The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 711 Falling out and being ruthless

"A selfish person like me, who has no structure, can donate. Why do you, seventy or eighty people, occupying a population of 14 million, refuse to let go of the seed warehouse in the first quarter?"

At this moment, everyone can probably be described as a dumbfounding emoticon.

I’ve never seen someone hurt themselves so much...

Gu Chen was unhappy. He couldn't bear to hear his girlfriend speak so derogatoryly about him.

She is not, she is not as cruel as she said.

Many times, she can take care of other people's emotions better than anyone else.

Reaching out to hold Xie Ning's hand, Gu Chen whispered, "You are not. Our Ning Ning is so good. She is the most sincere little girl in the world."

Xie Ning also stretched out her hand to hold his paw, raised her head and looked at Zou Youfu opposite, half-smiling but not smiling, "Is there some other reason for Mr. Zou's evasion?"

"No, no, no, there is no other reason. It is indeed too much wear and tear." Zou Youfu smiled apologetically, not seeming to be angry at all, and still looking kind and gentle.

"Well, how about I discuss this matter with my deputy and promise to give you a satisfactory answer before tomorrow?"

"Dear guests, please rest assured. I, Zou Youfu, promise that I will do my best to collect all the existing seeds in the base and hand them over to you to bring to Gyeonggi."

"Basic Commander!" The three superpowers behind Zou Youfu shouted angrily.

If all the existing seeds are handed over to Gyeonggi, what will they eat and drink in the future? ?

Xie Ning didn't even look at the three angry superpowers, she just smiled and nodded at the base commander.

She seemed to be easy to talk to and did not continue to be aggressive. After hearing what Director Zou said, she nodded in agreement and gave them a whole day to prepare.

Brother Shijun glanced at his sister silently and looked away.

At the end of the small meeting, Zou Youfu stood up with a smile and shook everyone's hands very politely. "We will set up a reception banquet for everyone at noon. I hope you will come together at that time."

Gu Chen smiled lightly and said, "The base manager is polite, we will attend on time."

"Okay, okay, then... Sanhua, Erdan, take the guests back to the guest room to rest first."

"Yes, base director." Sanhua Erdan quickly stepped forward and respectfully invited Xie Ning and his party to come downstairs.

No one said anything until they returned to the third floor and sent away the accompanying Sanhua Erdan, and then everyone entered Gu Chen's room.

Xie Ning had been sullen since she walked out of the conference room. As soon as she entered the door, she casually set up a mental barrier outside the door.

She got straight to the point, "Zou Youfu has colluded with people from the X world. The little spider just told me that it just scanned the warehouse area behind and did not find a large number of seeds."

"But abnormal fluctuations in the dimensional warehouse were detected in the air."

Everyone's expressions became serious, "Dimensional warehouse?"

"Ning Ning, what do you mean, the people in the X world were one step ahead of us and put all the seeds into the dimensional space?" Gu Chen felt an unknown anger rising up.

In this X world, people are now blatantly committing robberies!

"I'm letting Little Spider track me." Xie Ning frowned and said, "Kress, help me keep an eye on my surroundings."

"I will try to break through the bamboo forest barrier now to see if I can go in and inspect the situation."

A few team members exited the door and went to the corridor to guard, while the rest sat or stood next to Kress, fully alert.

Young Kress glanced at her depressedly, "You go ahead, I'm watching from here."


She didn't show much in front of others in the past, but once she did, it always drove Kress crazy.

That's three series! Three series!

All three elements can catch up with his progress in one element, and are even stronger than him. Wow, is it really because of his talent?

He is so stupid...Brother Kress was shocked.

Xie Ning didn't know that her little brother's heart was so complicated. After she was immersed in the spiritual network, she caught the little broken parrot.

"I am now trying to find a way to break through the barrier above the bamboo forest. You go first to explore the way."

"Okay~" the little broken parrot responded readily, flapped its wings and flew out of the window impatiently.

Xie Ning was speechless and warned, "Don't be too careless! There is a spiritual power user of level 7 or above stationed here. If you are caught by him..."

"Don't worry, little master, can I be so stupid?" The little parrot flew out of the window, and the mental message fell into her mind, "I will be careful."

Xie Ning couldn't care less about the stupid bird at this time and was attacking the mental barrier with all her strength.

There is something very strange behind the bamboo forest!

When the barrier broke through a crack, she realized something was wrong.

Everyone saw her face becoming more and more solemn, and they couldn't help but feel nervous.

A mental vortex flowed over the barrier. As the vortex reversed from time to time, the mental power barrier began to collapse.

Mr. Lion, who was recuperating on the top floor, immediately noticed that something was wrong.

He suddenly turned over, sat up, jumped out of bed, and shouted at the door, "Who is outside! Come in quickly, carry me out and take a look!"

Erdan quickly ran in when he heard the noise, "Mr. Lion, what's wrong?"

"Hurry up, hurry up! Pick me up and carry me out so I can see!"

Erdan didn't know why, but he still carried the frail Mr. Lion on his back and hurried towards the sky loft.

