The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 683 Is it possible that it is a rule?

Xie Ning nodded, "I did get a lot of benefits."

"When the Shencai Stone shattered, I felt some green light entering my body. It seemed to be the trigger for new powers."

"But before that, I also read an article about the use of mental power."

"It feels like my understanding of spiritual power has reached a new level."

"Then what spiritual skills have you learned??" Little Spider suddenly became interested.

Ning Ning's main body had been in a coma for so long, and according to her, after waking up, her new abilities had reached the eighth level.

It is conceivable that there must be rich energy in this colorful stone.

The little spider is well-informed and can't give the little master any advice now. He also thinks it's quite magical.

But what it is most interested in now is the little master's spiritual abilities that are rising steadily.

I don’t know how far this spiritual power has reached.

"After reading the article about the use of mental power, I have indeed learned a new skill." Xie Ning sat cross-legged on the sofa and spoke enthusiastically.

"Forget it for today. When I have free time in a few days, I will practice it for you."

"Is the new skill very powerful?" Little Spider asked with anticipation.

The subject of Aiyaya is big, motivated and smart. Their meeting is a fateful encounter. If the little spider could be personified, he would be covering his mouth and enjoying himself at this moment.

"It must be very powerful!" Xie Ning raised her chin proudly, but did not stop making the metal sword in her hand.

"If I show this skill, that guy Kress will definitely envy me to death hahahaha!"

Ah, having said that, I would like to see the little master show off his spiritual powers in the future.

It's a pity that the young master is busy now and may have time to come over to repair the nine-story metal building tomorrow.

Forget it, let the little master finish her work. She hasn't fully recovered yet, but she can't let her tire herself out.

The little spider said understandingly, "Condensing Main Body, you don't have to do the metal sword for too long. When you are tired, take a rest first."

"It's okay." Xie Ning touched the stand-up bag of replenishing well water on her left hand side, "I consumed too much of my powers, so I just drank the replenishing water."

"By the way, how much do you know about the Divine Color Stone?" Xie Ning suddenly asked.

"Hmm..." Little Spider thought for a while and then said after a short pause, "I think maybe even the people in the X world don't know that there is such a mystery hidden in the Divine Chromatic Stone."

"But based on the series of information I retrieved in the system background, I should be able to confirm that this stone is not actually a product of the X world."

"But I don't know the specific origin. Their description of this stone is very vague."

The little spider climbed a few steps from the coffee table, "I suspect that this stone may have been collected from some corner of our earth."

“It’s hard to tell where the ancient law comes from.”

Xie Ning nodded without delving into the meaning of the stone.

If you don’t know, just don’t know. The world is so big and the universe is so vast, and its mysteries are endless. Who can know everything?

There are many things that are not clear or clear. You can just let it go in a daze. There is no need to get to the bottom of everything. Living this way is too tiring.

"I still need to dig deeper into this vitality power." Xie Ning said to herself, speeding up her hands, "I wonder if there are other special abilities besides being able to bring plants back to life and grow quickly?"

She suddenly remembered Comrade Xiao Gu's special power. After much hesitation, she couldn't help but ask Little Spider, "Do you think my vitality power is also a rule that is higher than the power? Just like Comrade Xiao Gu." "

Rules of destruction, rules of vitality, Xie Ning murmured thoughtfully, and jumped up from the couch, "If you ruin the future, do you think my new power will be like Comrade Xiao Gu? It will have side effects. "

"Charge zombies and bring dead zombies back to life?"

Oh my god, just thinking about this makes my scalp go numb.

But Little Spider persuaded her very calmly, "It's impossible! You saw it yourself before."

"Zombies like Xiao Gu's destructive powers."

"Think about it, zombies can come back to life after devouring the power of destruction. In this case, your vitality power is likely to be exactly the opposite of the power of destruction."

The little spider talked more and more eloquently, and his explanations were clear and logical, and everyone convinced him, "Maybe your vitality power just happens to be the zombie nemesis."

"Ning Ning Zhu Zhu, I am optimistic about you. I think you have always been a person with great luck, and it is impossible for you to be as unlucky as Comrade Xiao Gu."

Xie Ning was still worried at first, but she almost laughed out loud when she heard what Little Spider said.

"Why is Xiao Gu so unlucky? He has already practiced his destruction ability very well now."

"Perfectly combined with his thunder power, the power is very huge! It is very lethal to zombies and mutated animals and plants."

For such a powerful person, who can believe that he is unlucky? There are countless poor people in the world who are unluckier than Xiao Gu.

"Anyway, practice brings true knowledge. The worst I can do is go out tomorrow and find two random zombies on the road to try this vitality power."

"Don't worry, Ning Ning Zhu Zhu, your vitality power must only have benefits and won't cause any harm."

Xie Ning responded with a smile, "There's no harm in being cautious."

Before she could master this ability, she had to find more things to try out.

It took about two hours to make metal swords and some small metal weapons, daggers, knives and the like.

Xie Ning made another improved crossbow for Wang Zongxuan.

Now the crossbow made by her hand is no longer the rough shape before, it is small and delicate.

She tried it herself and found it very useful, so she made a few more sets and kept them for later use.

The arrows are polished with metal powers. By attaching space powers to them, they can be located and retrieved at any time.

This is the spatial positioning function she recently developed, and was inspired by storage rings.

In this way, there is no need to repeatedly make crossbow arrows. As long as they do not leave a certain range, she can basically recover them quickly.

Before the sun set, classmate Xie finally got a space device and hurriedly carried the little man-eating vine out, planning to talk to Xiao Gu.

"We are leaving tomorrow, Xiao Gu, he must be very busy tonight." Song Youai smiled and said to his daughter, "He said before that he would not come over for dinner tonight."

"Ning Ning, do you have something important to ask him?"

Xie Ning thought about it, it wasn't particularly important, she just wanted to share the happiness with Comrade Xiao Gu!

"Forget it, let's talk about it tomorrow." She waved to her family, "I've replaced a batch of metal swords for you, Zong Xuan, and I've made another small crossbow, come and take a look."

"Wow, Sister Ning, you just woke up. Why have you been working for so long? Can your body handle it?"

"Yeah, don't be in a hurry."

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