"If you told me now that no one can open the metal door you sealed, I would believe it, but you didn't have the level you have now."

Speaking of this, Gu Chen couldn't help but laugh.

The little girl looked at him seriously with her round eyes open, looking really funny.

Xie Ning snorted.

"Although my level was a bit low at that time, I had confidence in myself."

"I'm not exaggerating. The metal door I sealed must be the strongest. People may not be able to open it."

Xie Ning turned her head and stared at him seriously, "Although, everyone may be at a higher level now than I was back then. But when it comes to controlling gold-type abilities, I feel like no one is as good as me, don't you think so?" "

Gu Chen nodded. Indeed, if Ning Ning recognized the second place in controlling the metal system, no one would dare to claim the first place.

"So those metal superpowers in your official team may not be able to open the metal door I sealed."

"Think about it, what if you can't handle that door by then?"

Gu Chen thought about it seriously and felt that what his little girlfriend said seemed to make some sense.

It would be extremely funny if they rushed there and found that the metal door could not be opened.

But there is no denying that the little girl was deliberately trying to scare herself.

Gu Chen was extremely confused.

In fact, he really wanted to go on the road and do missions with her, so that he could watch her every day.

But when I think about her body that has just recovered, I can't help but feel extremely confused.

Xie Ning looked at his tangled look, rubbed his face with her hands and said with a smile: "Don't worry, there is no way anything could happen to me. You forgot, I can enter the space to practice anytime and anywhere."

"If it's really noisy outside, I'll go into the space and sleep. As long as I eat enough, drink enough, and get enough sleep, I can recover quickly. When the wind blows, it rises faster than the grass!"

"Don't underestimate my tenacity."

"You are a girl who is tougher than Xiaocao." Gu Chen smiled and stretched out his finger to flick her head.

"The water level has receded a lot in the past two days. Now the water in the base cannot cover the wheels."

"This saves time. We should be driving away by then. Besides, there won't be many people going back."

The main thing is to grab a batch of seeds.

Because Xie Ning was unconscious, their original plan was disrupted, so the official side sent ten space superpowers to Gu Chen!

Naturally, the boyfriend thinks that everything can be solved if he has his little girlfriend with him.

After all, the space issue can be solved first, right?

As long as his girlfriend follows him, Gu Chen doesn't even need to bring any space powers.

Unlike before, when the official sent him as many as ten space superpowers, he still had to worry about whether the space would still be insufficient.

So they are also preparing to drive a fleet to load the goods, so that they will not have to stare at the goods when there is no space to load them.

Gu Chen thought for a while, then held Xie Ning's hand and said softly, "Since you want to go, I will discuss it with Aunt Song and the others."

"If Aunt Song and the others also nod in agreement, you can go with me."

He raised his hand to smooth away the broken hair from her ears, "But if Aunt Song doesn't agree, you can't vent your anger on them, okay? Just take care of Aunt Song and their mood, and it's okay to stay. I'm here I can handle it myself and I promise to be back as soon as possible in three to five days."

Xie Ning also knew that this matter would definitely not go beyond her mother, so she nodded: "Don't worry, mother will definitely agree to us."

Gu Chen laughed.

You should have asked Aunt Song and the others about this matter. After all, Aunt Song and the others were also worried about Ning Ning.

If Aunt Song didn't agree, there was nothing Gu Chen could do.

So he felt that he still had to get his girlfriend vaccinated beforehand.

"Promise me, if Aunt Song and the others are really worried about you going out, you won't start a dispute with everyone, okay? The minority will obey the majority, and then you will stay at home and take good care of yourself."

"As for me, I don't go out to work alone, so don't worry about me."

Xie Ning reluctantly nodded at the difficulty, but she still felt uneasy. After all, it had been nearly two years, and no one was sure what was going on in Su City.

If she could follow them, she could also ask Little Spider to scan their surroundings from time to time, how convenient it would be.

"Look at me." She stretched out her slender arm with an arrogant look on her face, and pulled out a red copper-colored metal sword. The blade was glowing with a faint cold light, making people feel a chill all over their body just by looking at it. meaning.

Comrade Gu Chen blinked at her with surprise on his face, took the metal sword, looked at it again and again, and waved it twice in the air.

I saw the air in front of me rippling slightly, as if a trace of air flow passed along the sword body, splitting an invisible air wall into two pieces.

"Ning Ning, you are so amazing!" Gu Chen couldn't help but exclaimed, "Your ability to grasp metal is getting stronger and stronger now. The speed of making metal objects is also getting faster and faster, more than a month faster than before. times."

Xie Ning smiled at him and couldn't help showing a shy expression, "Actually, I also think I'm a bit powerful."

"Don't worry, I will ensure that our mission goes smoothly."

Captain Gu nodded heavily, hoping more and more that his girlfriend could go out with him.

"This sword..."

"I'll give it to you." Xie Ning waved her hand carelessly, "I'll make more later and replace all the original metal knives in your hands."

The metal objects she makes now are naturally not comparable to those before. Those people under Xiao Gu are still asking about the first and second generation metal knives.

The last time she saw them, she had long wanted to replace them.

It’s just that I’ve been so busy that things have been forgotten.

It seems that this matter needs to be put on the schedule as soon as possible. Changing a batch of weapons can also appropriately increase their combat effectiveness.

Only when the combat effectiveness of humans increases can they better deal with zombies and mutant monsters.

Speaking of which, it would be great if I could go to Su City with Comrade Gu to have a look.

And on the way back, we might be able to make a transfer to Jinshi and pick up Zuo Li and the others.

She hadn't seen Zuo Li and the others for a long time, and she didn't know what their condition was now, so she was really worried.

So she secretly decided to persuade her mother, Comrade Song Youai, to let her go out and let her go with Comrade Xiao Gu.

After the two of them discussed in low voices, Song Kexin just ran upstairs, stood at the door of the garden balcony, waved to them with a smile and said, "Sister, Brother Gu Chen, come down for dinner."

The three of them went downstairs together and did not go to the canteen downstairs to eat.

Usually when Team Spark wants something a little heartier, they eat in their room.

There is a large open space next to the balcony of the large room, just enough for a round table.

Naturally, there was no room for so many people in Team Spark to sit at one table, so they had to eat in batches.

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