The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 710 Consolidated Mental Power

"There is news that the world's number one metal-type superpower seems to be a three-type superpower. Metal, space, and spirit coexist at the same time." The woodcutter, who looked like a simple and honest farmer, came over and nodded at them. .

"Three-line superpowers generally have a harder time than pure single-line superpowers. It's impossible for them to practice all three lines at the same time, right?"

"No, I can barely feel her spiritual level." The pale Mr. Lion coughed and took the water glass handed by Sanhua.

He lowered his head and took a sip of water to calm down his mental fluctuations. He sighed and said, "Miss Xie's mental power level should be above mine."

Base commander Zou Youfu frowned and looked at the second-in-command at his base. After a long time, he asked in a low voice, "Are you sure?"

Mr. Lion nodded without hesitation, "I was instantly shaken away by her mental power just now, and was hit by a strong mental force, which is why it turned out like this."

"I can feel her terrifying and solid mental power. She hasn't even used her full strength to deal with me!"

Mr. Lion had a pale face and coughed a few more times, "This time I was too impatient to test. They were already quite wary of us, and this time I'm afraid it will only make matters worse."

"It's okay. I'll explain to them later." Zou Youfu smiled and shook his head, "You stay here to recover and let the healing system come over."

"No need!" Mr. Lion frowned and waved his hand, "It's useless if he comes here. This is a mental injury to me, and the healing system is useless."

Zou Youfu thought so and stopped insisting.

"Chief of the base." The honest woodcutter asked, "Do you want me to go try out the details..."

"There's no need to be so anxious!" Zou Youfu hurriedly stopped him, "The lion suffered a big loss just now. If you go again... I'm afraid it will be self-defeating."

"Yes." Mr. Lion also sighed, "I originally thought that Captain Gu couldn't tell the details, so I wanted to test him."

"But I didn't want to offend Miss Xie directly."

"It can be seen that the levels of these superpower users they brought are not low. Especially Captain Gu and the Marine Corps, they feel that the level of superpowers is similar to that of the big brother." Mr. Lion looked at the base commander worriedly.

"They came all the way from the big base. I suspect they probably came for the seed warehouse."

The woodcutter sneered, "If you want seeds, you have to ask if my knife can handle them."

"Third brother, don't be too conceited." Mr. Lion glanced at him, "The title of the world's number one metal superpower should not be for nothing. You may not be Miss Xie's opponent."

"A yellow-haired girl." The woodcutter sneered, "Just because the spiritual system is powerful, it doesn't mean that the gold system is more powerful than the spiritual system."

"We do it because we have..."

"Third brother!" the base commander shouted at him and glared angrily to stop him from speaking.

Knowing that he had made a mistake, the woodcutter turned to look at Sanhua who was standing at the door, and smiled awkwardly, "After the end of the world, everyone's practice progress is basically around the third, fourth, and fifth levels. Being able to reach the sixth level is considered to be rich in resources."

"Boss, haven't you sent someone to inquire before? A small ordinary base can have a master of level 4 or 5, which is considered very good. Only a large base like Gyeonggi can have top experts of level 6 or 7."

"Do you think their training resources in Gyeonggi Province are comparable to ours?"

"Don't be too confident." Zou Youfu frowned and looked at him, "At least Captain Gu's team is full of fifth-level and above superpowers."

The woodcutter was stunned for a moment, "Are they all level five or above?"

"Otherwise? Why did you, the eldest brother, compromise and open the door to welcome them in." Mr. Lion shook his head helplessly.

His second brother has always been a straightforward person, but he is too impulsive and reckless, and has little discernment.

The woodcutter smiled awkwardly, "I thought that was your strategy. You wanted to get people in, then close the door and beat the dogs!"

Mr. Lion chuckled, "Third brother, you are very good at thinking independently now."

The woodcutter was embarrassed again. He knew that he was not as smart as his second brother.

The second eldest brother is still a lot younger than him, but because he is smart and has a high level of force, he firmly holds the position of the second eldest son in the base.

"Then what should we do now?" The woodcutter scratched his head, "If you don't test it out, just let them make whatever conditions they want?"

"You don't have to worry about this matter." Zou Youfu glanced at the silly third child, "You just need to wait and see what happens."

