The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 690 Kill every one you see

"Tell me about it, how many times have you cheated? You've made a lot of other people's hard-earned money, right?" Xie Ning looked at the dog brother with a smile, stretched out her legs and kicked, "Stop pretending to be dead, it hurts?"

"Ah yo yo, ah yo, ah yo yo!" Brother Dog fell to the ground and rolled back and forth, holding on to the gold chain around his neck with both hands, and kept sticking out his tongue.

Xue Feng dragged the person forward two steps and kicked Brother Dog on the back, "Ah, yo Maoxian, please reply quickly."

"Ah yo, ah yo, gentlemen, uncles, aunts and uncles, let me go, let me go, please let me go. I, I am also following orders!"

"Act according to orders? Whose orders do you follow?" Xie Ning looked at him with a smile, her voice was light but there was a hint of coldness in her tone, "The ruler of the corpses?"

Brother Gou was stunned for a moment and suddenly looked up at Xie Ning.

When he met her smiling eyes, he lowered his head again.

"Stop pretending." Xie Ning kicked the man, "You set up a zombie barrier at this intersection just to confuse the public."

"There are about two hundred zombies wandering on both sides of the road. When ordinary people see it, they will definitely rush forward and pass through this zombie area."

Then it's really easy to fall into the trap they set in advance!

What a great strategy, it doesn’t cost a single soldier.

To make so many zombies cooperate with them, naturally only the zombie ruler has such magical powers.

"Where is the ruler of the corpse?" Xie Ning kicked Brother Gou on the waist with a smile on his face, but said the cruelest words in his mouth, "If you don't tell me, I will beat you until your whole body is broken."

"Do you know what will happen to broken bones after the end of the world?"

"Without a healing system to treat you, you can only lie on the roadside, crawling slowly like mud, eating dirt, dirty water, cockroaches, ants, and shit until you die."

"Oh, maybe we can't wait that long. A rotting corpse will come at any time and eat you up from head to toe!"

Brother Dog was trembling all over, and felt that his waist was almost broken by the kick from the stinky woman.

He couldn't stand it anymore. After all, he was not a hero to begin with. After being kicked a few times, he immediately confessed, baring his teeth and shouting, "Upstairs, our Master Yin is upstairs! Yes, it's our base commander!" Ah, he, he can control the movements of about two hundred zombies at a time."

Xie Ning nodded, took back her feet and looked upstairs at Zhongtian Building.

"Let's go meet this Mr. Yin." Xie Ning didn't show any emotion on her face, but everyone could feel the rage under her calm expression.

Comrade Xiao Gu immediately raised his legs and followed them, giving several instructions, "Tie these people up first and report them to the headquarters to see how they will be dealt with."

Everyone immediately took action and controlled all four or five of Brother Gou's people, using Xue Feng's freshly made metal buckles.

With his current power level, after his hands and feet are handcuffed, if he wants to break free, he can only find a gold power user of a higher level than him.

Xue Feng is now a fifth-level gold-type superpower. He is the superpower with the highest martial arts value besides Lu Wei and Zhai Ruobai.

It is not easy for others to untie the metal buckle he made.

Xie Ning and others bypassed the big trap pit in the middle and quickly moved towards Zhongtian Building.

Kress was always paying attention to nearby movements and suddenly said, "There is an ambush at the door, and there are grenades."

"Disperse." Gu Chen gave the order, took out his supernatural gun and aimed it at the glass door of Zhongtian Building and struck it with a bang.

The door of the building, which was originally abandoned and dilapidated, was smashed into pieces by this blow, causing glass shards to fly up.

At the same time, the two unlucky guys who were hiding next to the glass door and were about to shoot them were also swept away by the shock wave of the superpower gun, spitting blood and fell heavily to the ground.

For a long time, I could only hear the moaning and groaning, and I couldn't even get up.

Xie Ning raised her lips slightly and told brother Shijun who was following him, "You see, when dealing with bad guys, you have to learn from Xiao Gu, act decisively and don't be sloppy, otherwise you will only hurt your own people."

Song Shijun nodded his head frequently, "Okay sister."

Lu Wei and the others who were following them twitched their lips silently and were speechless.

With a person with psychic powers by their side, a group of people ran upstairs as if they were cheating.

No matter who was hiding in any dark corner, the end result would be either severely injured or captured, hanging pitifully on a metal chain, and being dragged upwards.

Xie Ning saw the metal knives in everyone's hands and finally thought of replacing them with new weapons.

Along the way upstairs, I replaced the metal weapons in everyone's hands.

When Lu Wei and the others got the new metal sword, their eyes sparkled and they couldn't put it down and touched it.

"The quality is so good!" Xiao Meng couldn't help but exclaimed.

The one who had the most say was naturally Xue Feng, who was also a metal-type superpower. He touched the metal sword with a look of wonder on his face and nodded repeatedly in praise, "It's amazing. Captain Xie made this metal sword. I compared it with hers. The metal objects are as broken as shit..."

Everyone laughed and comforted him, "Old Xue, you are also very good."

"Yes, yes, you are shit, then we are worse than shit."

"Bah, bah, bah, you can't speak, you're not as good as shit."


Everyone was chattering and laughing as they ran, but their speed was not weak at all.

But it was a pity for the dog brothers and others who were connected in series on the metal chains and dragged up by them.

Either his head hit the wall, or his back was scratched everywhere on the floor tiles or escalators. The pain was so painful that he could hardly speak.

The top floor of Zhongtian Building.

On the tattered monitor with only half of the screen left flickering, a group of people appeared at the stairs of the sixteenth floor.

Jin Mingzhu was so frightened that the goblet in her hand fell to the ground with a bang.

"Master Yin, why did you get into trouble with them?"

Yin Guanlong's face looked extremely ugly at this time.

Damn it, this is not the first day he has been involved in this road-robbery business. What he is asking is that he just happened to meet such a group of thorns today!

Although he thought Jin Mingzhu's question was very stupid, upon hearing what Jin Mingzhu said, Yin Guanlong couldn't help but turn his head and look, "Do you know these people?"

"Of course I know him. The man leading the team is a big shot in the military."

"And the woman next to him is even more disgusting. She is a metal superpower. She was already very powerful when I left their team, and she is probably even more powerful now."

Yin Guanlong's expression became increasingly difficult to see home.

"Since you know them, why not talk to them first?"

"Let's talk about it. I'm not familiar with them."

"Sister Zhu, you are not familiar with them, but at least you know them. You can establish friendship with them, but we don't know them at all."

"That's right." Yin Guanlong said in a deep voice, "Don't panic yet. Let's have a good talk when they come up."

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