The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 691 Keep it for the New Year?

Jin Mingzhu couldn't help rolling her eyes, "Master Yin, you want to talk to them, but you send so many people to intercept them midway. Does this sound like you want to have a peaceful talk?"

Yin Guanlong didn't know that people like Xie Ning could be so powerful.

His original intention was to have someone stop them halfway to prevent them from coming up, which would save him the trouble of taking action.

But now it seems completely unstoppable!

If he had known that this group of people was so difficult to deal with, how could he have intercepted them at the trap pit?

If we had just let them go, it would have been over!

There is really nothing to do now, and Yin Guanlong feels wronged even when he thinks about it.

Since they are a group of quarrels, why didn't they show it before?

As long as they had shown a little bit of strength before, he would not look down on these people like this.

"Sister Zhu, did you and them come from the same place before?"

Jin Mingzhu frowned, "That's right, we spent some time at Lanshan Tower Lake before."

"But I must state in advance that I am not familiar with them at all."

Not only was she not familiar with him, but she had tricked a lot of Tiger Squad members into leaving without authorization. People from the Tiger Squad must have looked for her later.

But Jin Mingzhu didn’t panic.

She believed that she had no contact with Xie Ning's team, and Xie Ning's relationship with the Tigers was not very good. She would definitely not stand up for those fools and come to trouble her specifically.

"If you want me to make the connection, it's better to avoid being a lobbyist in the middle. I know a thing or two about Xie Ning."

"She is very powerful, but her temper is not that good. Master Yin, you have offended her like this before, so you should come up with some supplies as soon as possible and make compensation."

"Materials??" A sharp cry came from beside Yin Guanlong, "How is that possible? Look at what my brother has been beaten by these people? Are you still going to give them supplies as compensation??"

"Are you laughing? Who will compensate whom? They are the ones who hurt people!"

"Dog sister, don't get excited."

"Of course you're not excited. It's not like your eldest brother has fallen into someone else's hands." The woman yelled at the top of her voice, glaring at Yin Guanlong, "If you were a man, bring someone with you and fight with them to the end."

"Don't forget, my eldest brother has made a lot of contributions to our Demon Wolf Team through life and death. You promised my eldest brother that you will be a good brother for life! Do you want to die today and not save me? Break your promise and get fat??"

Yin Guanlong was yelled at by this woman, and his head couldn't help but hurt, "Shut up!"

"When did I say give up on the dog? People must be rescued, so I said I would have a good talk with them."

"Talk about P, ​​you've already beaten my elder brother into such a horrible state, what's there to talk about?"

"Yin Guanlong, you don't want to be a coward, do you? I see that you have been hollowed out by the little vixen recently, and you have lost all your manhood!"

Yin Guanlong was so angry that he puffed out his nostrils and was furious.

"You can't speak properly, so shut up!" Yin Guanlong pointed at the dog girl and yelled, "Don't think that your brother is the second-in-command of the base, so you can talk to me like this?"

The dog girl looked at him sideways, with a deep mockery on her dark face, "Isn't it? Hehe, I heard them say that you have been busy hanging out with the little coquettish hooves every day for the past two days. If you still want to show off, , just show some heroic spirit!"

"If you hadn't given enough zombies over there, how could you have let those people rush upstairs?"

"Hey, dog girl, it's not right for you to squeeze Master Yin like this." Jin Mingzhu giggled and said.

"Shut up, you old woman. Don't think I don't know that you are looking for men everywhere in the base. You are already old and still lack love from men every day! You are shameless. I don't want to talk to shameless people. !”

Jin Mingzhu's face, painted white, visibly stiffened, and the frown between her brows could kill half a fly.

"You've had enough, my little sister!" Yin Guanlong reprimanded sternly, "Don't think that just because you are my little sister, you can treat me like this."

"You can't stand anyone anymore, can you? You get angry with people when you see them. If you don't want to stay at the base anymore, just pack up and get out. I can't keep a big Buddha like you here!"

The dog girl was so angry that her face turned blue. She glared at the man angrily, raised her finger and pointed at him, crying, "You have no conscience."

"If my brother and I hadn't worked hard with you, how could you have the status, fame and fortune you have today? Now that you have supplies and supplies at your base, you want to kick me out and choose another concubine. You want to flatter you!"

"Do I have a good idea? If you hadn't been a beggar and insisted on following me, would I have fallen in love with you, a nigger?"

Jin Mingzhu curled her lips and smiled maliciously, "Sister, you are too ignorant. Men are all like this! After becoming famous, who doesn't want to have a beautiful woman in his arms?"