"Boss." Mr. Lion covered his chest and sat on the bed. "That woman gives me a very dangerous feeling. If we don't confront her head-on, we won't confront her."

Zou Youfu frowned slightly, "What do you mean?"

"I mean, it's not impossible to share some of their seeds. It's business to send them out of here early."

"Ah?" the woodcutter couldn't help shouting, "Boy, what are you thinking about? If we share their seeds, what will we eat in the future?"

"We have enough food crops now! How many people are there in our base? You should know that those things are enough for us to eat."

"But who would think that there is too much grain?" the woodcutter muttered.

"Do you think we should send them away as soon as possible?"

"Yes!" Mr. Lion took a deep breath, "That Miss Xie's strength is unpredictable. Once she shows her true strength, I'm afraid our side will be completely suppressed by her spirit."

"How can she be so powerful??" The woodcutter opened his mouth wide.

Even the little girl who looks cute and soft doesn't look like her at all.

"Brother, what I mean is that we have a lot of food and stuff anyway. It's worth giving up some in exchange for peace for the rest of our lives. And judging from the equipment and weapons of this group of people, they should be appointed by the Gyeonggi official."

"They will definitely complete the mission of this seed base with all their strength. There is no need for us to fight to the death with them for some seeds."

"It's not unreasonable to spend money to eliminate disasters."

"Besides, if we are targeted by the authorities, our small base will definitely not have a stable life."

Zou Youfu took a deep look at Mr. Lion and saw a trace of seriousness and sincerity on his pale face. After pondering for a moment, he nodded slightly.

"I know, I will think about it. They will definitely ask me for an interview later, and we will talk about it then."

Not long after breakfast, Gu Chen expressed that he wanted to discuss something with the base director in person.

Within a moment, everyone was taken to the large conference room on the fifth floor by Erdan.

Erdan Sanhua brought a few more people in to serve tea, and the greetings were very warm.

Not long after, the base director, Mr. Zou Youfu, came in with the honest woodcutter, smiled at everyone and nodded.

"I kept everyone waiting."

Behind the two of them were three young adults with unfamiliar faces.

Kress glanced at it roughly, raised his eyebrows slightly, and secretly sent a mental message to Xie Ning: The level of superpowers in this base is generally higher than other bases we have seen, have you noticed?

Xie Ning gave him a "hmm"!

Kress rolled his eyes and continued the mental transmission: Why didn't that mental system come over?

Xie Ning's lips raised slightly and she replied with a few words: I'm afraid of being beaten by my sister!

Virtue! Kress snorted: These three people are the fifth-level healing system, the fifth-level power system, and the fourth-level speed system. It seems that Comrade Xiao Gu is right, this small base is really a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger.

Xie Ning: What do you call Comrade Xiao Gu? Call me brother!

Kress gave her a "humph" back!

Gu Chen stood up first at this time, and Xiao Lu and the others followed suit.

Upon seeing this, the director of the base, Mr. Zou Youfu, smiled and waved to them, "Everyone, sit down, sit down, there is no need to be so polite."

"How was everyone's breakfast? It tasted pretty good."

Comrade Xiao Lu exchanged greetings with the base director and said with a smile, "The reason for taking the liberty of coming here is because the official sent us here to collect some rare seeds."

"It's really embarrassing to say that we didn't know before we came here that your base was built on the basis of the Su City Seed Base."

"If you know, you should naturally apply to your superiors in advance to see if I can bring some supplies to help you."

This was too polite to say. Zou Youfu said with a smile on his face, "Where can we get official help from us? We also use the official seed bank, and we have been greatly blessed and protected here."

"I'm not afraid of your jokes. We have previously used violence to open two large warehouses and took out a large part of grain crops, vegetable and fruit seeds for use."

The implication is that there are not many left...

Xie Ning silently glanced at the base director, "Does the base director know what the population of Su City was before the end of the world?"

Zou Youfu was stunned, as if he didn't expect Xie Ning to suddenly interrupt Siliu.

He was a little confused and couldn't answer, so he smiled awkwardly, "Well, Miss Xie also knows that I am from Hong Kong Island, not a local resident of Sioux City."

"Then I might as well tell you that the population of Sioux City before the end of the world was about 14 million."

