person, a handsome little guy. You usually look at me with pleasure. Which one is more important, material or me? Can you tell which is more important?"

Xie Ning couldn't help but twitch the corner of her mouth.

She felt that this handsome boy was a little excited now, and he was very funny.

How can anyone call himself a handsome boy? He really doesn't mind blushing.

Song Kexin and Song Shijun sat down in front of them.

From the time I sat down until now, the nagging voice of the child Kress has been heard in my ears.

At this moment, he couldn't help turning his face and waving to Kress, and said with a smile, "Oh, handsome boy, please stop pushing me. Of course, my sister will do what she promised you. Look, when will she do it?" Can’t do what you promised?”

"She is very committed. Her only shortcoming may be that she has no sense of time."

"Yes, yes, brother Shijun, you are right, she has a really bad sense of time."

"You told me last time that you would study some strange stone with me in a few days. As a result, days and days passed, and days and days passed. I don't know how many days passed, and I couldn't wait. Get her some stone."

Captain Xie glanced at the young man expressionlessly.

Blame her?

Aren’t you very busy recently?

Without thoroughly investigating the matter of parasitic alien species, she would have no time to think about anything else.

Speaking of which, that magical stone should indeed be taken out and studied more.

Otherwise, the ultimate prize of the carousel would be smashed into his own hands.

If it's useless, it's just a piece of useless stone!

Song Kexin laughed happily, "Young man, you are still too young. You don't know that she was ten times more outrageous than she is now."

"Obviously she made a date with me to go shopping, but I happily put on a little makeup, carried a small bag, and went out to go shopping with her."

"It's over, do you know what happened? I've been waiting for her for a while!"

"I was like a fool on the street, waiting for her for more than an hour! I called her and found out that this guy actually forgot about the appointment with me. She was still sleeping soundly in bed when I called her."

Xie Ning had a black streak on her head.

She couldn't understand it at all. They were obviously discussing about the arrival of someone from the Kress family, how to deal with it, right?

How come the issue of her concept of time was inexplicably involved, and Song Kexin kept asking her all the way to the end of the world...

How long has this been going on? I still can’t get over it. I’m speechless!

Then she couldn't help but look at classmate Song Kexin expressionlessly.

"You were wrong. I only asked you to wait for less than an hour that time. How could it be more than an hour? You are exaggerating."

"And you've said this over and over again so many times! Just in front of my mother, at least three times!!"

Song Kexin couldn't help but rolled her eyes, "I've been waiting for you for nearly an hour to call you, and you were still in bed asking me in a daze, if you still want to make a date?"

"Then do you want to make a date? Of course we will! I said I must make a date, so get out of here! You just got up and freshened up before going out. Now, didn't it cost another hour?"

"It took more than an hour and nearly two hours for you to get to my place! Did I say something wrong? Did I?"

You can imagine the mood of classmate Song Kexin at that time. She was about to explode.

Her sister actually had the nerve to ask her if she wanted to date?

Nonsence! She had been standing on the street for more than an hour whether she wanted to date her or not. How could she not date her? Damn it.

If you don’t make an appointment, then you’ll be standing there for more than an hour like a fool! !

Song Shijun looked at the two sisters and couldn't help laughing.

Kress also felt that Miss Song Kexin was a bit miserable.

After glancing at Xie Ning sitting next to him, the young man still made a very objective judgment, "Then based on what you said, combine it with the present."

"Our captain has really improved a lot compared to before."

"Yes, yes, there has indeed been a lot of progress. It would be better if the concept of time could be slightly changed."

Song Shijun laughed again, "Forget it, what did you ask her to change?"

"I'm telling you, when you're three years old and you're eighty years old, there are some things you can't change at all, hahahaha."

Xie Ning's face was expressionless.

He glanced at the three of them, then stood up decisively and gave his brother a blow to his head.

At that time, Team Leader Yan trotted in and waved to the patrolman driving the boat, "Okay, okay, let's set off."

"Today's mission is quite heavy. Let's try our best to visit the entire base in one day."

While saying this, he took a few steps forward, bowed his hands to all the superpowers, and said with a smile, "I have to work hard today, you may have to go back later in the evening."

"Let's just try our best to get things done today. If it's too late and too late, we can discuss it later. What do you think?"

Some of the supernatural beings in the boat were from the official patrol team, so of course they had no objections when they heard the news.

The superpowers recruited from other private teams will definitely have no objections because they can earn contribution points.

What's more, every time the base sends out a mission, it will also provide everyone with two free meals a day, so many people with special abilities in private teams are very willing to accept various tasks assigned by the base.