"Why are you still jealous?"

"You don't even look at your appearance and skin. Tsk tsk, why are you comparing yourself to Miss Xinyi? Everyone knows how you and Miss Xinyi will choose."

"Old woman, shut up!"

"Yo yo yo, my old woman's skin is more beautiful than your twenty-something year old. Shouldn't you be more repentant?"

"Although we have all entered the apocalyptic world now, women must not lose their sophistication wherever they go, otherwise there is no fun in this life."

"Exquisite mother!" The dog girl was furious. She picked up a cup of hot tea and threw it on Jin Mingzhu's face.

Jin Mingzhu was so frightened that she turned pale and screamed.

With a look from Yin Guanlong, two strong men rushed forward and grabbed the dog girl's arms.

"Don't be too presumptuous!" Yin Guanlong scolded angrily, "Take her down quickly."

Jin Mingzhu pressed her heart with one hand and patted her several times, "It scared me to death, it scared me to death! Master Yin, this woman is getting more and more crazy now. I'm really afraid that she will be harmful to Miss Xinyi."

"She dares!" Yin Guanlong sneered with a stern face, "If she dares to attack Xinyi, I will tear her to pieces."

Jin Mingzhu pursed her lips and smiled, glanced at the tattered surveillance video, and couldn't help but exclaimed, "They're coming up."

Xie Ning and the others dragged the dead dog all the way to the top floor, only to find that no one was guarding the stairs on the top floor.

Everyone couldn't help but be a little surprised, looking at each other and pointing forward.

Kress glanced around and said calmly, "They are coming out."

As soon as he finished speaking, a door in the corridor was pushed open from the inside out.

The man who came out at the beginning had a medium build and a smile on his face. At first glance, he seemed to be quite honest and honest.

"A distinguished guest is here, a distinguished guest is here!" He smiled and walked towards them. "I wonder which base you are from? Are you passing by here or are you here specifically to talk to our base commander?"

"You're pretty good at talking to yourself." Xue Feng walked forward with a smile, grabbed the other person's neck, and pulled him aside like a chicken.

"Why, you really don't know what the purpose of our coming here is? Are you still pretending to be confused? Your brothers dug that big, harmful hole down there, I guess so from what I heard."

"Hey, brother, brother, neck, neck, neck is broken!" The silly man waved his hands repeatedly and patted Xue Feng's arm, "It's wrong, it's wrong, we were wrong."

"Actually, the big hole we left under the building is not entirely to trap people. It is mainly to prevent zombies."

"Hey, brothers, you also know that a small base like ours only has a total of two to three hundred people, right? If we are not prepared, how can we possibly cope with the large and small zombie waves?"

"So much nonsense? Let your base grow." Xie Ning waved and looked around impatiently, "The people inside haven't come out yet? Do you want us to come in?"

The door of the monitoring room was pushed open again, and Yin Guanlong and Jin Mingzhu walked over with embarrassed expressions on their faces.

"I'm sorry everyone, the following matter is really just a small misunderstanding. I hope you don't take it to heart."

"We are all survivors in Kyushu. There will be many opportunities to help each other in the future. We..."

Xie Ning narrowed her eyes and threw a golden thorn at Yin Guanlong without saying a word.

Golden Thorn's speed was fierce and fast, and he was in front of Yin Guanlong in one go.

As Yin Guanlong's pupils contracted, a pair of hands suddenly appeared behind him, holding down the golden thorn that flew in front of Yin Guanlong.

The golden thorn suddenly pierced into the palms, leaving a small hole.

A little bit of sticky dark red liquid was squeezed out from the palm of the hand, and it didn't look like normal human blood.

Xie Ning raised her eyebrows, "Kress, look at all of them."

Kress nodded and instantly opened an invisible mental barrier, covering everyone in the corridor.

Xie Ning didn't even say a word of nonsense to the other party, and jumped in front of Yin Guanlong.

A gleaming metal sword emerged from his hand and stabbed straight into the opponent's body.

Yin Guanlong was shocked and furious at the same time. He shouted loudly, "Are you crazy? How come you kill someone in the first place!"

"Who are you? Do I know you? Are you insane? Kill people as soon as you come up! Can you please stop and let me explain it to you?"

Not to mention Yin Guanlong, Xie Ning's offensive was too much for three more Yin Guanlongs.

So he roared angrily and raised his hand to make a move, and the two stiff "people" who had been huddled behind him jumped forward and stood directly in front of him to help resist Xie Ning's thunderous attack.

