The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 685 Unique Space Device

Xie Ning blinked, a little unbelievable, and looked up at Gu Chen.

Gu Chen smiled at her and nodded decisively, "No need to doubt it, it is indeed true. Can the next two helicopters be jammed in the space?"

"It's a rare act of generosity from above. They brought it with us just in case we need it in case of emergencies."

"If you can hold it, how about two of them?"

Xie Ning nodded, "Okay."

Of course, this was not for nothing. Since the official was so generous in sending two helicopters, Xie Ning certainly would not push it out.

After all, we have to run back to Su City along the way. It’s a long journey and we don’t know what we will encounter.

It’s always good to be more prepared.

Gu Chen smiled as he watched his girlfriend put away the two helicopters and asked quietly, "Have the merit points been paid?"

"You donated a large amount of supplies this time, and it seems that you have been given a lot of merit points. Do you want to change some things before setting off?"

Xie Ning looked at her boyfriend with some confusion and coughed lightly, "I don't seem to have anything to change."

Gu Chen was amused for a moment and thought to himself that his girlfriend is really rich!

"How many merit points have you scored?"

"It seems like twenty thousand."

Gu Chen blinked and looked down at the little girl, a little surprised, "So many?"

"Yeah, I'm a little surprised." Xie Ning chuckled, "But I don't have anything to change. Let's talk about it when we get back."

"Then keep it, maybe it will be useful for boarding the ship later."

The two of them put away the two helicopters while talking and looked at each other.

"Let's go, we have to go to the warehouse to pick up the supplies for our trip."


"It's really good this time. I heard that the food provided for us is quite rich."

Of course it would be best if you can eat base meals. Comrade Gu doesn't want to take the whole team to eat his girlfriend's food.

He can just hold his thigh alone...

There's no need to bring a bunch of little ones along, huh!

The two got in the car and drove to the warehouse, chatting about their trip tomorrow.

"How many people do you plan to take out this time?"

"All the ten space power users we originally brought are no longer needed." Gu Chen said with a smile, "This will save ten people."

"I calculated the number of people before, and it's almost enough to bring twelve people."

Xie Ning didn't have any objections. Anyway, this was a quick mission and it would be troublesome to bring many people.

"Even my brother and me, twelve?"

"Yes." Gu Chen nodded, drove the car to the warehouse door and stopped. After showing his ID, he took Xie Ning into the warehouse to pick up things.

The logistics manager of the Operations Department came over with a smile on his face, "I've been waiting for you since noon. Everything is ready. Captain Gu, do you want to check it yourself?"

"No need." Gu Chen just glanced at the whole box of goods piled next to him, and nodded to Xie Ning.

Xie Ning raised her hand and waved, and everything was temporarily put into the water space.

The same goes for the two previous helicopters.

Although there is a large, super large pond in the water space, there is also a lot of open space around it, which is more than enough to put these things in.

The logistics manager's eyes lit up and he said repeatedly, "I have heard that Captain Xie has a lot of space, and it turned out to be true when I saw it today."

He diligently sent the two of them to the door, quickly handed the list to Xie Ning, and said with a smile, "Captain Xie, if there are any omissions in our work, we can always make it up according to the order."

Xie Ning nodded while collecting the list, feeling a little uncomfortable with the other party's enthusiasm...

It took the two of them more than half an hour to get over from the tarmac, but it only took about ten minutes to receive the goods.

After getting everything done easily, the two returned to the apartment building.

By the time they returned to the apartment building, it was almost nine o'clock in the evening.

As soon as the car was parked, Xie Ning grabbed Gu Chen and stuffed something into his hand.

Gu Chen was stunned for a moment, then looked down and saw an ordinary black lanyard with an emerald green jade bar attached to it.

The jade strip looks very good, full of emerald green, and vivid green.

Gu Chen took one look and couldn't look away.

After a long while, he looked up at her and narrowed his eyes with a smile, "The space device for me?"

Xie Ning nodded and took his hand: "I will hook up with your spirit now and take you in."

"You remember the pattern we mentally constructed when we went in. Next time you go in, you just have to follow the pattern and build it accordingly."

Gu Chen heard Ning Ning say this to Song Kexin before, so he nodded naturally.

"Okay. Let's start now."

It was rare to see a man so excited, and Xie Ning couldn't help but feel funny.

After the two mentally connected, they sank into the space vessel. Xie Ning led him to draw the pattern, and then withdrew his mental power, allowing him to watch inside.

Without urging him, she took out a bottle of mineral water from the space and took two sips.

It was not until a quarter of an hour later that Gu Chen withdrew from the space and hugged Xie Ning in the passenger seat, "Ning Ning, you are so good to me!"

This space device is really rare for him.

With this in the future, it will be much easier for him to go in and out to do tasks!

"Ning Ning, has your ability to make space devices improved?" Gu Chen smiled and curled his eyes, "I think this space device seems to be bigger than Song Kexin's?"

"Hehe, you are right. The space device I made for you this time is one hundred and fifty square meters."

"The height is also five or six meters higher than Song Kexin's." When Xie Ning said this, she couldn't help but feel proud, "Isn't it pretty awesome?"

"That's quite amazing!" Gu Chen caught his little girlfriend and kissed her hard, "Ning Ning, you are really a great genius. There is no one else in the world with your ability."

Xie Ning really wanted to laugh out loud, she was so happy to be praised.

After enduring it, she still smiled at him reservedly and said, "It's okay. If I have the opportunity to communicate with other space powers in the future, I will teach them."

Gu Chen hugged her in his arms and said, "Ning Ning, you are so kind."

It's really good. If other people had acquired such a powerful ability, they would have hidden it a long time ago.

Not so with my girlfriend.

In terms of spreading superpower technology, she ranks second, and no one can be ranked first.

"It's not as good as you said." Xie Ning was stunned and touched his head with a blush.

"Besides, understanding this kind of thing can only be said to be a matter of chance." She had previously explained the skills of the space blade in detail to all the space power users and demonstrated them over and over again.

But only one-tenth of those with space powers can learn it, and not everyone can learn it.

Therefore, this skill must ultimately be learned by oneself, and teaching may not necessarily teach it.

"Let's go up. We have to go to bed early today. We have to set off early tomorrow morning."

"Okay." Gu Chen nodded and pulled her out of the car towards the apartment building.

Xie Ning was quite happy to collect a lot of things today.

Although she has many things herself, the fact that the officials are willing to give them generously shows that they have a positive attitude towards them.

Going both ways is always a good thing.

After taking a combat bath, Xie Ning went to sleep, and was woken up by the alarm before seven o'clock the next morning.

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