The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 686: Although freedom is valuable, the price for a small master is higher

Xie Ning quickly turned off the alarm clock and stood up from the bed.

Looking at the two sisters who were lying on their backs and snoring, they jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom to wash their faces.

Song Youai pushed open the door and walked quietly to the bathroom and called out, "Ning Ning, are you up?"

Xie Ning said "hmm", quickly washed up and came out, pulling her mother out.

"Here's some porridge for you."

"Okay." Xie Ning followed Song Youai downstairs to the dining room.

It was still early and there were not many people in the dining room. When several members of the Tiger Team saw her coming in, they stood up and greeted her with a smile.

Song Youai greeted everyone back with a smile and pulled his daughter to sit down.

He Shuping had already set out the porridge bowls and side dishes, "There are also fried noodles, would you like some?"

Xie Ning nodded.

Song Youai said hurriedly, "Fried noodles are too oily to eat early in the morning. Shuping, just give her a small half bowl."

"Okay." He Shuping responded from a distance.

"How did you sleep yesterday?" Song Youai looked his daughter up and down, smiled and nodded, "She seems to be in good spirits."

"That's right, I told you I'm fine."

"Don't take it lightly. Your body has just recovered. Eat less greasy food these two days."

"You can bring all the porridge that my aunt made for you later."

Xie Ning opened her mouth, "How long can I eat such a big pot? Just give me a small box."

"Bring whatever is enough for you. It won't deteriorate or expire if you leave it in space."

Xie Ning grunted and drank a bowl of porridge in three gulps.

After taking three bites of the fried noodles, Comrade Song Youai snatched the bowl away, "Okay, okay, you go back to your room and tidy up. Xiao Gu will pick you up later."

Xie Ning looked angrily at the rations that were taken away from her.

I feel that fried noodles have much more flavor than white porridge!

"Mom, I'm not full yet." Although he didn't feel as hungry as yesterday, Captain Xie could still tell that he wasn't full.

"Eat less in the morning. Don't make yourself uncomfortable on the bumpy road."

"Then this fried noodles..."

"Okay, okay, I'll bring them all for you." Song Youai looked at her daughter strangely, "Ningning, have you been hungry for several days and your appetite has increased?"

Xie Ning touched her belly, "Yeah, but it's fine, but I'm just not full."

He Shuping came over with another small bowl and handed it to her with a smile, "Eat this poached egg if you're not full."

Xie Ning looked at the eggs with clear soup and water, and liked the fried noodle bowl in her mother's hand even more.

Song Youai patted her and said, "Eat it. Later, ask my aunt to help you pack the remaining fried noodles for you to eat for lunch."

Xie Ning reluctantly ate an egg and went back to her room to comb her hair again.

Looking at the time, it was almost eight o'clock. Brother Shijun, who was lying in bed, had already been picked up by his uncle and was ready.

At a quarter past eight, four modified military jeeps parked downstairs.

Xie Ning, Song Shijun and the rest of the Spark Team said goodbye briefly, picked up their backpacks and went downstairs.

However, Song Youai, He Shuping and the others sent them all the way downstairs, and after talking to Gu Chen, Lu Wei and the others, they watched them get into the car and leave.

"Okay, let's hurry up and go back to the room to practice our abilities." Song Youai waved his hand.

"Sister, Xinxin hasn't gotten up yet?" Song Youzhi asked with a question mark on his face, "What time is it? It's getting more and more outrageous to not get up to have breakfast and practice your powers."

"Sister, please help me get her out of the room. I will educate her well."

Song Youai was speechless, "It's okay to let the child sleep for another half hour."

"That won't work! Half an hour takes a long time, and it's almost nine o'clock now! Get up quickly, it's almost noon, why are you still practicing?"

He Shuping couldn't laugh or cry, "You said nine o'clock at a quarter past eight. This is a stopwatch. Time flies so fast."

Song Youzhi snorted, "Time waits for no one, her brother will catch up with her soon."

"Okay, okay." Song Youai looked at his eldest brother's arrogance and found it hilarious.

"I'll wash my hands and then go up and wake them up." It's past eight o'clock, and it's almost time to get up and wash up and have breakfast.

Song Youzhi then nodded with satisfaction, "Sister, you don't know that Xinxin has to be kicked. He needs to kick a few times to move, and he can run faster only if he kicks twice more."

Song Youai rolled his eyes and asked them to go upstairs together.

Over there, Xie Ning got into the car and fell on the back seat. She took out a pillow from the space and put it on the back of her head.

They traveled in four cars, and there were only twelve people in the team, so the seats were very spacious.