Will Captain Xie give them a chance to breathe?


She had seen a lot of the virtues of the carrion ruler in her previous life.

Xie Ning could kill as many rotten zombie rulers as this morally corrupt.

What to do if you don't kill it? Do you want to keep it for the New Year?

After two "click-click" sounds, two perfect corpses had golden thorns pierced through the back of their heads.

Xie Ning seized the crystal core from the air, and the zombie immediately fell to the ground.

The two crystal cores were hanging in the air. Xie Ning took out a few balls of tap water with an expressionless face and rinsed them before throwing them into the villa terrace.

Yin Guanlong's face suddenly turned pale, almost losing all color.

Two level five zombies, level five! They were all powerful zombies, and she was able to deal with them easily and effortlessly.

Think about how much effort he had to put into taming these two zombies!

Now he is being killed in minutes and unable to move.

Jin Mingzhu was so frightened that she collapsed beside the door. She pulled the door hard and tried to get up, but she had no strength.

Xie Ning stood in front of the two zombies and looked at Yin Guanlong coldly.

"Yes, tell me what you have to say!" Yin Guanlong felt cold sweat break out all over his head. Thinking of kicking such a brick wall today, he hated himself for not reading the almanac when he went out!

Xie Ning didn't wait for him to beg for mercy again, and tried to mobilize a burst of mental power.

The released spiritual power actually turned into a stream of light, which was beyond the reach of everyone's naked eyes and suddenly pierced the center of Yin Guanlong's eyebrows.

Yin Guanlong, a fool, didn't even know what was going on. He only felt a chill between his brows.

The whole person fell down without warning and fell heavily in front of Jin Mingzhu.

Jin Mingzhu covered her mouth and was stunned for a long time, and then she screamed "Ahhhhhhh" at the top of her voice.

Xie Ning stood there very curiously, carefully recalling the spiritual power that had just been released.

Unexpectedly, the first time she used a new move to unleash her mental power, she was quite skilled at it.

Xie Ning turned her head happily and looked at Xiao Gu who was full of surprise, "Isn't it awesome?"

Comrade Gu nodded quickly, walked quickly to her side, and whispered to her, "Is this the new skill in the spiritual field that you have learned?"

"Hehe." Xie Ning nodded repeatedly and whispered to her, "Let Brother Wu burn the corpse ruler. His supernatural energy and energy crystals cannot be left behind."

Gu Chen nodded, turned around and ordered his team members to come forward and do the finishing work.

Jin Mingzhu kept kicking her legs, trying to crawl into the monitoring room.

Unexpectedly, my estimate of Xie Ning was still lacking.

Is this woman a lunatic? How could anyone meet someone and immediately kill them without waiting for them to finish speaking?

Isn’t it usually necessary to negotiate step by step and then finalize the plan?

The silly man who was the first to come out to greet them was completely frightened now. He and Brother Gou and the others were all tied up and thrown aside.

When Jin Mingzhu was dragged up from the ground, she came to her senses and shouted, "Captain Xie, Captain Xie, it's me, Jin Mingzhu, we are both from Lanshan Tower Lake, friends. I am friends with your Captain Xie !”

She twisted around and howled heartbreakingly, "I swear, I have never participated in anything involving Master Yin and the others. Ah, please be gentle. Captain Xie, believe me. I really did not join them in the robbery."

Xie Ning turned her head when she heard the sound, raised her eyebrows slightly, and looked up and down at the yelling woman, "You look familiar."

What looked familiar? Jin Mingzhu was so angry that she almost vomited blood.

After all, they ran all the way from Lanshan Tower Lake. They were friends after a long journey, but now they turned against each other and refused to recognize each other!

"Thank you, captain, don't you remember me? I, I am Jin Mingzhu, Jin Mingzhu!"

Xie Ning recalled the name Jin Mingzhu, looked at Jin Mingzhu up and down several times, and suddenly high-fived her and shouted, "Oh, you are the little wife of the director of the Tahu base in Lanshan, the white-eyed wolf who was taken in by the Tiger Squad."

"The woman who took away a lot of supplies from the Tiger Squad and escaped halfway."

Jin Mingzhu listened to the titles she gave herself...

The little wife, the white-eyed wolf, took away the supplies and ran away!

His face suddenly turned red.

"No, no, Captain Xie, I just got separated from the Tiger Squad. I didn't take their supplies..."

"Pretend, if you keep pretending, only that lustful guy like Li Dawei can be fooled by you."

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