The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 704 Crossing the Sea of ​​Trees

Song Shijun clicked on the virtual map generated by the bracelet and looked at it for a while, "Let's drive along the green shade now. It will take about half an hour to get to the vicinity of the seed base."

"I'm thinking, if the big boss with wood-type abilities has raised a group of underlings and built a small base or something like that, why don't Tarbert and the others know about it?"

"It means that this wood-type boss has never announced the existence of this small base to the outside world, nor has he admitted anyone to the base." Kress said with a look of determination.

"Right." Song Shijun turned to look at them, "I think so too, but why?"


"Since the wood-type boss has a small base in the sea of ​​trees, doesn't he want to be the boss just to dominate the mountain and become the king?" Song Shijun scratched his head in confusion.

"That's your idea!" Kress rolled his eyes and said angrily, "Tacky!"

"Perhaps the big wood guy just wants to find a quiet and quiet place to be alone."

"Think about it, his level of the wood element is already so high. As long as there are seeds around him, what kind of fruits and vegetables can't be spawned?" The more Kress said, the more he felt that he made sense, "The wood element boss is probably Do you just want to live a paradise-like life by yourself?”

"It's not entirely unreasonable for you to say that." Song Shijun curled his lips and nodded, "But since he is so powerful, how could he want to live in seclusion?"

"You think everyone is like you! As soon as you have special powers, you will make noises everywhere! If you rise to a higher level, you will be known all over the world!"

Song Shijun:......

Although what Kress said did sound like him, he didn't want to admit it!

"There is a kind of person who has a calm personality and does things without showing off! For example, the reason why a big boss became a big boss must be because of his great talent and hard work. But you see, there has never been such a person in the world. To live up to his legend?”

Xie Ning silently plugged in her earphones, not wanting to listen to the two people continuing their useless conversation.

"While you still have some time, practice your superpowers more." Xie Ning reminded her with an expressionless face when she saw that the two of them were still arguing.

Kress rolled his eyes and hummed, "It's already too late to work hard now! No matter how we practice now, we can't keep up with other people's seventh-level masters."

"Yeah, it's getting worse and worse to cram someone into a temporary situation!" Song Shijun nodded, showing an expression of approval.

Xie Ning glanced at the two of them, and they finally shut up after realizing that their sister just wanted them to shut up and stop making noise, and whether they practiced their powers or not was the next best thing.

The car finally became quiet. Xie Ning listened to soft music and looked back and forth outside the window, feeling amazed in her heart.

This lush forest does not look like it was built overnight.

This shows that this wood-type boss has probably lived here for a long time.

At nearly five o'clock, the car stopped in front of a dense tree with tangled roots.

Wu Meng silently put away their vehicle, glanced around, and sighed, "It looks like they are going to walk there."

Vehicles cannot move forward at all. There are trees with tangled roots everywhere, and there is almost no road.

However, based on the relatively clear map, the team members were able to determine that if they walked about 20 minutes further, they should be able to reach the gate of the seed base.

Xie Ning jumped onto a thick branch, scanned around with her mental power, and then said, "It's getting dark, we have to pass through this forest as soon as possible."

"Don't worry, I've scanned it and there isn't much danger nearby. No mutant plants have appeared."

"So what Sister Ning means is that the trees here are all normal plants spawned by the wood-type superpower?"

"This is too generous." Everyone couldn't help but be speechless.

"It's nothing strange. This is a normal operation for high-level wood-type superpowers. You, Brother Lu, can do it too!"

It's just that people with wood-type abilities are usually willing to spawn a forest that cannot be eaten. After all, it is too late to spawn vegetables and fruits.

"Let's go." Lu Wei threw his backpack on his shoulders, greeted everyone, and walked deeper into the woods first.

The lush green trees are really pleasing to the eye.

Everyone couldn't help but relax a little, and followed Lu Wei looking around.

"Don't take it too lightly." Lu Wei smiled, "Talbert and his companions just disappeared into the night inexplicably."

So this woods is quite weird.

The team members who were enjoying the beautiful scenery stopped, regained their comfortable and good moods, looked around warily, and continued to move forward.

Lu Wei didn't want to spoil the fun and scare everyone, but he just had to say what needed to be reminded.

Although the team members are not weak in strength, they still need to be careful not to capsize in the gutter.

Lu Wei and Zhai Ruobai were holding metal swords to clear the way ahead. They chopped off the branches that blocked people's sight, one on the left and the other on the right, and walked deeper and deeper along the dense woods.

Xie Ning followed behind the group of people, also holding a metal sword in her hand, and she would make additional cuts from time to time.

"Kress." Xie Ning nodded towards him.

Kress closed his eyes and felt for a moment, then nodded to them when he opened them again, "There are no aggressive wild mutant plants on my mental map."

"Wait a minute." Kress looked slightly solemn, "A small red dot appears at the entrance of the seed base in front."

"Zombie swarm?"

"It doesn't look like it." Kress shook his head, "It looks like a bunch of mutated animals."

Everyone secretly increased their vigilance and moved forward faster.

About twenty minutes later, I emerged from the woods and saw an open space in front of me, which looked very familiar.

Xie Ning and Gu Chen looked at each other and confirmed that this was the seed base they had visited before.

"That's right." The others nodded in agreement.

"I remember that there was a large experimental field in front of me, and when it was finished, it led to the experimental building." Wu Meng said with a smile.

"At that time, only the four of us entered the laboratory to clean up supplies. The rest of us stayed at the gate to rest."

Ji Taixian also recalled it and couldn't help but complain, "Oh, my space almost exploded because of the stuff!"

I really can’t fit it in!

Unlike now, Sister Guang Ning can completely evacuate the entire seed base.

Xie Ning stared straight ahead, "Don't take it lightly. Let's go in first and see what the situation is before we discuss it."

Kress suddenly shouted, "Be careful, the red dot is moving from the front left."

Everyone looked in the direction Kress pointed.

After about five minutes, when I was almost impatient with the waiting, I heard the sound of running hooves.

"It's a herd of wild boars!" Kress just said these words with a sullen face.

Everyone then saw the leader, a big wild boar with black hair and thorny mane, knocking down the nearby hay shed and rushing toward them with dead grass on its face.

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