The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 706 Something is wrong with this base

"Friends, please don't be so angry! Our base has always been very friendly to outsiders. It was just a misunderstanding before..."

"What's the misunderstanding? You're friendly to outsiders, so how can you shoot at us? Don't you think it's funny to say this?"

Tang Mingliang was pinned down by several young men and could not move at all. He could only apologize and said with a smile, "No, no, no, misunderstanding, this is definitely a misunderstanding."

"We didn't know it was your friends who came before. We thought they were members of a nearby bandit group who came here to rob us."

"They often come here to fight our mutated wild boars. Our base commander is also very troubled by this situation..."

Gu Chen glanced at Tang Mingliang and said that this person's words were not credible.

"You have such a large protective forest outside, who can easily break into it?" Isn't this funny?

"That's right." Song Shijun sneered, "Even if someone breaks in by mistake, they will be dragged away secretly by you, right?"

"Didn't several foreigners break into your protective forest before, and several of them died?"

Tang Mingliang was silent for a moment and had no words for a moment.

In this way, Xie Ning and others naturally knew that the death of Brother Nuna and the others was really related to this base.

Song Shijun's eyes widened, "Hey, you said there is some bandit group next door who often come to your base to rob. Are those foreigners also coming to rob?"

"It's obvious that people are passing by."

"Just like us, we also passed by here and were besieged by the wild boars you released for no reason!" Song Shijun rolled his eyes and became more and more angry. "If we hadn't had two brushes, we would have been lying on the ground waiting to collect the corpses. ?”

"This little brother is really good at joking." Tang Mingliang, who was pressed down, felt his shoulders aching, and he laughed miserably, revealing a bitter look on his face.

"Sorry, sorry, this is indeed our fault."

"That's right." Tang Mingliang rolled his eyes and hurriedly explained, "We were also frightened by the bandits. They would come here from time to time to rob us."

"So the base director has clearly stated that anyone who does not say hello in advance before entering our protective forest will be considered a hostile party."

"It's so funny. Your protective forest is so big. It takes at least twenty minutes to walk from the gate of your base!" Song Shijun couldn't help but mock, "How do you say hello? Are you calling or sending a telegram?"

"Uh... little brother, don't get excited, don't get excited. Yes, it is true that we made an oversight in this regard. In that case, please let go first, and I will take you into the base to meet our base director."

"If you have any questions, you can sit down and talk about it slowly, right?"

"Stop smiling so playfully." Meng Pingan pushed him.

After receiving Gu Chen's gaze, he slightly let go of his hand and said, "Lead the way."

Tang Mingliang nodded repeatedly, then glanced at the two companions who were tripped by the vines and fell to the ground. He nodded to Lu Wei with a smile and said, "Please do me a favor, sir."

Lu Wei glanced at him, raised his hands and retracted the vines tied to the ground, letting the two shirtless men free.

When Tang Mingliang saw Lu Wei's hand, he lowered his eyes and showed nothing unusual.

Xie Ning had already asked Kress to open the mental network to accommodate all the team members. At this time, although the group of people did not say anything on the surface, they were actually chatting happily in the mental network.

Song Shijun said to everyone, "The look in that guy's eyes shows that he is not a good person."

"I think there must be something wrong with this base."

"Yes, something is very wrong!"

Xie Ning also felt this way.

Although there is a lot of greenery nearby and it looks full of life, it can't be said...

It feels like this green area has been filled with some black corrosive air.

"This base seems to be covered by a spiritual barrier. Please don't act alone after entering. There must be at least three people moving." Kress said with a frown.

"Can you feel which direction the mental barrier is?"

"It should be in the southeast of the Green Field Base." Kress glanced at Tang Mingliang who turned around to lead the way, "This Tang Mingliang is a space superpower."

"His space is about two hundred square meters, and most of it is filled with firearms."

Everyone looked at each other silently, said nothing, and just followed Director Tang slowly towards the entrance of the seed base.

As soon as they walked into the seed base, Xie Ning, Gu Chen, Wu Meng and others noticed that the layout here had changed a lot compared to more than a year ago.

The first two experimental fields had not been touched much, and there were even green vegetables growing in the fields. They were much more prosperous than when they first arrived.

However, after turning two greenhouses, they realized that the layout had changed.

The laboratory that originally stood there was bulldozed, and two bamboo towers more than ten meters high were built on the foundation of the original laboratory, presumably to keep a lookout for the enemy.

Xie Ning and her brother looked at each other and immediately felt that something was wrong.

The laboratory is composed of three metal doors. Unless it is exploded, it cannot be razed to the ground...

Song Shijun couldn't help but rolled his eyes at his sister, and complained about his sister in the spiritual network, "Sister, you really hit the mark! The five warehouses behind may be like this too."

"They leveled the place with explosives, and the contents may have been removed."

Gu Chen also felt that this was very likely, "How did they sow the vegetables and fruits in their experimental field? It is probably the seeds in the seed bank."

Xie Ning:......

How can you blame her for having a crow mouth?

The base director of the Green Field Base is really good at it!

Gu Chen said calmly, "Let's go in first and find out what the situation is. Don't get into trouble."

While everyone was complaining in the spiritual network, they and Tang Mingliang continued to walk deeper into the Green Leaf Base.

Of course, Tang Mingliang was not aware of it. He wiped his sweat as he walked and introduced his base to them with a smile in a good mood.

Make it look like they are really guests at your door...

Obviously not long ago, the two parties were fighting to the death!

After walking for about half a quarter of an hour, Song Shijun said on the spiritual network, "This place is weird. I haven't seen anyone else after walking for so long."

Xie Ning also found it strange and asked with a smile, "Director Tang, how many people are there in your base?"

Tang Mingliang made no secret of this. He seemed to have no one from the city government, and said to everyone with a smile, "Our base is not large in size. It has been almost two years since the end of the world. Our base has developed so far, with a total of only seventy or eighty people." That’s all.”

"The main thing is that the director of our base recruits people based on their character. It's not a matter of whether they have super powers or not. They still have to pass the test of character."

"Does your base have a surname named Gao?"

"Oh, our base chief's surname is Zou, and he is now in his prime." Tang Mingliang said with a smile, "Speaking of which, you may have heard of his name before the end of the world."

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