Why is everyone missing now?

Xie Ning looked at Zhuang Xinyi with a suspicious look on her face. She didn't know what words irritated the girl, and she actually went into hysterics.

"Do you think I'm thinking that? What's that look in your eyes!"

"I've always been so self-righteous and always like to look at me like I'm trash! I'm a human being too!"

Xie Ning jumped back two steps when she yelled, with an incomprehensible expression on her face.

"Eh, eh, eh." Jin Mingzhu, with a smooth smile on her face, ran forward, grabbed Zhuang Xinyi, who looked like she was crazy, and patted her arm.

"What are you doing? Xinyi, talk to Captain Xie properly. We are all victims, just weak women who are forced to stay here. Why are you yelling at Captain Xie?"

"I believed your evil deeds! If you hadn't told me that by following Master Yin from now on, I would be able to enjoy a good life and have a good life, and have enough food and clothing for the rest of my life, would I have stayed with that disgusting man?"

"It's all your fault!" Zhuang Xinyi lost control and screamed, grabbing Jin Mingzhu's face and beating her head and face.

Jin Mingzhu was furious, slapping her hands and yelling, "You're crazy! Why are you so mad at me? Oh, you're blaming me for everything now!"

"Don't pretend to be a chaste and martyr in front of me! You woman, if you weren't just for profit, how could you sell your body? If you were a pure and virtuous woman, could you be tempted by my two words? I'd kick your ass right away. Lame boyfriend, throwing himself on Master Yin’s bed?”

"It's not your own problem!" Jin Mingzhu also grabbed and tore Zhuang Xinyi's hair, slapped her twice, and her curses were surprisingly unpleasant.

"You are so proud! Why don't you carry a chastity memorial tablet and take to the streets??"

"How dare you hit me! I'm suing you, I'm not someone to be trifled with!"

Xie Ning looked at the two women fighting in a ball with an expressionless face, and silently rolled her eyes to the sky.

She didn't know which words irritated Zhuang Xinyi, making her suddenly so angry that she even went crazy and tore at Jin Mingzhu...

This is amazing!

Being so emotionally unstable is a disease and must be treated as soon as possible.

Song Shijun followed the sound and came over, squeezed behind his sister, tilted his head and looked inside, "What's wrong, sister?"

There was a huge noise outside. Song Shijun tilted his head and squeezed over to see, "What are you doing?"

"It's none of your business." Xie Ning didn't want her younger brother to take care of this nonsense, so she raised her hand and patted his head, "Go down and help your brother Chen, count all the people."

"Okay!" Song Shijun didn't have much curiosity, so he immediately turned around and left after hearing his sister's instructions.

The tug-of-war between Zhuang Xinyi and Jin Mingzhu has come to an end.

Although Renjin Mingzhu is a space superpower, she is still a superpower after all!

Zhuang Xinyi fought with her, it was like an egg hitting a stone. After a few slaps, Zhuang Xinyi fell to the ground in a daze.

Her whole face was swollen, and she covered her face and cried loudly, as if she wanted to vent all the grievances she had felt over the past few days.

Jin Mingzhu would not let her get used to her. She pointed at the woman on the ground and yelled, "You are a shameless thing and you still think you are a treasure? I have finally seen what it means to beat someone down and what it means to be a shameless white-eyed wolf."

"You are a white-eyed wolf yourself, so there is no need to ridicule the white-eyed wolf." Xie Ning added lazily, leaning against the door.

Jin Mingzhu's face froze, and then she brushed back her messy hair, turned around and smiled awkwardly at her, "Captain Xie, I'm telling you a joke, haha."

"I'm so sorry. Actually, I didn't want to fight and argue with this stupid woman and make you watch a farce."

"It's okay. I'm free anyway, so it doesn't hurt to take a look." Xie Ning stood up straight and glanced at them lightly, "What's going on with her boyfriend?"

What Jin Mingzhu meant just now was that Zhuang Xinyi disliked Zha Peng because of his lame leg?

"Oh, her boyfriend, he must be the one with powers." Jin Mingzhu sighed with emotion, "I remember, when we escaped from Lanshan Tower Lake, the young man was quite high-spirited. "

"Yes, it's that person from Zheng Heng's team, right?"

Xie Ning nodded slightly without comment.

"Captain Xie, you don't know, we were there a while ago... After the flood, the ground was covered with water, and the two of them ended up here."

"When I saw them for the first time, I couldn't recognize them. In order to protect her, the young man not only became lame, but also... his internal organs were severely damaged."

"It should be the injury she sustained while protecting her from zombies outside."

"Who said he was doing it for me!" These words stimulated Zhuang Xinyi, who was out of control. She got up from the ground and wanted to pounce on Jin Mingzhu with her teeth and claws open.

It looked like he wanted to hit Jin Mingzhu on the ground.

Jin Mingzhu didn't tolerate her, so he stretched out his foot and kicked her whole body to the edge of the bed. She hit the bed frame with a "gudong" and cried in pain.

"Are you crazy? What's wrong, I told you wrongly!" Jin Mingzhu scolded angrily, "Well, although I'm not a very good person, yes, I am greedy for petty gains and afraid of death, but at least I am still a good person. Someone who can tell the truth.”

"If I had a benefactor like this who was so desperate to protect me along the way, I wouldn't shamelessly kick him away after taking advantage of him."

"Oh, what are you pretending to be like in front of me? I've heard it said by Dog Girl, ah, Dog Girl met you outside. Did your boyfriend risk his life to protect you in that danger?"

"Then tell me how you, an ordinary person who can't lift your hands or shoulders, manage to survive now, ah?"

"It's not because your boyfriend is trying his best to protect you."

"Let me tell you, no matter how scummy I, Jin Mingzhu, am, I will never be as ungrateful as you!"

Jin Mingzhu scolded with a righteous face, but Xie Ning rolled her eyes behind her.

Come on, half-hearted people, beating each other up and scolding each other, are not good birds.

Captain Xie is not a three-year-old child, so how could he be frightened by Jin Mingzhu's pretense of justice, not to mention... Jin Mingzhu's acting was too exaggerated.

"Did I beg him to protect me? Did I beg him??" Zhuang Xinyi screamed, "Obviously he told me that even if we are separated from Zheng Heng's team, we can still live a decent life."

"The results of it!"

Zhuang Xinyi pounded the floor and vented her anger hysterically, "As a result, we have been wandering outside without enough food and clothing! Every time we do a task, we work so hard that we lose half of our lives, and in the end we only get a little, a little reward. !!”

"He himself brags in front of me all day long, saying he can protect me! He is willing to do anything for me!"

"Then what!"

"He's lame!" Zhuang Xinyi screamed in a high-pitched voice, "Trash!"

Xie Ning really wanted to step forward and shave her ear.

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