She, her brother, and Gu Chen were the only ones in this car. There were no outsiders and they were quite free. They could enter the space anytime and anywhere they wanted.

"When she got in the car, she took out the small potted cannibal vine plant from her backpack and put it in the window to bask in the sun."

Although it is only after eight o'clock now, the sun is already quite fierce.

The temperature on the entire ground was rising. After one night, there were still dozens of centimeters of water in the base, but it had already dried up and receded.

Xie Ning reached out and touched the leaves of the little man-eating vine, and could feel its joyful mood.

Song Shijun turned his head and glanced with curiosity on his face, "Sister, this pot of green plants seems to be growing much better than before."

"It just seems like I haven't grown any taller, right?"

Xie Ningxin said that she had grown quite tall, but now she has shrunk.

But it’s much more convenient to have it with you.

While the two were talking, they heard a "thumping" sound coming from the window, accompanied by a very sad scream.

Xie Ning turned around and saw the sad and miserable face outside the car glass!


"Tuk-tuk-tuk-tuk!" The little parrot flapped the window angrily with its wings and flew with the car, chirping all the way.

"Ha, ha." Xie Ning laughed awkwardly, touched around but couldn't find the window button, and looked at Gu Chen who was driving in front.

"Ah, the rear window of this car can't be opened." Gu Chen waved his hand towards the little parrot that was flying hard outside the rear window, gesturing for it to fly forward.

Xie Ning guiltily gestured to the little parrot, "Go to the front."

I don't know if the little broken parrot heard her voice, but it was flying towards the front window with angrily fluttering its wings.

Seeing the window coming down, he quickly jumped in, flapped his wings and flew towards Xie Ning's face in the back seat.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

"My little master, you have actually left me behind! Tell me, do you not want me anymore? Do you want to find a new love?"

Xie Ning:......

There are so many parrot scenes.

"No, I thought you went back last night." Xie Ning coughed lightly, and then she remembered that she didn't seem to have taken the parrot back into space.

"You can't blame me entirely. You have to be partly responsible for being playful, right?"

"Okay, okay, don't be angry. It was my lack of consideration. I shouldn't have thrown you into the base." Xie Ning picked up the angry parrot and put it on the partition. She raised her hand and touched it.

"Don't you want to fly freely outside for a few more days?"

Xie Ning chuckled and said, "Wouldn't it be better if I let you stay a little longer? Besides, you can just stay in the base, isn't it?"

"No! Although freedom is precious, the price for my little master is even higher!" the little parrot vowed, "I will follow my little master and wander to the ends of the earth. I will go wherever your little master goes. I have to accompany him when he goes to the mountain of knives, to the sea of ​​fire, and even to the eighteen levels of hell. Spend time with my little master!"

Brother Shijun opened his mouth wide, as if he was looking at an alien visitor.

Xie Ning pushed the little parrot's head with an expressionless expression, "In the future, stop watching those messy ancient palace fighting movies."

"Little Master~" the parrot cried sadly.

"Okay, I'll give you a bottle of replenishing well water as a reward."

"Two bottles! At least two bottles! It can make up for my wounded heart a little bit."

Brother Shijun exclaimed exaggeratedly, "Sister, it looks too much like a human being."

"I am the human, you are the dog!"

Gu Chen:......

Xie Ning:......

After a long while, Gu Chen burst out laughing. He glanced at brother Shijun who was speechless and said, "Please help me pass the small table to Ning Ning."

Song Shijun opened his mouth wide again, stared at a small movable wooden table that appeared out of thin air, and asked stupidly, "Brother Gu Chen, did my sister give you a space device?"

"Yes, I gave it to him last night." Gu Chen was so pleased with himself that he even pulled the jade strip out of his collar to show it to his younger brother.

The younger brother's eyes were full of envy, and he turned to look at his sister pitifully.

Xie Ning was speechless. She took the small table from her brother and placed it on her lap. "I'll make it for you now."

But before that, she had to give priority to making some metal swords to replace the original batch of old metal swords for the members of Team A.

The younger brother suddenly became happy again. He turned around and took out a bag of potato chips from his backpack and opened it. He ate it and said, "Don't worry, sister, I won't rush you. Just give it to me before tomorrow!"

Gu Chen squinted at his younger brother and said, "Why don't you hurry? Let your sister have an easier time along the way."

Brother Shijun pursed his lips, "Oh. Sister, I didn't rush you. Just give it to me within three days."

Xie Ning wanted to laugh a little, so she responded lazily, "I know," and started making a metal sword.

