The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 705 Green Field Base

Its body is half the size of a truck.

This is a very obviously mutated ferocious beast. After the post-apocalyptic genetic mutation, it no longer looks like a pig in the past.

Xie Ning quickly counted and found that there were a total of twelve mutant wild boars rushing over.

Of course, except for the leading wild boar, which was the size of a pickup truck, the other eleven were two times smaller than it.

But comparing the wild boars before the apocalypse, it is obvious that they are also mutants.

Wu Meng made a decisive decision and fired two shots at the wild boars running in the distance.

The new type of thunder and fire superpower gun can convert any superpower into a thunder and fire superpower, which can be used to spray wild boars.

Flames mixed with lightning fell on one of the wild boars.

It jumped up and down like a scalding hair and let out a roar.

The rest of them drew their guns and fired. The power of fire and lightning soon caused the group of wild boars to be in disarray, running around and roaring.

Song Shijun was so happy that he sprayed wild boars for free with a handful on his back and a handful in his arms.

When I felt that my energy consumption was a bit high, I still took the time to drink two wells of water.

Everyone is as clever as him. Anyway, when the superpower gun is worn out, he can replace it with another one, which can save a lot of his own superpowers.

As long as the mutant pigs are not close, there is no need for them to engage in close combat, the superpower gun is enough!

In this way, the mutated wild boar group was blocked by everyone more than ten meters away, and they could only avoid the spray of the supernatural gun and run around.

Among them were two little wild boars that were accidentally stepped on by the leading wild boar. Their eyes were sprayed by the supernatural gun, and they fell to the ground wailing.

Gu Chen casually threw two balls of thunder up, and two thick rattan sticks flew out of Lu Wei's hands, and he directly dragged two mutated wild boars covered in blood.

Zhai Ruobai and others stepped forward to make a few more cuts, and acted quickly and in perfect coordination. In less than a minute, Wu Meng took back the two bloody wild boars.

Xie Ning is not sensitive to this bloody thing...

Although there are one or two empty containers in her independent space that can be loaded with goods, not only does this stuff smell fishy and is bloody... Xie Ning will definitely not want it.

Comrade Xiao Gu’s team is worthy of being a team of little experts in picking up garbage in the last days. They really want everything they see...

The little expert in picking up garbage slaughtered two small mutated wild boars, and dragged the things into the space with all their tails.

As a result, there were only eight wild boars left out of twelve.

The leading wild boar tried to run back, but everyone chased after it and aimed at it with special weapons.

Threads of thunder and fire pressed down on the big wild boar, forcing it to run around in panic.

Just when they were about to take down the big wild boar, a khaki truck rushed over from the seed base and fired at them without saying a word.

Can Gu Chen and the others be used to a small truck?

Of course it's impossible!

The twelve-man team quickly separated into two columns. One part continued to fire at the big wild boar, while the other part quickly followed Gu Chen and turned their guns towards the small truck.

Wu Meng took out a small grenade, pulled out the fuse and threw it under the wheel of the opposite truck!

After a "boom" explosion, the pickup truck rolled over and a person rolled and crawled out of it. The driver was pressed under the seat and howled.

Probably no one expected that the opponent's equipment was so sophisticated...

The man who escaped was frightened, his gun was thrown aside, and he sat slumped on the ground with his mouth wide open, looking at Gu Chen and the others stupidly.

The man trapped in the car was so frightened that his face was ashen and he screamed in fear, "Help me, help me, help me quickly."

There was a puddle of oil leaking from the bottom of the pickup truck, and sparks were already starting to appear.

Seeing that the fire was about to break out in a few seconds, at this moment, a vehicle wrapped in green vines rushed out from the gate of the seed base. The loudspeaker on the top shouted to everyone, "Please stop, everyone, and tell us what you have to say!"

"Everyone, please stop! I am Director Tang of Green Field Base, please stop!"

Gu Chen raised his hand to signal everyone behind him to cease fire temporarily.

Seeing that the small truck was about to burst into flames, two shirtless men jumped out of the back seat of the green vine truck.

The muscles of their arms are bulging, and they have a strong sense of strength.

One of them stretched out his hand to break off the car door like breaking tofu and dragged the person out.

Another person lifted the burning flame car and threw it aside on the cement floor, letting it burn.

The front door of the Green Vine car opened, and a man with a side parted hair and a black leather jacket stepped out, smiling and nodding at Gu Chen and the others.

"My friends have come from afar, and I'm sorry for the loss of welcome."

Zhai Ruobai raised his eyebrows, "You guys hit the stick first and then gave the candy. It's quite a fun game."

Director Tang didn't feel embarrassed at all and said with a smile, "My friend is really good at joking."

"We are not kidding you." Meng Ping'an took a step forward with a cold face, "First he greeted us with a group of wild boars, and then he shot us casually."

"They don't look like friends at all."

Xie Ning put away her power gun, walked to Gu Chen, and cast a few curious glances at the green vine car.

The main body of this car is an ordinary van, but it has obviously been modified. The whole body is reinforced with vines, and the shape looks a bit strange.

"Sorry, sorry." Director Tang smiled and took a few steps forward, smiling apologetically at Gu Chen and others.

When his gaze passed over Xie Ning, a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes, and he couldn't help but take a closer look.

This group of people walked through the protective forest set up by their base commander, and they were so clean from head to toe.


They are all capable people.

Moreover, the weapons in their hands seemed to be very sophisticated, and they did not look like people who came from a small place.

It's even less likely that they, local survivors from Su City, stumbled into this place by mistake.

"I wonder where you are from?" Director Tang asked with a smile, "I am Tang Mingliang. I currently serve as the logistics director of Green Field Base. I have met a few friends."

Xie Ning glanced at him and looked up at Gu Chen, "Let's tie the person up first."

Tang Mingliang was stunned. Before he could react, he saw several young men rushing toward him and grabbing his arms without saying a word.


"Who is your friend?" Meng Ping'an grinned at him, "Ask your boss to come out and have a chat."

"It's okay if you don't come out. We'll escort you in."

"Hey you guys." Tang Mingliang really didn't expect that even though he had shown such a sincere attitude, the other party would be so ruthless.

If you say you want to arrest someone, arrest them. seems that among them, the little girl is the leader?

Previously, Tang Mingliang only thought that the girl was very beautiful. It is very rare to see such a clean and beautiful beauty after the apocalypse.

Little did they know that this beauty was the core of their team.

Two power users carrying the car rushed over to rescue Director Tang, but before they could get close, two thick vines thrown out by Lu Wei got wrapped around their ankles and dragged him to the ground.

"be honest."

"Come on, take us in!"

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