Xie Ning's eyes were as bright as light bulbs, flickering at Kress.

The latter felt a little scared when she saw her, and leaned back weakly, "You, what are you doing?"

"Think about it, I can only inject spiritual power for so long by myself. If I add you and other spiritual powers, can I open this stone?"

Kress nodded subconsciously, "It should be feasible, but can we wait, wait, and try again!"

It's still floating in the air now, sister!

Safety first, right?

"Great, I'll go talk to Team Leader Yan, and when we take a break at noon, we'll gather all the psychic powers to deal with it together."

Speaking of which, I have held this stone in my hand for a long time, and there has been no progress for such a long time. Captain Xie is lying if he says he is not in a hurry.

After all, this is the ultimate prize of the Krypton Gold Roulette. How could it just be thrown into the garbage heap and eat ashes?

It's just that this isn't her first time doing research.

I have played with this stone many times in the past, and every time after injecting mental power, I felt something was wrong. Now that I think about it carefully, it should be that the injection of mental power is not enough.

With her own strength, it is impossible to refill the energy well all the time. She is constantly consuming mental energy while recharging herself.

Who knows where the bottom line of this stone is?

If there would be any other impact if she took time away, Xie Ning was still quite cautious and not willing to take the wrong approach.

After all, she didn't have any idea until now.

I don’t even know how much spiritual power it takes to open this magical stone?

Now that there are so many spiritual power users coming, Xie Ning feels that it should be possible to gather everyone's strength.

She privately believed that this possibility was relatively high.

So he turned around, jumped off the platform, and ran to discuss with Team Leader Yan.

She didn't go into too much detail, she just said that she was willing to provide two special-effect versions of the energy-boosting potions, and asked all those with mental powers to do her a small favor during their free time at noon.

I hope that after taking the supplementary potion, everyone can focus all their mental abilities on her.

Xie Ning's excuse was also very perfunctory, saying that she wanted to practice new mental moves.

She hopes that Team Leader Yan will help her ask other people with psychic abilities if they are willing to help her.

If possible, she is also willing to pay everyone a thousand contribution points.

The helping time is about one hour, and it takes up everyone's lunch break.

Team leader Yan agreed wholeheartedly.

In fact, he thinks this is quite good.

If he was a person with mental powers, he would definitely agree, but the others didn't know what they were thinking. In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Team Leader Yan sent someone to ask every person with mental powers.

The final answer was also very unanimous. Once everyone heard that not only would they be given supplementary medicine, but they would also get an additional 1,000 contribution points, they would all agree. Only fools would not agree.

Besides, it’s a small task that can be completed in just one hour, just practice new mental skills with Captain Xie. How big a task can that be?

Their line of work has already earned enough when they took on this big task, and now they can earn a little more midway. Who wouldn't want to?

Isn’t this just something that happened by accident?

So the matter was settled.

Everyone worked together very hard to scan the exterior walls of the building.

In the whole morning, many parties cooperated, and half of the area was inspected.

There will be more time in the afternoon. After checking the remaining half of the area, everyone feels that there is no difficulty.

Team Leader Yan was also in a better mood. After all, after checking throughout the morning, nothing was found, which made him very happy.

It was actually a good thing that there was no secret experimental cabin that detected alien species.

Because if the existence of alien species is detected, they can join the battle at any time. Once the two sides start fighting, the time spent in the battle cannot be accurately estimated.

In short, it is best not to have that, but to be on the safe side, the remaining areas still need to be carefully checked.

In a blink of an eye, it was noon.

After a brief lunch, Xie Ning summoned all the hundreds of spiritual power users.

First, he briefly expressed his gratitude, and then talked about the steps to try out the move and the things to pay attention to when taking unified actions.

Of course, everyone was very happy and waved their hands enthusiastically to express that no thanks were needed. This is what they should do.

After all, Captain Xie never hides his secrets. If he develops any new special abilities, he will tell them all when asked.

In her spare time, she would even convene a group of people with special abilities to give them special lessons and training, carefully explaining her entire process from comprehending the skills to skillfully using them.

The metal-type superpowers and the space-type superpowers and the mental-type superpowers all benefited a lot from her, and they all got a lot of useful skill information from her.

Now that I heard that I could help Captain Xie, I felt pretty good.

Captain Xie is so strong, and there are not many opportunities to ask for their help. If you get the opportunity, why don't you hurry up and repay him?

Besides, there are additional contribution point rewards, so everyone’s efforts are not in vain.

Although Captain Xie is usually a bit fierce, he is really nice and never tries to take advantage of them.

So it is a very pleasant thing to help her, and both of us feel comfortable physically and mentally.

Xie Ning is also very happy. She has quite a lot of contribution points in her account now.

Because of the last mission of eliminating alien species and patrolling alien species, the base allocated her more than 300,000 contribution points.

Even if there are a hundred spiritual power users here, each of them will take away one thousand of her contribution points.

After this amount is transferred to the account, it is estimated that there will be about 200,000 contribution points left.

So Captain Xie felt that he was still a very wealthy man and there was no need to dig around.

What's more, based on the concept of spending money when you make money, Captain Xie is still very enthusiastic and happy about spending money.

Money is only money when it is spent.

Contribution points are now equivalent to money, and you can earn them after you spend them.

She asked others for help and gave everyone some subsidies for their contributions. Isn't it a good thing that the happiness of one person is worse than the happiness of everyone?

It's just that it's not easy to talk about the stone in detail, so Kress took the initiative to step forward and explain further.

"We have thought of a new move, so we want to try it and let everyone gather all their mental powers. As soon as I say start, everyone should gesture in my direction and focus on activating their mental power, okay?"



In order to let everyone see an eye-catching target, Kress used a mental skill to directly create a mental barrier with white light shining around Xie Ning.

In this way, everyone can clearly and intuitively see where the mental skills should be placed.

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