The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 666 More than enough to deal with you

"Thank you, Captain!!" Director Zhou shouted, causing all the noise in the hall to suddenly become silent.

Everyone turned to look over.

Xie Ning was seen standing behind them, looking at the group of Country Y exchange groups with cold eyes.

To be precise, he should be staring at the big-nosed man who yelled the loudest among them.

Mr. Banon, a seventh-level fire superpower.

The members of Team Starfire all cheered and surrounded her, looking at her up and down with excited expressions and asking various questions.

"Sister, are you okay?"

"Ning Ning, how do you feel now?"

"Has the fever gone?"

"Sister Ning, have you awakened your power again? What kind of power is it?"

Xie Ning raised her hand and pressed it gently to suppress everyone's voices before replying, "I don't have a clue at the moment."

In front of outsiders, she couldn't say it directly. She only saw an extra green crystal in the supernatural energy.

After all, she still hasn't figured out what she has awakened.

At present, I can only muddle through with a few vague words.

Song Youai squeezed to his daughter's side, took her hand and looked up and down, then raised his hand to touch her forehead.

The serious expression softened a bit, and the voice became lighter, "The fever is gone."

"Well, I'm fine." Xie Ning nodded quickly and smiled at everyone, "I made you worry."

"I'm so worried, sister. You've been in a daze for so many days and scared us all."

"Besides, there are still people who insist on coming to trouble you while you are in a daze, and claim that we lied to them."

Xie Ning followed Song Kexin's deliberately loud voice and glanced towards the Country Y exchange group.

"I vaguely heard that someone wanted to spar with me?" Xie Ning raised her eyebrows, "Stand up and let me see who it is."

The voices in the hall suddenly fell silent.

Li Dawei and the others retreated, leaving a semicircular space in the middle.

Everyone simply retreated behind the sofa or beside the TV, leaning against the wall to watch, with expressions on their faces as if they were enjoying the fun.

"Hey, haven't you been clamoring for a spar with Captain Xie? Now people are asking, why are you silent? Has your tongue been taken away by a cat?" Li Xiang covered his mouth and laughed.

As soon as they finished speaking, several members of the Country Y exchange group glared at them fiercely.

Li Dawei and the others were not vegetarians either. They all stared back and said, "Aren't we going to compete? Come out!"

"Hey, don't blame us for not reminding you. Last time, there were a few idiots from the Global Academy of Superpowers, just like you, who came to Captain Xie for discussion in a hurry, but they were severely slapped in the face and sent back."

"That's right, all of you from country A and country R want to discuss with us, Captain Xie, and you don't find yourself annoying. Are they born just to welcome you for discussions and exchanges?"

"You should stand up for the sparring! The sparring has been going on for a long time. Why are you not talking alone, but want to fight in a group??"

If you want to fight in a group, there is no problem. Everyone present has long been dissatisfied with the big-nosed man with his chin held high, and they secretly rolled up their sleeves.

I just want to wait for Captain Xie to give me an order, and I plan to ignore them and beat them first!

There is no need to talk about martial arts with this group of people, just fight and it will be over!

Banon is the seventh-level fire power user. His nose is like a head of garlic planted upside down on his face, occupying almost two-thirds of his face.

It makes him look pretty ugly...

Xie Ning glanced at the other person, immediately looked away, silently took out a mask, and covered her mouth and nose.

"Hahaha." Li Dawei laughed very inappropriately and lowered his voice to the teammates around him, "I bet Xie Ning originally wanted to blindfold her when she took out the mask."

"It must be because the garlic nose is so ugly, she must not be able to bear to look at it."

"Yes, yes, we know her best about the village beauty. She is a beauty control. I used to beat my brother every once in a while because he looked ugly."


Ge Yan almost laughed out loud holding her belly.

Li Dawei glared angrily at his sister who was causing trouble, "Why am I ugly?"

"Not ugly, not ugly, look at that..." The other teammates hurriedly comforted their captain's glassy heart, pulling his arm and pointing forward.

At this time, Banon had walked a few steps from the middle of their country Y exchange group and stood five steps away from Xie Ning.

He couldn't hide the curiosity in his eyes.

In fact, they had already read all the information about Xie Ning before setting off to C Country's Gyeonggi Base.

But when Banon saw her with his own eyes, he was still shocked by her youth and beauty.

Although it remains to be seen whether she is the world's number one gold-type superpower, but her youth and sixth-level abilities alone are enough to attract people's attention.

Banon said in C Mandarin, which is not fluent, "They all said that you have awakened a new power again?"

"What is the new power?"

There was a cold smile on Xie Ning's face, "I see your nose is not as big as your face, so you speak so thoughtlessly?"

Team Leader Yan stood aside and wiped his sweat from time to time, and quickly translated, "Captain Xie means that your face is not big enough, so you shouldn't ask such a rude question."

As if the people from Country Y wouldn't understand, Team Leader Yan continued to add, "In our country, when the word "face" is said in a mocking tone, it is similar to mocking you for being stupid, short-sighted, and very mediocre."


Director Zhou: ...

I have to say that Team Leader Yan, who is bald, is quite considerate.

These words completely angered Banon, "Oh? A sixth-level metal superpower user with such a loud tone is not afraid of being blown away by the strong wind."

"The sixth level is more than enough to deal with you." Xie Ning raised her eyebrows and made a very provocative hooking motion, "Come on."

"Banon, be careful." A middle-aged man from country Y behind him stared at Xie Ning with a sinister look.

Banon's whole body burst into flames, and he laughed and rushed towards Xie Ningfei.

"Don't talk too much, little girl from country C. Let me teach you how to speak and behave today."

Xie Ning watched the other party rushing towards him coldly.

The moment Banon landed, Xie Ning turned around and quickly jumped away from the place.

There were only a few faint flames left where he landed, and Banon didn't even touch the corner of Xie Ning's clothes.

This scene made everyone happy. Many people huddled in the corner and laughed, continuing to turn on the taunting mode, "Hey, isn't this the strongest seventh-level fire element? He can't even touch the edge of our Captain Xie's clothes. , and give me a P."

The middle-aged man from country Y frowned tightly, his eyes following the figures walking back and forth in the living room.

Although Banon was very fast, he still couldn't catch Captain Xie.

It can be said that Captain Xie's speed is almost comparable to that of a professional speed user!

what happened?

"Banon, don't follow her in circles, she is consuming your supernatural energy!"

This cunning woman from country C.

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