The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 692 Are you also a member of the harem?

"Can anyone else be as stupid as Li Dawei?" Xie Ning rolled her eyes at Jin Mingzhu.

"Back then, you were a second-level space system lurking in the Tiger Squad, sneaking things into the space every day, so Li Dawei and the others were the only ones who were stupid and didn't guard against you."

Try Captain Xie instead?

The materials received were not counted and accounted for. In the end, there was a mess of accounts. A little less today and a little less tomorrow. The fools of the Tiger Squad didn't pay attention at all.

It wasn't until Jin Mingzhu finally left, taking away a large amount of supplies, that they were shocked to realize that there seemed to be a lot less stuff! !

So, as for Li Dawei, a stupid person is still a bit stupid...

After forming a careless team, becoming a careless captain, and recruiting a group of careless players, the team has grown rapidly and is now ranked among the best in the base.

Just match the pot with the lid. Fools also have their luck.

Not to mention, Li Dawei's Tiger Squad has seen a sudden rise in the level of superpowers among its members in the past six months. For this reason, Li Dawei also launched the Tiger Squad and recruited a group of newcomers with super powers.

Xie Ning never imagined that she would meet the white-eyed wolf of the Tiger Squad here.

She deliberately made her angry, and told Jin Mingzhu with a smile that Li Dawei of the Tigers team was now leading their team, and they were doing well in the Gyeonggi base.

"There are quite a lot of fourth-level and above superpowers in the team."

"It's also Li Dawei who is stupid and blessed. Now their entire Tiger Squad can almost eat meat every meal, let alone three normal meals a day."

"You white-eyed wolf, if you had been following the team well, you wouldn't be in such a miserable state now."

"Look at your face. Hey, you haven't eaten meat for how many days. Your skin is as rough as old tofu."


It's not the first time I've seen Captain Xie criticize someone, but it's the first time I've seen him hurt a lesbian like this.

Jin Mingzhu's intestines are indeed almost turning green.

Ever since she left the Tigers, she had been living a relatively carefree life.

But she has always been a spendthrift owner, and she doesn't know how to fight zombies when she goes out. As the supplies in the space under the mountain are consumed day by day, her life becomes more and more difficult.

Later, I thought that this would not work, so I found the Demon Wolf Team as my backer.

But Yin Guanlong, the leader of the Demon Wolf Team, is an extremely selfish person, and he is really not as good as Li Dawei of the Tiger Team.

When Li Dawei was the captain at the time, he would give the team members a point for everything they bought, so everyone could basically have enough food and clothing.

But Yin Guanlong is not like this.

He holds all the supplies in his hands and usually digs and searches for everyone.

Even if Jin Mingzhu sacrifices herself voluntarily, she still won't have enough to eat.

Yin Guanlong was always fond of the new and disliked the old. Ever since he took Zhuang Xinyi under his wing, he rarely came to see her once in seven days.

He can control a group of zombies within a fifty-meter radius, and can also control one or two high-level zombies to protect him personally.

No one in the base dared to resist him, thinking he was very powerful.

They usually set traps here and rob passers-by, but since the flood, few people have passed by here.

Yin Guanlong has been very irritable these days, being domineering and beating in the base every day.

A while ago, Master Yin felt a little better because he got a beauty like Zhuang Xinyi.

The floods finally receded in the past two days, and they resumed their previous business.

Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, it seemed that a group of people had arrived, but they turned out to be living ancestors!

Jin Mingzhu has always been a flexible person, otherwise she would not have given herself to Yin Guanlong just for a meal.

She looked at Xie Ning in front of her, and without saying a word, she knelt down in front of Captain Xie and burst into tears.

"Captain Xie, please let me go. I, I really didn't mean it. I have never participated in their activities!"

"Thank you very much, Captain. Yin Guanlong is selfish and extremely willful. He will not allow anyone to disobey his orders in this base!"

"So there's nothing I can do. I'm controlled here by Yin Guanlong! Those hundreds of zombies outside were recruited by Yin Guanlong to guard us."

"Thank you, captain, I really want to thank you for coming to save everyone!"

"From now on we will..."

"Where is the space superpower in your base? Call him out." Before she could finish speaking, Xie Ning raised her hand to interrupt her cries.

Jin Mingzhu's voice suddenly disappeared and she quickly said, "I'll bring him out right now."

"Aren't you?" Xie Ning smiled and nodded, "That's right. When you get to them, you definitely won't tell them that you are a space superpower."

