The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 688 Say it and make me give up!

"Don't panic, don't panic." She coughed lightly, took out a clean flower handkerchief, and helped the young man wipe the green liquid on his head.

"Hahahahaha." Song Shijun continued to laugh like a devilish voice, "You are green, brother Kress, ahhahahaha, you have green hair!"

"Do you know how funny you look now hahaha."

Kress glared at him several times.

"Okay, okay, stop laughing." Xie Ning suppressed her laughter and kept wiping the boy's left and right hands, "It's gone, it's gone."

She reached out and patted the leaves of the little man-eating vine, "Don't bully my teammates next time."

The little man-eating vine retracted obediently and shook a few branches, causing the leaves to rustle.

"Wow, sister, this thing can also understand you!" Song Shijun looked like he had never seen the world before, "Why do I feel that it seems to be more... flexible than before?"

"This is not your illusion." Xie Ning looked at her brother expressionlessly, "The little man-eating vine has grown a lot!"

"Don't touch it casually in the future."

Song Shijun snorted when he heard this, "Then this guy is so indistinguishable from friend to foe!"

He was not even touched, but as soon as he was touched, he was covered in green juice and spit out green juice. Hahahahaha, thinking of Kress's embarrassed appearance just now, Song Shijun couldn't help laughing out loud.

"This man-eating vine can really eat people, sister!"

"No!" Xie Ning said firmly, raising her hand to knock on the leaves of the man-eating vine, "Is it a small vine?"

Cannibal Vine's crisp voice immediately entered her mind, "Mom, I was wrong! Mom, I will never do this again."

"It's a good thing that you can develop a sense of self-protection. But in the future, we need to distinguish between our enemies and our friends, do you know?"

"You can take action again after I ask you to take action."

"Okay mom."

"Sister, how big is this man-eating vine?" Song Shijun asked curiously.

Gu Chen also looked at them from the rearview mirror, his eyes occasionally falling on the potted plants, as if he was thinking about something.

"Well, it shouldn't be the most mature period yet. It should be able to grow longer." Xie Ning thought for a while and said, "But now the body can reach about two meters, which is pretty good."

"Ah, so high!" Song Shijun was stunned.

The confused brother Kress also continued to look at Cannibal Vine in confusion.

He didn't dare to reach out and touch the cannibal vine branches anymore, but he felt a little itchy in his heart.

It obviously looked like an extremely ordinary green plant, but I didn't expect it to be so powerful.

"Ahem." Xie Ning looked at Kress, "Are you okay? You were swallowed by it just now. How did it feel...?"

Kress glanced at Little Cannibal in confusion, "Do you feel it?"

"Mom, mom, I didn't spray venom on him." Little Man-Eating Vine shouted aggrievedly, "I just wanted to scare him."

"Mom, I won't dare to do this again."

Xie Ning was funny and angry. She patted the leaves on the vine branches and said, "It's okay. Just don't scare people casually in the future."

Kress looked at her suspiciously, "Are you talking to it?"

"Yeah, you can't feel it?" Logically speaking, they are communicating within the mental network. Kress is so close to her. As a high-level mental power user, she can somewhat receive a trace of power fluctuations, right?

"No." Kress shook his head, feeling quite depressed.

"Your mental power has been upgraded!" He said this with absolute certainty.

Xie Ning smiled at him, "I guess so."

Kress rolled his eyes at her, "I noticed that you barely have a serious word to say now. You talk like a train, and you even hide the level of your superpower from everyone."

Xie Ning blinked, "Really?"


Brother Kress was almost mad at her.

That’s right! No!

"Are you at level 7 or level 8 now?" Kress asked seriously.

Saying it makes me give up! Maserati can't even catch up with the speed, alas...

"It should be...yes."

Kress looked at her sideways, "It's hard to answer??"

"I feel like it's the eighth level." Xie Ning thought for a while and then said, "But sometimes it feels unstable, like it's the ninth level..."

"Forget it, I don't want to talk to you anymore." Kress turned his head silently and stared out the window, "Just put me in space."

He just wants to quietly be a space pendant!

"Well, you know, it's just that piece of magical stone that has benefited me a lot." Xie Ning tugged on her brother's sleeve, "Don't be angry. In fact, your mental qualifications are much better than mine."

"Practice hard and you will be able to surpass me one day!"

Kress didn't want to hear her make a big deal, this woman didn't say anything true right now...

Ahhhh! I'm so angry, the level of mental power of a three-series superpower surpasses his pure mental power.

Brother Shijun had already silently turned around, took out a pair of dynamic headphones from his backpack, put them on, and went to sleep listening to music.

I don’t want to hear it, and the more I listen, the more upset I become.

If even Kress, a sixth-level spiritual power user, was hit hard, there would be no way for him, a fifth-level person, to survive.

He didn't want to compete, but he was in tears. Anyway, he was at the bottom of the Lao Song family.

I'm used to staying in the ditch all the time. Occasionally I look up at the sky, and I just feel, well... the sky is just very high and broad.

Xie Ning didn't understand at all how the atmosphere in the car suddenly calmed down.

Comrade Gu, who was driving, tried his best to hold back his laughter and remained silent.

Brother Shijun put on headphones and pretended to fall asleep. Classmate Kress also turned his head and decided to face the woman with the back of his head all afternoon.

I don’t want to talk, I feel tired even talking about it.

Xie Ning glanced at the back of her boyfriend's head, took out a piece of cheese and chocolate cake from her backpack, and poked Kress's waist with her finger.

Without saying a word, Kress turned around and snatched the cake from her hand, huddled in the window and ate by himself.

Boys are not easy to coax, Xie Ning thought sadly, and silently took out a small bag of chocolate beans from her bag.

Even the little man-eating vine felt that the atmosphere was strange at this time, and stayed quietly in the flowerpot without daring to say a word.

Xie Ning didn't blame it, after all, he was still a child.

Children are just blank sheets of paper, they just need to be taught well.

As usual, she took out the watering can of energy-replenishing well water, mixed it with some of the mutant plant's supernatural energy, and sprayed it on the little man-eating vine.

It started to rain lightly in the evening.

The rain was not heavy, and the ground that had been scorched by the sun all afternoon was now drenched by a small amount of rain, causing the heat to evaporate more and more, making people feel even hotter.

Song Shijun took over Gu Chen's driving job at around three o'clock in the afternoon, while Kress went to the passenger seat.

Xie Ning asked Gu Chen to take a nap, and he actually fell asleep.

Seeing that it was getting dark, Xie Ning didn't call him, but just contacted Lu Wei on her bracelet to confirm where to stay tonight.

"There is a wave of zombies turning right ahead." Kress suddenly said, "The number is about two hundred."

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