Especially a specific mission like today.

Although the purpose of the task was not clearly explained to them, it was very simple to just scan the wall structure of the building outside.

Moreover, the base also specifically stated that today, two energy-boosting potions will be given to those with spiritual powers for free.

This makes most people with spiritual abilities very happy.

It has been nearly two years since the end of the world, and most of the superpower users know that the improvement of superpower levels is inseparable from their diligent study and practice.

Powers need to be used more and released more often. It is best to use them skillfully so that they can advance quickly.

Otherwise, the more you search and search without using it, the more you won't be able to level up.

Therefore, things like energy-replenishing potions, which can replenish the energy of superpowers, are now very popular in the market, and it is even hard to find one.

Many people broke their heads and fought for a bottle of energy-boosting potion, even going to scalpers to buy it.

In fact, most superpowers will have their own energy-boosting potions around them, but it would be better if the base could provide two additional ones.

It will save a fee.

The task of eagerness doesn't seem to be difficult, so as soon as this task was announced last night, many people with super powers were very excited.

Moreover, the base contribution points he gives are still very high, so everyone wants to compete.

Unfortunately, the direction of this mission is too clear, and most of the people the base wants are mental superpowers, so if the people they want to pick up are not mental superpowers, they will end up being powerless.

There are actually not many spiritual power users in the entire base.

The total number probably does not exceed one hundred.

In fact, this number does not seem to be very small, but compared with the global population, it is almost pitiful.

Because this kind of special mental superpower is very rare among the people with superpowers.

Coupled with those who died and were injured in normal battles, the entire Gyeonggi base can find about a hundred mental superpowers, which is considered a very impressive number to the outside world.

Xie Ning felt that these hundreds of spiritual power users were already pretty good.

This time, if we want to go around the whole base, we have to go under the city wall. This waterway is quite far.

Fortunately, the residential buildings are almost all concentrated together, and there are a lot of them here. If they work together and work together, it should be possible to rush them one day at a time.

Team leader Yan led everyone along the way, and when they reached a residential building area, he dropped off a group of people with mental powers and continued to lead the next group forward.

His course of action must have been worked out overnight, and it probably took a lot of manpower and effort.

The main reason is that the higher-ups are really scared of this parasitic alien species.

Who knew they could actually use X world's technology to create a hollow mezzanine inside the wall of a high-rise building?

Kress followed the ladder up.

Because the height was not high enough, there were several space power users who helped throw space blades and build transparent stairs.

Everyone worked together and the effect was very good.

Xie Ning followed Kress and took a few steps towards the small platform.

She took out the magical stone from her pocket and squeezed it in her hand. There was no response when she squeezed it left and right, so she gave it to Kress.

"Do you feel it?"

Kress was concentrating on inspecting the wall of the building. He was stunned when he heard this. He clenched the stone in his hand and shook his head after a long while, "No."

Xie Ning took the divine colored stone out of his fingers and said calmly, "I didn't feel anything either."

"I even tried bleeding!" Xie Ning secretly told Kress.

Kress almost smiled, "Hahahaha, you told Sister Kexin not to bite your fingers to draw blood, but you...hahahaha."

Xie Ning looked at him with a dark face, "Shouldn't I try some method?"

"I got this stone from the krypton gold carousel in the X world. I think it should be a strange stone."

"It's just a pity that the strange stone has no great fate with me." Xie Ning said angrily, making a gesture of throwing it away.

Kress said "Hey!" and quickly tried to dissuade him, "What are you doing?"

"You said it was a good thing from the To that level?"

"Or maybe there are some martial arts secrets carved on the stone. Haven't you seen your country C martial arts movies? People who fall off a cliff can usually see the martial arts secrets on the stone wall!"

Xie Ning looked at him with a dull face.

Carve you a big-headed ghost! !

First of all, she didn't fall off the cliff, and secondly, she had looked at this stone countless times. It was as smooth as jade, with nothing on it!

He also gave me martial arts secrets and watched all kinds of nonsense on TV, which ruined the life of a good child.

"Then have you tried injecting spiritual power into it?"

"Do you think I'm stupid? I've studied it countless times and it must be injected." Xie Ning said angrily.

"Then if it doesn't work once, just try a few more times, and try for a longer time!"

"Wait, what did you just say??" Xie Ning's eyes suddenly lit up.

"I asked you to try it several times if it doesn't work once."

"No, that last sentence."

Kress looked confused, "Try, take longer??"

Xie Ning patted her thigh and stared at him with bright eyes, "Yes!"

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