The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 680 Smooth Handover

In this case, meals must be portioned out in advance.

Generally just take out the appropriate amount.

No one wastes food on purpose these days, and everything on the plate is bound to be eaten at every meal.

Xie Ning, Gu Chen and others entered the big room one after the other. The team members in front had already finished eating and went downstairs to chat.

Song Youai waved her hands happily when she saw them, "Ning Ning, my aunt has cooked porridge for you, drink two bowls to nourish your stomach."

"Don't eat too much in the past two days." Song Youai looked at his daughter with a smile, "After all, you have been hungry for many days. Although you have been given intravenous drips and nutritional injections, your stomach has always been empty."

"You need to raise it slowly, you know?"

Xie Ning nodded obediently, picked up the porridge bowl and drank it by the spoonful.

Everyone gathered around the table to watch her eating porridge slowly, with a little smile on her face.

Xie Ningma finished a bowl and a half of porridge and half of a whole-grain steamed bun before putting down the bowl and chopsticks to tell her mother their plans.

As soon as she mentioned that she and Comrade Xiao Gu would set off to Su's for a mission tomorrow, everyone in the Spark Team immediately looked at her nervously.

Brother Shijun was the happiest among them, "Sister, do you really want to set off with us? Haha, that would be great!"

The uncle reached out and patted his head, "That's good. Your sister just woke up and her body hasn't recovered well yet. Why should she get out?"

"Yes, Ning Ning." Aunt He Shuping looked at her with a worried look on her face, "You have been sleeping for so long before going to the ground, and you are going to travel far away soon. I'm afraid your body won't be able to bear it."

Song Youai also looked at his daughter seriously, with disapproval written all over his eyes.

Xie Ning coughed lightly and said, "This matter is quite important. After we finish this work, we may be ready to board the ship."

Anyway, before boarding the ship, she must bring Zuo Li and the others to the Gyeonggi base.

To her, the seed base was not as important as Zuo Li.

The faces of Team Spark immediately became serious, "Then, you can't just go out casually."

"Yes, since we are ready to board the ship, why not go far away..." Everyone was worried.

Song Youai sighed, "Mom, go with you."

"No need." Xie Ning quickly refused, "This trip will only take three to five days."

"How about that!" Song Youai stared at his daughter with a suspicious look on his face.

This girl is just a talkative person, just like Xiao Gu.

Song Youai simply disagreed with her concept of time!

"Slow?" Xie Ning thought for a while, "It's only half a month. I suspect that boarding will be open in the middle of next month."

“So I’ll definitely be back before the end of the month.”

"At the end of the month?" Everyone looked worried, "Isn't it too late?"

Especially Comrade Song Youai, the way he looks at his daughter is as if he is looking at an unreliable person...

"Mom, why do you look at me like this?" Xie Ning couldn't laugh or cry, "I'm reliable!"

"How can you be reliable? You." Song Youai sighed, "Mom won't stop you. Mom knows that you have your own considerations and plans, and you must have something to do."

"But you have to promise mom that you will pay attention to safety along the way and come back as soon as possible."

"That's for sure." Xie Ning nodded repeatedly, "Mom, don't worry, Xiao Gu and the others are following us."

Song Youai sighed softly and turned to look at Gu Chen.

Gu Chen nodded hurriedly to show his attitude, looking extremely well-behaved, "Don't worry, Aunt Song, I will be watching you along the way. I will make sure that Ning Ning eats on time and goes to bed at midnight, so that she can return to her peak condition as soon as possible!"

Xie Ning couldn't help but roll her eyes at him.

Still in peak condition.

Does this mean that Captain Xie is no longer at his peak?

Song Youyou nodded with a smile, "You should also pay more attention to rest. Don't forget the time when you are busy every day."

"Mom. I'll keep an eye on him!"

Speaking of this, she couldn't help but turn to look at Song Shijun again, with doubt on her face, "Are you going too?"

"That's right!" Song Shijun puffed up his chest and showed a proud look, "I am an expert selected by the official, huh."

"Just in case there's another flood, I can also give the wooden raft a boost!"

"I think the flood is coming. Look at the temperature. When we set out tomorrow, it will be around thirty degrees." Xie Ning laughed and shook her head.

Seeing that everyone was still looking at her with worried looks, the little girl repeated her old trick, showing her thin arms and quickly making a metal sword.

While everyone was amazed, the uncle did not hesitate to take the initiative and take the things away.

Seeing the resentful looks in everyone's eyes, Xie Ning couldn't help but shook her head in amusement, "When I wake up in the afternoon, I'll make a batch for everyone."

She can now make a metal sword with just one swing. It doesn't take much effort at all, but it does take some time.

Most importantly, she wanted to study her special abilities that were similar to the wood type but different from the wood type in the afternoon.

However, as soon as the meal was over, the official sent the logistics person in charge of the operations department to hand over the donated materials.

Xie Ning patted her little head and then remembered this matter.

After the previous discussion, there was no handover. Fortunately, Xie Ning had already finished counting the things to be donated before she fell asleep due to fever.

This will only require handing in the list along with the supplies.

Of course, the list couldn't have been made by Xie Ning. It was a list she had picked up and looked at when she was collecting supplies.

She took apart the thick list book and packed it into parts. She selected a part and handed it over to the logistics management of the operations department who came to hand over the supplies.

Deputy Director of Logistics Management Qiu smiled so hard that he could not see his teeth. His hands were trembling slightly as he took the list and thanked him repeatedly.

Xie Ning didn't care.

Since they agreed to donate, this matter must be done beautifully.

The things are handed over to the operations department for logistics management, and the happiest people are undoubtedly the leaders of the operations department.

A group of leaders, led by Executive Zhao, almost all went to guard the warehouse. They cried with joy as they watched people moving in and out of large quantities of materials.

Xie Ning handed over the items to the list, and she was done.

Executive Director Zhao of the Operations Department and others also knew that Captain Xie only wanted to be a hands-off shopkeeper, so they invited other members of the Spark Team to watch their warehouse transportation, which served as a witness for both parties.

Xie Ning looked at the time and saw that it was already two o'clock in the afternoon. She called her classmate Song Kexin over and left her in charge of recruiting logistics workers.

She has to leave tomorrow, and she doesn't have time to take care of the recruitment matter even if she wants to. It's just right to leave it to her idle sister.

After seeing Gu Chen off, Xie Ning returned to the room, locked the door, and entered the farmhouse space.

Grandpa and grandma were not by the vegetable patch, they must have gone back to the room to take a nap.

Xie Ning didn't bother them, and ran back to her two-story building, climbed upstairs, and reached out to take out the potted man-eating vine from the small screened space next to the window sill.

"Mom, mom, mom." Cannibal Teng's aggrieved voice came into her mind, "Don't you still trust Xiao Teng?"

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