"Oh, really? That's much more populous than our Hong Kong Island population."

Zou Youfu didn't understand at all why the population issue suddenly came up while we were having a good chat...

But he still answered with a smile, as if he was very interested in the topic Xie Ning opened.

Xie Ning looked at him with a smile, "Then do you know? The entire grain crop seed inventory in the Su City Seed Base is said to be able to maintain an annual output of 870,000 tons of seeds."

While Xie Ning was talking about the data that Little Spider had found for her, she continued to look at Zou Youfu with a smile, "Mr. Zou, does he know how much food is supplied to the population of Su City?"

"You definitely don't know. Let me tell you this, the inventory of such a large seed bank can probably guarantee the supply of food for the entire city of Suzhou for the next season."

"One season is about three months. You can calculate this number yourself. And you told us before, you said it yourself. The approximate number of survivors in your small base is... around seventy or eighty? "

"Seventy or eighty people, 14 million people eat grain seeds for one season."

Xie Ning looked at him with a smile, "Don't have a big appetite, I'm afraid you will have indigestion."

Mr. Zou Youfu still had a smile on his face, and the honest and honest woodcutter also laughed too.

On the other hand, the three superpowers standing behind them instantly turned pale.

Captain Xie felt that some of the men were chattering away, so she reported the numbers quickly and said, "Well, we won't take advantage of you. Captain Zou, just give us two-thirds of the grain, fruits, vegetables and seeds." "

"In addition, the other three warehouses should contain medicinal materials, flowers and tree seeds. They are of no use to you, so just leave them to us to take back." Xie Ning said with a smile, "You know, base manager, like medicinal materials Things like this are better cultivated by professional doctors.”

"Everyone is trying to promote the development of human civilization and prevent these human treasures from being lost in the long river of history, right."

"Before Mr. Zou's death, he would donate money to repair schools and institutions, and vigorously support small and medium-sized enterprises in poor counties. You are a Confucian businessman with a big picture. I believe you can understand the purpose of our trip."

Zou Youfu was speechless.

This girl's small mouth is very talkative, like a small machine gun, and she talks about big topics related to history and civilization. It's almost impossible to talk about what to say.

"This is not impossible." Zou Youfu looked humble.

"Base Commander!!" The three superpowers behind him shouted in dissatisfaction.

Zou Youfu raised his hand to stop them from speaking, and continued with a smile, "But after we blew up two warehouses before, we actually violently demolished the other three warehouses."

"So, Miss Xie also knows that a lot of seeds will be damaged during the dismantling process. To be honest, these losses are actually quite large... I wonder if the official will blame this matter. After all, our base is mostly composed of ordinary people."

Xie Ning nodded with a heavy expression on her face, "This is completely understandable! Base Chief Zou didn't know at the time that the official would send us to collect the seeds."

"You can't blame everyone! After all, you still have to eat to live. But Commander Zou, you are a person with a big picture. You must also know that in the face of the country's interests, personal honor and disgrace are all in vain! You hand over the rest. That’s it!”

Zou Youfu:...


Xie Ning had a small face and spoke more fluently.

She likes to kidnap others before they morally kidnap her. This is just a little personal hobby...

"You are forcing donations!" A power user couldn't help but his head was smoking with anger, "How can you people from Gyeonggi be so unreasonable?"

Xie Ning showed a shocked expression, and covered her chest with heartache, "Forced donation? I don't know who this person with no pattern is? Base Commander, how can you keep such a villain by your side??"

"I would like to ask, will this kind of sub-base belong to your family before the end of the world? Do you have a real estate certificate, land certificate, and asset certificate?"

"You don't think that there will be no order in the apocalypse and you can take over any mountain and become the king, right?"

Xie Ning beat her chest with one hand and took a breath, "Oh my God! Are you trying to rebel..."

"No, no, no, no!" If Xie Ning said something even more shocking, Zou Youfu quickly stopped him with a smile, "It's serious, it's serious, it's serious! That's not what we meant. We will definitely give you the things, but the problem is when the warehouse is bombed. , which does damage a large portion of the seeds.”

"You keep saying that your family and country are righteous, but how much have you donated?" The power-type person roared.

Xie Ning slapped the table, "I donated the base's rations and various daily necessities for one and a half years!"

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