Noona almost cried out miserably, "Oh no, help us, dear friend. For the sake of our compatriots!"

"You can stay here and wait for us for three days."

"Within three days, we will return through here and take you back with us." Lu Wei nodded to them sincerely, "Can you hold on for three days?"

The young black man kept his embarrassing face for three seconds, then showed his big white teeth and said, "Okay! We will wait for you here for three days."

"Oh no, you can't go there either! It's very dangerous, it's very dangerous over there, it's true!" Noona couldn't help but persuade them again and again, "Friends, don't lose your life in vain!"

"Don't worry, we won't die so easily." Song Shijun chuckled.

"This task is very important to us and must be completed." Lu Wei continued to face everyone with a smile, "But you, didn't you send someone to stay on duty every night before?"

Nuna and others had a look of heaviness on their faces, "It's the night watchman, something went wrong."

"It will disappear quietly!"

"On the first two nights, we only had one person on duty. On the last day, there were two people! But they all disappeared."

Noona covered her face and couldn't help crying, "We don't even know what happened."

Xie Ning reached out and patted her shoulder, "It's all over. It should be safe here. Just stay here for three days and we will rush back as soon as possible."

"Thank you, thank you everyone."

Lu Wei glanced at them, "Can it be done in three days?"

"We're going to hold on."

Lu Wei nodded and paused when he turned around, "Do you... have enough food and water?"

"Enough, enough! Noona is a water-type psychic, and we still have a few packs of compressed biscuits left. Three days should be enough!"

The black young man nodded repeatedly and said, "I would be very grateful if you could help us and take us back to Gyeonggi. We don't need anything else! Thank you, thank you."

Lu Wei and others nodded to them, turned around, got on the bus, and filed out of the station.

"Talbert, why did you stop me from continuing to persuade?" Noona was worried. "I think it's better not to go to such a dangerous place."

"Hey, don't say that! Everyone said they have a mission. And look at them, they are all neat and tidy. How do they look like they fled here after a dusty journey?"

"Yes." Susan's eyes lit up, "Talbert, you mean, these people are very powerful, right?"

"Absolutely!" The black young man nodded heavily, "We must be careful these three days and try not to make any noise."

"I think we should be... saved this time!"


"Sister, could the forest that Tarbert and the others were talking about be a gathering place for mutant plants?"

Xie Ning shook her head and waved the topographic map sent to her by Little Spider onto the suspended screen for the people in the car to watch.

"Little Spider scanned it and said that there is a master with wood-type superpowers of level seven or above."

"Shijun, take a photo of the map and send it to everyone in the group."

"Okay sister." Song Shijun raised his bracelet and aimed at the suspended electronic screen to take a few pictures.

Then lower your head and press the button to virtually release the captured map.

Although it's not as clear as my sister's map, I can still see it roughly. Even my virtual screen is only about the size of a palm.

This is the improved function that the base bracelet has absorbed from the X world bracelet. It is said that the old version of the satellite bracelet could not display the virtual screen in the past.

This is already a big step forward!

Xie Ning held the electronic pen and circled a place on the virtual screen, "Did you see it? This place almost extends to the seed base."

"The boss of the wood type superpower probably built a base or something in this place."

Gu Chen frowned slightly, "Ning Ning, do you mean that the seed base has already been commandeered by wood-type superpowers?"

"It's very possible!" Xie Ning nodded heavily, and then raised her head confidently, "But the metal plate I sealed back then cannot be opened by anyone."

Captain Xie was full of confidence, "Unless they level the entire warehouse!"

Song Shijun twitched the corner of his mouth, "Don't talk about my sister."

Why does he feel that his sister, with her crow-like mouth, might be talking about something?

If someone built a base on the seed base, how could they not be tempted by looking at the warehouse?

We should have started building warehouses eight hundred years ago!

"Talbert and the others didn't mention wood-type superpowers just now? Didn't they know there was a base inside?"

"The industrial park is still some distance from the seed base, so it's normal to not know. If you see that they have been able to stay in the industrial park for so long, you should know how serious these people are..."

Everyone couldn't help but laugh when they thought of the two black young men calling their compatriots with tears in their eyes.

"I didn't ask them just now if there were anyone else lingering in the industrial park." Song Shijun patted his head.

"What, you still want to rush to the industrial park to save people?" Kress rolled his eyes and complained, "You can accept your fatherly heart. Look at my sister, she has worked hard enough! She has to drag it out day by day. Lead a group of rookies back to base!"

Xie Ning reached out and touched the young man's head, feeling very pleased.

Putting aside the venomous mouth of the brat, the young man is actually very considerate!

Gu Chen couldn't help laughing, "While we were chatting with Talbert and the others, Erbai also had a conversation with the other two white men."

"According to what he said, there are indeed hundreds of survivors over there in the industrial park."

"After the seed base mission is completed, we can stop by and take a look."

Kress rolled his eyes, but Xie Ning had no objection.

Anyway, when they came out of this trip, in addition to the seed base mission, they still had to search for and rescue some survivors along the way.

In the end, the more survivors we can search and rescue, the better. Human society will have to get back on track sooner or later. Survivors are indispensable in all walks of life to promote development.

"It doesn't matter, we still have plenty of time." Telling Tarbert and the others three days was largely to make them relax and not be nervous.

In fact, if you just do the task of transporting the seed base, it may not take half a day to complete.

At early four o'clock in the afternoon, the motorcade drove into a lush forest.

Song Shijun picked up the walkie-talkie and talked to the vehicle behind him, "Everyone, be careful, follow closely, and respond immediately if there is any situation."

Kress looked at the window with a curious look on his face, "Wow, it's true, in such a dry and hot day, green plants can grow so well. This wood-type superpower is pretty good."

"You kid, stop looking around. How's the mental scan going?"

"It's normal." Kress turned to look at Song Shijun and laughed, "Look at you, you are nervous."

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