The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 694 You are the most hypocritical

Think about it, this kind of person can't learn well after fighting, so why should he waste his efforts on the captain?

"Well, that's what it looks like. Captain Xie, you've seen it too. You think this woman is weird? She doesn't look for reasons from herself at all. Everything that happens is someone else's fault."

"Her boyfriend is really a fool. Alas, he gave up almost everything for this kind of woman, and in the end he was called a waste."

Zhuang Xinyi's eyes turned red with hatred, and she stared at Xie Ning and Jin Mingzhu, "What do you know? What do you high-ranking superpowers know?"

"You don't know how miserable ordinary people live in this world! You only look at people like us with mocking eyes, and occasionally give out a few pieces of bread, just to make us all feel grateful to you!"


"There are so many superpowers in the world, and the most hypocritical among them is you, Xie Ning!"

Xie Ning reached for her ears and stepped back to the side with an expressionless face.

"If I had so many powerful people protecting me, I could live as nourishingly as you."

"Don't scold me, you are the least qualified to scold me!" Zhuang Xinyi shouted angrily, "If I can become a person with powers like you, of course I can live on my own!"

"But I'm not as lucky as you, I'm not! It's been almost two years since the end of the world, and I'm still nothing! It's impossible for me to awaken my powers in this life, even the most useless power system!"

"Of course you people with superpowers can stand at the top and look at us ants with a smile."

"What right do you have to scold me? Is it wrong for me to rely on others to make myself live a better life? I just don't want to die!"

Xie Ning didn't even bother to talk nonsense to her.

This kind of person likes to live in his own world, and no matter how much others say, it is all in vain.

Just let her continue to feel sorry for herself, it's none of Captain Xie's business.

Just then there were footsteps approaching. Xie Ning turned around and saw Xiaomeng and Qiangzi taking down a door panel and carrying a man here.

"Hey, it's him. Isn't this Zhuang Xinyi's boyfriend?" Jin Mingzhu exclaimed with a look of surprise.

Xie Ning turned around and glanced, slightly surprised.

In just a short period of time, Zha Peng was reduced to a handful of withered bones.

He was lying on the door panel, murmuring softly with half-open eyes, his lips were white and his face was a little blue.

It looked like he was almost dead.

Xiaomeng and the others opened the door of the room and nodded to Xie Ning, "Sister Ning, I asked us to carry this person over. This person seems to be dying, and he has been murmuring Zhuang Xinyi's name in a low voice."

"Brother said to let them meet each other and send them off properly."

Xie Ning nodded slightly and glanced at Zhuang Xinyi who was slumped on the edge of the bed frame.

Jin Mingzhu shouted, "Zhuang Xinyi, why are you pretending to be dead? Your boyfriend is almost dead, come here and see him."

Zhuang Xinyi waved her hands desperately and shrank back with a look of horror on her face, "I don't want to look, carry it away, carry it away! I don't want to look, I don't want to look! I don't want to look."

"I think you are such a damn woman, oh, no matter how wicked I am, I am not as vicious as you!" Jin Mingzhu pointed at her and scolded, "I used to think you look like a little white lotus, soft and weak, not Thinking of being so cruel."

"He died for you, and you didn't even see him for the last time?"

"Not for me, not for me!" Zhuang Xinyi argued emotionally, "Not for me!"

"Not for you, but for who?" Jin Mingzhu rolled her eyes and sneered, "You are really a very wicked person."

Xie Ning watched the scene in front of her coldly, not wanting to intervene at all.

Does it have anything to do with her?

No matter what path he chooses, Zha Peng chose to give up himself and give everything for Zhuang Xinyi. In the end, he only moved himself, but could not move Zhuang Xinyi's cold and heartless heart at all.

Where is Zhuang Xinyi? It will be like that for the rest of my life.

You can't live without someone to cling to. From the beginning, you put yourself in the position of the weak, and enjoy everything given by the strong with peace of mind.

Ordinary people may not all live like Zhuang Xinyi.

How many ordinary people are there in the base? You are not relying on your own hands to obtain food and various supplies.

Whether you can survive or not depends on yourself.

Furthermore, Zhuang Xinyi had been taken care of a lot in Zheng Heng's team before. Although Zheng Heng and the others disliked her, they had taken care of her many times all the way from Lanshan Tahu to Gyeonggi.

She herself had concealed her identity as a member of the team, and also implicated Zha Peng.

As for the young man Zha Peng, Xie Ning had no sympathy at all.

There is no cure for love brain!

Why talk about bullshit love with someone who can't even take good care of herself?

Is it worthy of the parents who gave birth to and raised him that he put his body through such trouble?

He deserved to die. Xie Ning gave him a cold look and turned around and walked out.

"Register everyone here. Where is Xiao Gu? What does the headquarters say now?"

They still have to continue to the seed base, and they cannot delay important matters.

As for the people in Zhongtian Building, let them wait here depending on the situation, or notify the headquarters and send someone to pick them up.

Before she could even discuss it with Comrade Xiao Gu, there was already a commotion downstairs.

"No! You are leaving tomorrow, so what should we do? You killed Master Yin, and there are no zombies below to protect us. What will we do next?"

"Yes, aren't you rescuers sent by Gyeonggi Province? Then you must take us with you!"

"Yes, yes, we are old and young, and we have nothing to eat or drink. There are still many people who are sick and don't even have cephalosporins! You can't just ignore them."

Xie Ning walked downstairs and happened to hear this sentence. Without saying a word, she pulled out the metal sword and chopped down the stool in front of everyone with a "clang" sound.

Song Shijun took a step back silently, continuing to maintain a moderate smile on his face.

"I'm thinking we don't owe you anything, right? What's the matter, do you want to cheat? I'll give you a chance to reconsider and speak."

Comrade Xiao Gu quickly took two steps back, stood next to Song Shijun and nodded repeatedly.

The noisy place suddenly quieted down, and the noisy men and women crowded in the front row fell silent for a moment.

"I found that you people are really good at picking on the weak." Xie Ning pointed upstairs, "Why are you not so angry with Yin Guanlong?"

"Yin Guanlong provides you with free food, drink and medicine??"

"Now that Yin Guanlong is dead, your temper has become worse! You are very confident when it comes to the rescuers!"

Xie Ning smiled and slashed the wall next to her, "What's wrong? It's your turn? Do you think the rescuers won't kill you?"

She chopped down a large piece of wall powder with a "snap" and said, "I can kill Yin Guanlong. Killing you is like killing a swarm of ants."

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