The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 687 Swallow it in one gulp

He also comforted her with a smile, "As for you, eat plain porridge and side dishes for two days to recuperate your health. When you are fully energetic, we will have hot pot."

"That's right, sister-in-law, please get well quickly, we are all waiting for brother's hot pot meal!"

What can Xie Ning say? There is nothing else but good luck.

Her mother felt that she was not recovering from her illness, and no matter how much she said, she needed to take good care of herself.

The group of people is currently squatting on the roadside, eating noodles and eating them deliciously.

It happens that this row of corners is relatively shady, but after eating the hot noodles, I'm still sweating profusely.

"Oh, the fear of being dominated by Fifty Shades has come back to me."

"Be content." One of the team members joked, "It's only around 30 degrees now, and there's still a long way to go before 50 degrees."

"After eating, take out the small map and take a look. It is said that this road has changed a lot."

Before the end of the world, it only took about ten hours to drive from Gyeonggi to Sioux City. Now the situation is uncertain.

And since the flood broke out, many sections of the road have been filled with debris. Not to mention changes in the landscape, the road conditions are definitely very different from before the end of the world.

Everyone was sweating and finished eating the noodles quickly, and gathered together to look at the mini map.

"Let's go straight to Sioux City first, and then go back and make some detours to see if there are any small bases in the surrounding areas that need rescue."

"Anyway, the headquarters will give us news at any time."

"There is no need to worry about the personnel in advance. Prioritize getting to the seed base to finish the business." Lu Wei closed the mini map and asked, "How is the car?"

"It's not bad, but it's better to leave now."

“I don’t feel like I can get there in one day.”

"We still have to research where to rest for the night."

"Okay then, we'll talk about it before we get on the road, and we'll see how we adapt to the situation."

Xie Ning felt a little drowsy after eating. After getting in the car, she wanted to sleep for a while, but she had no choice but to sit up straight and let Kress out.

Song Shijun was a little surprised and suddenly turned his head to look at him, "Ah! Why are you here?"

"Why can't I be here? If you take me with you, I can help you check if there is any danger approaching within a hundred miles."

Song Shijun pouted, "My sister is enough."

"Nonsense, it's not like she can use her mental energy to scan everywhere 24 hours a day. Besides, she's still busy making your weapons, so how can she have the energy to stare at other places all day long?"

"Yes. I forgot to distribute the weapons to everyone just now." Xie Ning suddenly said.

"Don't worry, we'll wait until we find a place to rest at night and then we can divide up slowly." Gu Chen said with a smile.

Song Shijun twisted his neck and still looked at Kress, "Then how did you get out? Brother Chen said, there are only twelve of us on this trip. If you include you, we will be thirteen!"

"What about thirteen?"

"Thirteen is an unlucky number!"

"Bah, it's unlucky for you. It's just right for me!"

"Sister!" Brother Shijun turned to look at his sister again.

"Okay, okay, Kress volunteered to help, so I brought him here." Xie stared at the two people fighting like black-eyed chickens, and couldn't help but laugh.

"That's because he wants to hide from his brother!"

"It's good that you know." Kress raised his chin proudly.

He was almost annoyed to death by the idiots in the country Y exchange group.

I told you not to go back with them, don’t follow them! It's like he can't understand people's words, just those few sentences over and over again.

If you don't go back, you will let the old man down, blah blah blah.


If they were serious, wouldn't it be safer and better to bring the old man here?

Besides, there was that hateful red-haired boy here, so he didn't even bother to look at them.

It was his own choice to run away with Xie Ning, huh.

Instead of staying at the base and listening to these people talking about it every day, it is better to go out to do a mission and go for a drive or something.

It would also be beneficial for Xie Ning to bring brother Kress with him.

After all, she always wanted to be a hands-off shopkeeper, right? It was just right to leave the matter of spending mental energy to Kress.

She has been very busy recently.

I have to build a space machine and research new abilities. I have also made great progress in mental power, and I plan to further research new mental skills.

Since it was impossible to pay attention to everything about the zombies within a hundred miles, bringing Kress with him just filled the gap.

Anyway, Kress secretly mentioned it to her at night, and she agreed.

Only my mother and uncle knew about this, not even Song Shijun or the others.

"Have you scanned the area now? How is the situation?"

"Calm and calm."

As soon as Song Shijun heard that the storm was calm, he turned his head back and took out a peaked cap from his backpack to cover his face, "Then I'll take a nap!"

"Should you get up for a meeting??" Kress rolled his eyes and said, "Someone else, Brother Gu Chen, has been driving all morning!"

Not even a little bit unconscious!

Song Shijun took off his peaked cap and turned to glare at him, "Why don't you open it?"

"I'm still young, don't you worry about letting me drive?"

Song Shijun was speechless and turned to look at Gu Chen again.

Gu Chen smiled good-naturedly and said, "No, you go to bed first and we'll talk about it at three or four o'clock."

"Okay." Song Shijun nodded, "Brother Chen, call me when you are tired."


There was an extra person in the car. Xie Ning felt like she couldn't stretch her arms and legs. She hugged her small potted plant and looked at Kress, "Why don't you go back to space first?"

After all, this kid snuck out. Someone suddenly appeared in the team, and Captain Xie didn’t know how to explain it...

"No, just let him keep it." Gu Chen said with a smile, "Xiao Lu and the others will just turn a blind eye, don't worry."

Xie Ning was not worried that the members of Team A would see the extra Kress.

After all, we have been together for so long, and she knows very well what kind of character they are.

Since Gu Chen said so, she nodded in agreement.

Anyway, I have to meet everyone sooner or later, so it doesn’t matter if I go in or out again.

Kress then reached out to take the small potted plant she was holding, and touched the leaves with his fingers, "This thing..."

"Eh." Before Xie Ning could finish her "Eh", she saw the finger-width leaves suddenly opened up and stretched out into a large area, almost covering Kress's entire body.

Xie Ning:......

Gu Chen, who was driving, almost turned the car sideways. He turned around in surprise and exclaimed, "Wow, Ning Ning! It..."

Song Shijun also exclaimed, "Sister, how come this little thing has grown so big all of a sudden!"

"Hurry up!" Xie Ning quickly stretched out her hand to pat the leaf that stretched its torso and almost stood up to the sky.

"Okay, okay, this is one of our own, one of our own, put it away."

When Kress was spat out by the blade, he was still holding a head full of green liquid, with a confused look on his face.

Song Shijun almost laughed and fell on the seat, "Hahahahahaha, let you pump your hands, hahahahaha, haha!"

"What's going on? Sister Ning." Kress looked at Xie Ning in confusion, "How can this thing grow so big?"

Xie Ning laughed dryly.

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