The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 667 Have you ever heard that there is a sky outside the sky?

The middle-aged man from country Y already knows what Xie Ning's purpose is.

She wanted to consume the wildly surging fire energy in Banon and then knock him down.

Oh, this damn woman from Country C is so cunning!

In the exchange group, all the people in the exchange group stared at Banon who was running around, and their expressions gradually became anxious.

There was only one man from Country Y, wearing a black formal suit and standing upright, who was watching the fight in his spare time and kept smiling.

Butler Youn stood next to him, holding his chin up slightly and keeping a smile, but his smile was, well, much stiffer than that of the gentleman from Country Y.

Kress's face was expressionless, his face sullen and silent.

After a long while, the man from Country Y asked Yoon with a smile, "Butler, is this the captain of your Spark Team? It seems that she doesn't dare to confront Mr. Banon head-on."

"Oh, young master!" Mr. Butler boasted in an extremely exaggerated tone, "Don't underestimate our captain. She is the most beautiful, generous and powerful superpower I have ever seen in the world!"

"Young Master, for the sake of God, when you face our captain, you must not easily have any conflicts with her!" Otherwise God can't save you...

Kress continued to remain expressionless.

The man from country Y smiled, smiled, smiled, "Oh, really? This is little Kress, the one who is unwilling to go back with us and must follow us to the end?"

"Five minutes have passed and she's still running around."

"What do you know? The woman is just playing with Banon! She doesn't need three fingers to deal with Banon!" Kress was furious.

"But I see that your beautiful, generous and powerful captain seems to be still running away!"

"Oh no, my eldest young master." Mr. Butler's voice rose again, and his tone was very impassioned. "This is not an escape. This is because our captain didn't want to kill someone, so he deliberately let go."

"Oh, I can swear in the name of my lord, if the eldest young master underestimates our captain, you will definitely suffer!"

"Is it?"

"Yes! It must be! Young Master, you can't look at our captain with a prejudiced eye. Our captain is one of the strongest people in the world." In fact, Mr. Butler wants to say that the captain is the strongest in the world.

Ahem, but in order to be more rigorous, he finally added one.

The three of them all communicated in Y Mandarin. The members of Team Spark standing beside them all looked at Kress with confused faces.

Kress gave them a calm look, and secretly established a mental network to tell his teammates, "The woman will definitely win, don't worry. She is flying a kite to entertain that idiot!"

Only a fool would think that a woman would lose. That is impossible. It is not the woman's turn to lose no matter who loses.

Although the woman was very fierce, she was still very powerful in the heart of the Kress boy.

Just like the housekeeper said, she should be one of the strongest superpowers!

Okay, okay, the boy just has a kind of mysterious confidence in his captain.

The man from country Y smiled again, "My dear brother, in the middle of the conversation, you suddenly left me alone and went to communicate privately with members of your own team. Isn't it bad?"

Kress' delicate little face froze slightly, and she silently closed her mouth without saying a word.

Damn big brother, he can actually capture his mental power fluctuations? ?

It can be seen that the level of superpower may be higher than his own.

At this time, the middle-aged man who was the leader of the Country Y exchange group had a deep frown on his face.

He felt something was wrong.

Five minutes passed, and my seventh-level fire element user didn't even touch the corners of other people's clothes. Why fight?

A group of people watching the melon eating were laughing happily at this time.

This is still communication, and half a day passed without even touching the corners of other people's clothes.

Onlookers can see it very clearly.

The big-nosed man from Country Y hit several balls of fire with ferocity, but his attacks failed one after another.

Captain Xie was not burned at all.

Captain Xie glanced at the big-nosed man, then quickly jumped onto the railing.

The furious Mr. Banon threw out several flames in succession.

Just when he thought the flames would shatter the fence behind him, the attack was completely blocked as if he had hit an invisible wall of air.

"Aren't you a metal superpower?" Banon was a little surprised.

"Don't you claim to have read all the information about Captain Xie of Team Spark? That's it? Everyone in the world knows that Captain Xie is a three-series superpower."

"You people from country Y are so arrogant that you sit in a well and watch the sky. You must have never heard of the saying that there are people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the sky!"

Banon's nerves were repeatedly provoked, and he felt extremely offended and furious.

Xie Ning stood on the railing and looked down at him.

"I've let you do your best for ten minutes." Her voice was cold and low-pitched, but when it fell on everyone's ears, there was an overwhelming pressure.

"You can't even punch me in ten minutes, now it's my turn."

When she finished speaking, it was Li Dawei's demonic voice that sounded like "Hahahahahaha."

The Tiger Squad and the rest are like dubbing on the background board, following Li Dawei hehehe...

The expression on the face of the middle-aged leader of Country Y suddenly turned extremely bad.

He couldn't figure out what the other person was laughing at.

But he clearly felt disrespected by the other party.

This is a most distasteful contempt, and is beyond the reach of ordinary gentlemen.

Xie Ning didn't keep everyone waiting for too long.

When she leaned down from the railing, a pair of golden wings stretched out from her back.

Captain Xie dived downwards at an extremely terrifying speed, targeting Mr. Banon in the middle.

Banon's pupils shrank, and he subconsciously activated the fire power all over his body, forming a layer of fire in front of him.

The fire quickly expanded upward and outward, and the scorching air waves rushed towards the face.

Xie Ning struck with a thunderous blow with her hand.

The jade palm instantly passed through the flames.

Everyone saw it very clearly and opened their mouths inexplicably.

Xie Ning covered his fist with gold-type superpower and hit Mr. Banon hard.

The ferocious supernatural energy collided with each other, and a chest-swelling sound was heard in the air.

All the impacting air waves were intercepted by the surrounding space walls.

It has to be said that Captain Xie's use of space powers is simply miraculous.

With such a fierce collision of superpowers, the entire living room, including the floor, would be overturned by the air wave.

But it didn’t!

The floor is still intact, not even a crack.

Everyone stared at the scene in front of them with their mouths open.

Kress's brother couldn't help but frown at this time, with a slightly surprised look on his face.

He knows Banon's strength best.

Just like him, he is a seventh-level superpower.

But now, he was punched out by Captain Xie...

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