After she said this, Brother Gou and the others who were tied up in the corridor all glanced at Jin Mingzhu.

A man next to Brother Dog shouted loudly, "What? You are from the space system!"

"Then you usually pretend to be pitiful and look for food here and there all day long."

"Yeah, I thought you had a big appetite! It turns out you begged for more things and hid them all in the space!"

Now even Yin Guanlong is dead, Jin Mingzhu is not afraid of Brother Gou and the others. The people who were tied to the ground sneered, "If I didn't pay more attention to this, I would have been starved to death by you Master Yin." "

After saying that, he smiled warmly at Xie Ning and said, "Captain Xie, please wait a moment. I will help you find the space superpower right now."

"Let me tell you, this space superpower is quite capable. He usually serves as Master Yin's mobile warehouse and loads a lot of goods for him."

Xie Ning raised her eyebrows and winked at Xiao Meng beside her.

Meng Pingan took one person to follow Jin Mingzhu and went to the innermost part of the corridor.

Xie Ning turned to look at Brother Gou sitting on the ground, "How many of you are there in total? Do you have a list?"

Brother Gou had a cold face and said nothing.

Song Shijun stepped forward and kicked him, "Are you mute? If I ask you questions, answer them honestly!"

"More than two hundred people!!"

"How much is more than two hundred? Is it two hundred and five or two hundred and eight?" Xie Ning raised her eyebrows, "Where is the list?"

They had noticed along the way that people were basically concentrated on the five or six floors below.

The survivors didn't dare to open the door and look around, and Xie Ning and the others didn't bother them.

This kind of matter can be solved by Yin Guanlong's minions. As for the ordinary brick-moving survivors, we will discuss it later.

"Here's the list."

Everyone looked up and were slightly startled when they saw Jin Mingzhu pushing a wheelchair out.

The young man in the wheelchair was thin and pale, and his lips were bloodless.

Xie Ning glanced at him and nodded to Xiao Meng to take the list from the space department's hand.

The space department kept staring at her intently, making her feel unhappy.

"What are you looking at?" Xue Feng reached out and patted the young man in a wheelchair on the shoulder angrily.

That's their brother's girlfriend, just take a look.

The young man in the wheelchair was stunned for a moment when he was photographed. He then reacted and smiled slightly, "Yes, I'm sorry. I want to ask you, is your name Xie Ning?"

Xie Ning was looking through the roster in her hand. After hearing this, she raised her head and glanced at the young man in the wheelchair again, "Who are you?"

"Me." The young man in the wheelchair clenched his fist slightly and said hurriedly, "I am Xie Yang. I don't know if you have heard of me. My father is your second uncle Xie Xueli."

Xie Ning raised her eyebrows. She really didn't know if it was due to bad luck. She went to the Su City Seed Base and met the unlucky son of Xie Xueli's family wherever she found a place to stay.

Xie Ning nodded, turned around and ordered Kress, "Scan his space."

"No, no need to scan, I can hand it over to you." Xie Yang said very wisely and quickly took out the things one by one.

All the supplies were stacked at the entrance of the stairs, neatly placed in piles after piles.

Xie Ning waved to Wu Meng to come over and collect all the things, and then looked at Kress.

The latter shook his head at her, meaning that there was nothing left in the other person's space.

He is not a super villain, and it is impossible for others to hand over the one or two boxes of instant noodles, replacement clothes and other daily necessities stored in the space.

Xie Yang, who was sitting in a wheelchair, saw all this and just lowered his head silently without saying anything else.

Wu Meng happily collected a circle of goods and ran to his brother happily, "Brother, brother, we have won a great victory."

His brother glanced at him sideways and said, "Go ahead and stay there after you finish."

Comrade Gu stretched his long legs to follow his girlfriend, "Ning Ning, give me the list. I will take them down to count the number of people. By the way, I will contact the headquarters to see what to do next."

Xie Ning nodded, handed the book to the man, and turned to look at Jin Mingzhu, "Who else lives on the top floor."

Jin Mingzhu immediately smiled sweetly, "No one lives there anymore. Just... Master Yin's harem, seven or eight ladies."

Xie Ning's hair almost stood up.

This Yin Guanlong really took over the mountain and became a local emperor. He not only raised zombies, but also trapped a group of women to satisfy his selfish desires.

I don’t understand how these women are really willing to come here and be Yin Guanlong’s concubines...

Having hands and feet, even if you go out to pick up garbage, isn't it better than being a beloved concubine?

