Song Youai glanced at Xie Ning angrily, "You! You're just too impatient."

She took her daughter and sat down beside her, "You can do these things after you come back. We are not in a hurry to go out anyway."

"It's up to you, did you leave something with you? During the battle, there won't be much time for you to make various weapons."

Xie Ning smiled at them, "Don't worry, I made a lot of things to keep for myself. Mom, we are going there by car tomorrow. There is still a lot of time in the car, and I can make another batch by then."

"You can count on your success." Song Youai smiled and nodded to her, casually pulled out a metal sword and swung it in a small circle in the air.

For a long time, he stared at a faint trace in the air and said with surprise, "Ning Ning's metal sword... is light and fast. Not only that, it is also very sharp. Compared with the ones you made before, I feel It’s more than a little bit awesome.”

Xie Ning felt a little proud of herself and nodded with a smile: "Indeed, I also feel that I have made a lot of progress. It only takes less than ten seconds for me to make a metal weapon like this. Isn't it amazing?"

Everyone stared at her blankly and nodded to express their awesomeness.

Xie Ning once again warned the superpowers in the team, "You must take what I told you before into your heart."

"The more times you use a power, the more skillful you become in controlling it. Practice makes perfect."

"So you can't relax while staying at the base this time. You must take time to practice hard every day."

Everyone seemed to have received the imperial edict, and nodded again, saying that they would obey the instructions and spend at least five or six hours every day practicing their powers.

While talking, Xie Ning took out several more small boxes and gave them to the superpowers in the team one by one.

"These are the energy balls corresponding to each of you. Don't use them indiscriminately, just be sparing."

Xie Ning told everyone, "After you practice your superpowers and drain almost all the superpower energy from your body, you can then absorb some energy balls and drink some replenishing well water. The effect will be better."

"Then repeat it three times, up to three times a day, and don't add any more. Remember that too much is never enough. In this way, your training volume for the day will be almost the same."

"Okay." Song Youzhi and the others nodded hurriedly and said they would follow her advice.

"In addition, everyone will stay at the base during this period, so we have more time."

"While exercising your own powers, if you have free time, go talk to the people with the same kind of powers in the base and discuss how to use your powers."

"If others have better superpower skills, you can also learn from them, right? It's good for everyone to discuss and make progress together."

After hearing this, everyone nodded again and said yes.

Shijun pulled out a metal sword, shook it happily in his hand, and then returned it to its sheath.

"Sister! Do you want to return the metal knife I made to you?"

Xie Ning thought for a second and nodded slightly: "Then give it to me. It won't be of much use if you keep it anyway."

Captain Xie recycles these weapons and will then find ways to improve them and make something new, which will not only be more convenient but also save power consumption.

Everyone was as happy as the Chinese New Year. Everyone was given a metal sword, and everyone had a look of joy on their faces.

Brother Shijun is the happiest!

In the entire Spark Team, he is the only one who would go on missions with his sister.

Therefore, the younger brother feels that he is the most handsome boy in the team and no one can match him.

Classmate Song Kexin couldn't stand the fact that this guy had been complaining since yesterday, so she reached out and patted him lightly on the back of his head.

"You go out and follow your sister carefully, and don't cause trouble for them."

Song Shijun raised his chin unconvinced, "When have I ever caused trouble for my sister? I'm very good! I always obey orders and I will never do anything that others are not allowed to do."

Xie Ning nodded in agreement: "That's right. Compared to you two years ago, your brother now is very sensible and capable, and deserves praise."

When Song Shijun heard his sister's praise, his face burst into laughter. He raised his head and looked at the crowd even more loudly, boasting about himself, "Listen, my sister said this, so I'll just say that I'm very good now, okay? Don’t keep hitting me every day.”

Song Youyi chuckled and rolled his eyes at him, "You, give me a little sunshine and you'll be brilliant."

"Listen more to your sister when you go out, be vigilant wherever you go, and follow your sister." Song Youyi continued to warn, sounding the alarm for his son, "Work more and talk less, and help your sister more."

"Your sister usually has to find time to make space devices, practice supernatural powers, and make metal weapons for you. She is very busy."

"Please help her more, especially with the trivial matters in life, and don't bother your sister."

Brother Shijun pursed his lips, feeling like he was picked up.

"You know, don't worry about me doing things. It's not like you don't know how reliable I am now. My sister doesn't have to worry about anything when she's with me!"

Xie Ning couldn't help but laugh.

"Our trip will go smoothly. We will try to complete the task within three to five days and come back to reunite with you immediately."

"Now I will immediately go back to my room to study my powers, and try to get to the next level before setting off, so that I can rise higher and shine brighter!"

Song Youyi didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and reached out to pat him on the head, "Don't be a poor kid, can I not know you? You just got a good thing and want to go back to your room to study this metal sword."

Song Shijun was so happy that when everyone saw how stupid he was, they couldn't help laughing.

"When shall we set off?" Xie Ning asked brother Shijun.

"Well, I heard from Brother Gu Chen that we have to leave at 8:30 tomorrow morning."

"Fortunately, the water on the road has almost receded now." He Shuping smiled and nodded, "I just don't know what the situation is like outside the base."

"It's okay, just adapt to circumstances on the way." Xie Ning waved her hand nonchalantly.

Not long after dinner, Xie Ning received a notification on Gu Chen's bracelet, asking her to wait for him downstairs in five minutes.

Xie Ning didn't ask anything, just told her family and skipped downstairs.

After waiting for less than two minutes, I saw a car speeding towards me. It slowed down and stopped not far from the door.

Gu Chen quickly got out of the car and ran to her.

"Mom said you were busy with some trivial matters before departure, so you won't be here today..."

"Have you eaten?" they both asked in unison.

Then they both looked at each other and smiled.

"Let's go, I'll take you to pack some things. Hehe, the boss is being generous this time. Let's bring more things when we go out. They can come in handy at critical moments."

Xie Ning responded and got into the car with him.

The car drove along the road for about half an hour, and an empty tarmac appeared in front of us.

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