She was indeed making metal swords very quickly. Song Shijun looked back from time to time, and within ten minutes, she had made a pile of weapons and piled them on the table.

Most of them are metal swords, but there are also some small daggers, handmade knives, or tools such as chisels and hammers.

Song Shijun was stunned. It took him a long time to find his voice, "Sister, are you making swords and swords much faster?"

"That's right." Xie Ning said proudly, "I told you that my body has recovered, but my mother still doesn't believe it and won't let me eat fried noodles in the morning!"

Xie Ning took another pillow to cushion her waist, took out a small bottle of replenishing well water from her backpack and took two sips.

"My little master is mighty." The little parrot flapped its wings and praised her, "Do you know? This is the most powerful and beautiful little master I have ever seen in the world."

Xie Ning glanced at the little parrot and felt that this guy didn't seem to be praising her.

Because they are beautiful, strong and miserable, they are always linked together for no reason, but Captain Xie feels that he is not miserable at all, at least his Feng Shui is much better in this life.

After making a bunch of knives, swords, and gadgets, Xie Ning first put these things into the space, poured half a bottle of replenishing well water, rested for about half an hour, and then started making a space device for her brother.

Her hand speed in making space tools has improved a lot now, but compared to those simple metal tools, this thing is obviously much more complicated.

Gu Chen, who was driving in the front seat, and Song Shijun, who was in the passenger seat, didn't bother her. They chatted occasionally and were very quiet most of the time.

At half past ten, Xie Ning had already made the space device, but it just needed to be polished up.

So he ignored his brother who was looking at him eagerly and continued to operate the safety buckle in his hand.

Integrating the power of space with objects may seem simple in theory, but it is actually very difficult in practice.

Xie Ning also gradually improved her speed and accuracy by trying again and again.

This is the third time she has successfully made a space device, with a capacity similar to that of Gu Chen's.

Xie Ning feels that her level of making spacecraft has almost stabilized.

Although it is only about 150 square meters, it is quite good for people who don’t have space.

After all, it can be regarded as the area of ​​a suite, and the height space is much larger than that of an ordinary apartment building.

When the car came to a slow stop, Xie Ning couldn't help but laugh out loud at the eager look in her brother Shijun's eyes, "Brother, you look very funny now."

Like a little dog begging for food!

Brother Shijun stared at her with bright eyes, "Sister, are you ready?"

Xie Ning tossed the safety buckle in her hand and said, "It's done. The capacity is much larger than Song Kexin's."

"If you get beaten up in front of her later, don't blame me for not saving you."

Song Shijun's eyes were as bright as two small light bulbs, and he shouted, "Sister, sister, I swear, I will never sneer in front of her."

He is not stupid. With how deceitful Song Kexin is, he will definitely come to grab the big space device from her!

If he doesn’t say it, he won’t say it!

Xie Ning chuckled, stretched out her hand to hand over the safety buckle, and patted her brother on the shoulder, "Okay, let me help you build a spiritual connection first."

The operation was as fierce as a tiger's, and half an hour later, Shijun's brother was still immersed in the space and couldn't extricate himself.

Gu Chen opened the car window and knocked on his head, "What, you don't plan to eat? Get out of the car quickly!"

They had parked the car in the shade for half an hour and even finished cooking the instant noodles, but the younger brother was still holding the safety buckle stupidly and laughing.

Xie Ning followed over with a bowl of porridge and curled her lips, "Don't be stupid, get out of the car and eat quickly."

Song Shijun hurriedly stuffed the safety button into his collar, jumped out of the car and said hello to Xue Feng and the others.

The latter was carrying a bucket and pouring water on the car to cool it down.

"The temperature is rising again. It feels like it won't be long before we have to go back to those nice 50 degree days!"

"Alas." Everyone sighed as they squatted and ate noodles.

Xie Ning also sighed.

She was explicitly prohibited from eating instant noodles by Comrade Gu. She had to follow her mother's instructions and take out a bowl of white porridge to continue drinking.

The food was tasteless, so Captain Xie looked up from time to time to look at the red instant noodle soup in everyone's bowls.

"Sister-in-law, after you finish the porridge, serve some noodles..."

"She can't eat it's so spicy." Before the team members could finish speaking, Gu Chen categorically objected, "She can only drink porridge these two days, so don't secretly stuff her with food."

"Oh, yes, sister-in-law, you have been lying down for so many days. In these two days, just drink porridge to clear your stomach."

Xie Ning really wanted to look up to the sky and howl, she was completely healed!

After finishing the bowl of porridge angrily, Comrade Gu smiled and handed her a boiled egg.

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