What’s more, Gyeonggi’s door is always open to everyone.

With so many people gathered here, is it really impossible to overthrow the rule of this local emperor?

It’s just that I don’t dare to try.

Xie Ning shivered and felt cold all over.

It's so disgusting, disgusting Captain Xie just wants to vomit...

The Qing Dynasty has been dead for so long, but I didn't expect it to revive after the end of the world.

"Captain Xie, do you want me to call them all out?"

Song Shijun glared at Jin Mingzhu, who was twisting her waist and smiling sweetly, "Be serious! Don't talk to my sister in a familiar tone! If you don't look in the mirror to see what kind of virtue you have, do you deserve it?"

Jin Mingzhu's face froze, but she still smiled and did not dare to get angry.

The situation is stronger than the person!

She has always been able to bend and stretch, otherwise she would not have lived longer than others.

"Go and bring them all over." Xie Ning waved her hand.

Xiao Meng then led the two of them and Jin Mingzhu to the rooms on both sides of the corridor, smashed the doors one by one and dug people out.

It won't work without smashing it. There is such a big commotion here, and the Yingying Yanyans are hiding inside without coming out. Obviously they don't dare to show their faces.

When he hit the innermost room, pitiful cries came from the room, soft and weak with endless pity, "Who are you? Where is Mr. Yin? Does he allow you to come and smash the door randomly?"

"Miss Xinyi, please open the door quickly. Your Lord Yin is dead."

Zhuang Xinyi felt a thunderbolt falling from the clear sky, and she cried miserably, "Master Yin, Master Yin, how could he die?"

"Hey, my Miss Xinyi! You'd better open the door and come out first, otherwise the door will fall down!"

Before Jin Mingzhu finished speaking, the entire security door began to break from the middle.

Then it collapsed and the material fell to the ground.

The woman inside cried "Wow" and shouted heartbreakingly, "What are you going to do? Don't come over, don't come in!"

Meng Pingan glanced at Huang Guoqiang who smashed the security door.

The latter touched his head and smiled innocently, "I'm sorry, it seems that I used a little too much force, hehehehe."

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

As soon as the two of them raised their eyes, they saw the screaming woman in her nightgown, tightly wrapped in a large silk peony skirt, and took several steps back.

After retreating to the window, his face turned pale and he continued to scream at them, "Don't come here! If you dare to do anything to me, Master Yin will not let you go!"

"Hey, Miss Xinyi, you really don't understand human language! I told you that Master Yin died early in the morning!" What's more, Master Yin! There is no such person as Master Yin in this world!

"Come out quickly, Captain Xie is still waiting to see you outside!"

"Don't come over, don't come over!" Zhuang Xinyi roared in a high-pitched voice, "If you dare to bully me, I, I will jump down now!!"

Meng Ping An and Huang Guoqiang looked confused.

The two of them took a small step back. What did they do?

Jin Mingzhu continued to roll her eyes, "Hey, my Miss Xinyi, can you stop being so sentimental? What are you doing with all these dramas? Who wants to bully you! These two are Captain Xie's subordinates, and they are all serious people. I came here specially to invite you over."

Only then did Zhuang Xinyi clearly hear what Jin Mingzhu repeated over and over again, "Who, which Captain Xie?"

"Who else is Captain Xie? Of course it is Captain Xie who is famous in Gyeonggi Province."

Zhuang Xinyi felt like she was struck by lightning again, and asked with a trembling voice, "Xie Ning is here? Why is she here?"

Jin Mingzhu's eyes almost floated to the sky.

Ask yourself why you are here! Ask her how she could possibly know.

For a man as capable as Captain Xie, she, Jin Mingzhu, has no control over where she falls in love.

"You, didn't you tell me that you can live a good life after following Master Yin? How could he die? How could he die? What should I do if he dies!"

Zhuang Xinyi asked Xie Ning over three times in a high-pitched voice.

Mainly, the voice seemed a bit familiar to her. When she came over to take a look, she happened to see Xiao Baihua's pale and hopeless face.'s very broken and very endearing.

It's a pity that Captain Xie can't see him like this, and no matter how broken he is, it has nothing to do with her.

Captain Xie's face was expressionless, "Are you also a member of Yin Guanlong's harem?"

How unthinkable this is!

"Where's your boyfriend?" Xie Ning scanned the room, a little surprised.

When Zha Peng and Zhuang Xinyi came out of Zheng Heng's team, didn't they let go of the harsh words and try to look like a different person?

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