The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 682 Let’s adapt first

"Condensation Main Body, you are really a great genius!"

The little spider excitedly jumped on Xie Ning's head, and followed Xie Ning, who was also in a state of excitement, spinning around in the open space in front of the supermarket.

The small man-eating vine standing next to them, which grew to nearly two meters, was completely ignored by them.

Unwilling to be left out, the little man-eating vine shouted in Xie Ning's spiritual world: "Mom, Mom."

"Give me a little more of that energy."

"I want to become stronger so that I can protect my mother in the future! Protect myself!"

Xie Ning and Little Spider finally recovered from their excitement and looked up at the small man-eating vine that was nearly two meters tall.

No, you can no longer call it a little man-eating vine.

This guy is now so tall and strong, he is completely like a mutated super giant vine.

Xie Ning took two steps back, looked up at it, smiled and waved to it, "Can you still be as big as you were before?"

"Okay." The man-eating vine twisted its branches and its leaves rustled.

"But I need to slow down a little. I've just grown out and I'm still a little uncomfortable with this body."

"Mom, don't worry. If you let me take it slow, I can move freely."

Xie Ning nodded.

Little Man-Eating Vine shook his head and acted coquettishly, "Mom, why don't you give me a little more of that energy."

It really didn't expect that mother is the most powerful energy body in the world.

The energy of mutated aquatic plants that I had eaten before was completely incomparable with the energy given by my mother.

After unintentionally absorbing the energy given by her mother, Man-Eating Vine felt that she did not want to absorb other energy at all.

No comparison, no harm!

This comparison will immediately tell whether it is good or bad.

Sure enough, its mother is the most powerful mother in the world.

In the future, when it grows older and becomes stronger, it must protect its mother better. Xiaoteng will always be with her mother~

How did Xie Ning know that this mutated man-eating vine was so full of inner drama?

She ran up to it, stretched out her hand to touch its rough trunk, and sighed softly, "Oh, I can't fully control this new power now, and I don't know if it will have any impact on you."

"Would you like to try again in a few days?" She asked Cannibal Vine in a negotiating tone.

It's not that she was stingy, in fact she was still a little panicked.

After all, even she herself doesn't quite understand this vitality power now.

Although the vitality power is powerful and seems to have no disadvantages at present, Xie Ning herself cannot predict whether it will happen in the future.

For example, if a small man-eating vine is allowed to grow violently at once, will it have any adverse effects on it later?

She doesn't understand this either.

Since she planned to take good care of this little man-eating vine, Xie Ning naturally hoped that it would live well in the future.

After this incident, Xie Ning did not intend to restrain it like this anymore.

Xie Ning plans to carry this little man-eating vine with her from now on, and take it wherever she goes.

Train the catching ability of this man-eating vine well.

It is said that the adult man-eating vine is so powerful that it should not be a problem to kill zombies.

So Xie Ning stretched out her hand and patted its vine branches and said with a smile: "I will take you out together later. Let it get more sun and let it grow longer."

"I'll wait and see again in a few days. If your growth situation can stabilize, it won't be too late to continue trying this new power."

"Anyway, don't be too impatient. You are a plant. Have you ever heard of trying to force a young plant to grow? This is not a good thing!"

Although the little man-eating vine has developed some intelligence after mutation, its IQ is no different from that of a child of several years old, so it doesn't understand at all what it means to encourage growth.

Although she didn’t understand it, the little man-eating vine was still very obedient and swung its branches and said happily: “Okay mom, can I go out with you from now on? You will always take me with you wherever you go. Yes, right?"

It happily wanted to run in circles.

"Yes, are you willing?"

The little man-eating vine rustled and shook its leaves, obviously very happy.

"Of course I am willing, mom, let's go out now."

Xie Ning's smile was uncontrollable.

This little guy really said that the wind is like rain, and now he wants to jump out.

"Don't worry." Xie Ning smiled and reassured, "As for you, just wait here for me. I'm going to go to the house to make something, and I'll probably take you out with me in the evening."

"I won't restrain you now, but you have to be careful not to trample on the flowers, plants, vegetables and fruits I planted while wandering around in the space."

"These things are very valuable materials to our entire team, do you understand?"

"Besides, you can't scare my grandparents, you know?"

"I know, I know!" Little Cannibal Vine has lived in the space for so long, so of course he has known his grandparents for a long time.

Usually, the second elder often goes to the hut to help water it, so it likes its grandparents very much, so how could it scare the second elder.

Xie Ning smiled and patted it again, "Then you should get used to your new body here. It's best to shrink back to your original size quickly, otherwise it will be inconvenient for me to take you out!"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah!" Little Man-Eating Vine nodded happily and said, "I know mom. I'll be able to adapt to this grown-up body soon. Mom, don't worry, I'm very obedient and won't step on the ground." s things."

Xie Ning was in a very good mood. She happily returned to the second floor of the hut, took out a bottle of replenishing well water, drank two sips, and said to the little spider: "The vitality power is too powerful."

"I actually didn't use many powers at all, but look at the little man-eating vine, it looks so neat, right? It really scared me just now."

She felt that her expression was quite calm, at least she behaved normally in front of the little man-eating vine.

The little spider waved his claws and said, "Yes, yes, the main body of the condensed body, it scared me just now. I didn't expect that a few vitality powers could make the little man-eating vine so strong. It's incredible." "

"Condensation Main Body, I think your power is very powerful. I have searched the entire X world before, but I have never seen such a powerful power like yours."

"It only takes a little bit of superpower to make the little man-eating vine grow like this. Then what do you think, if you use this superpower to produce crops in the laboratory..."

Xie Ning nodded, "I won't tell anyone about this power until I fully grasp it."

She decided to practice more on her own.

"Okay, the main body is great." Little Spider naturally said yes to whatever his little master said.

"I think it has a lot to do with that magical stone." Xie Ning lay on the couch making a metal sword, thought for a while and said, "It is indeed the ultimate reward of the Krypton Gold Roulette. It's awesome."

"The main body is big, have you obtained anything from the divine colored stone before?"

Anyway, the little spider was not scanned, but the main body obviously benefited a lot from it.

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