As soon as Mr. Lion went upstairs, his expression changed drastically. He stared at the mental vortex above the bamboo forest in the distance and took a breath.

"Someone wants to break through the barrier! Go and inform the base commander! Let the base commander..." Before he could finish his sentence, he saw the mental vortex red dye dispersing in the sky.

The entire bamboo forest barrier was rapidly shattering, like a star shattering into pieces, turning into a pile of powder that was difficult to distinguish with the naked eye.

"Ah!" Mr. Lion roared angrily, and a mouthful of blood spurted out of his chest.

"Sir!!" Erdan was so panicked that he hurriedly unloaded the pale-faced Mr. Lion from his back.

I wanted to help him sit on a bench, but he pushed me away.

"What are you still doing here? Go and notify!!"

In fact, there was no need for Erdan to rush over and notify him. With such a huge movement, who could know that something was going on at the base?

Zou Youfu and the tin woodcutter rushed to the top floor, yelled, and hurried towards the side passage.

The top floor is decorated with lush vegetation, like a hanging garden.

There is a passage among the gorgeous flowers, leading directly to the pavilion behind the bamboo forest.

This path is entirely made of bamboo and flowers, like a flower bridge built in the sky.

It usually looks very beautiful, but now...

Due to the influence of the spiritual vortex, half of this bamboo forest suspended path was blown up.

When the base leader led his people to rush over, he had to use the wood power to repair the road ahead halfway!

Otherwise, they may fall if they are not careful.

Zou Youfu was going crazy!

He really didn't expect that after they had just discussed it with each other, and even made an appointment to have a meal together at noon, someone would actually take him away from his lair in the bamboo forest!

This caught everyone at Green Field Base off guard.

There was a trace of anger on the woodcutter's face, "Brother, they are just provoking! I say you can't be too polite to others! Jackals like them should be beaten to death with a stick!"

"Brother, that woman's spirit is very, very strong..." Mr. Lion, who was helped to his feet and walked a few steps behind them, reminded loudly while panting heavily.

But it was obviously a bit too late at this time.

Xie Ning and his group came very quickly, and almost in the blink of an eye they arrived at the entrance of the bamboo forest barrier with all the members of the team.

Now that the barrier was completely broken, all of them could immediately feel the strong smell of corpse coming from it.

"Holy shit!" Baby Shijun couldn't help but exclaimed, "Aren't these people as crazy as I thought?"

"It's what you think." Xie Ning said with a cold face.

When I raised my hand, I saw a towering giant vine running out from the depths of the bamboo forest...

That's really a run!

Sayazi ran extremely fast, but she was in front of Xie Ning and the others in just a moment.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, almost speechless.

"Mom, mom, mom!" The big man-eating vine happily circled in front of them, showing off its huge tree body and lush leaves.

"Look at me, look at me, look at me! I followed that rotten log all the way, and after I swallowed it, I swallowed a lot of crystal nuclei of mutated plants, haha~" The big man-eating vine suddenly appeared in her spiritual world in the middle of speaking. He let out a long burp.

Xie Ning looked at the big tree vine speechlessly, raised her hand and patted it, "Can you still shrink back to your original appearance?"

It's so stupid and big, how can she carry it around...

"Of course I can!" Dashu Fujiwara spun around several times, shrunk back to its original size, and jumped into Xie Ning's arms with a "whoosh".

It happily arched in her arms, "Mom, mom, I just saw the little broken parrot flying over."

"Yes." Xie Ning nodded, holding it and walking forward, "Don't you need a flower pot to plant it now?"

"Of course I need it!" Little Man-Eating Vine said plausibly, "Mom, you usually plant me in a pot, and give me energy water to drink when you have free time."

Xie Ning didn't want to pay attention to it. She had grown so stupid and big, and she still wanted to drink energy water!

Zhai Ruobai and others also came to their senses at this time.

Meng Pingan asked, "Sister Ning, there is a smell of corpses coming from inside. Is it possible that the Green Field Base is raising zombies behind the bamboo forest?"

"Yes." Xie Ning gave an affirmative answer.

Kress on the side frowned and said, "There are no more than a thousand zombies trapped behind."

"What!" Everyone thought they heard it wrong.

Kress nodded again affirmatively, "More than a thousand zombies are imprisoned there."

"We are divided into two groups." Xie Ning said calmly, "Xiao Gu, you take the others to clean up the zombies in the back. Xiao Lu and Kress stay."

Comrade Xiao Gu was very unhappy.

But when his girlfriend glanced at him, he could only accept it with restraint.

Xie Ning and the others stopped at the entrance of the bamboo forest barrier, waiting for the base commander to rush in with his men.

Zou Youfu arrived angrily with a group of people, and happened to meet Xie Ning's cold eyes.

He was heartbroken and said with a cold face, "What do you guys mean by this? We kindly took you in and entertained you, and this is your reward??"

"What is the purpose of raising a group of zombies in your seed base?"

"You have nothing to do with it!" Zou Youfu gave the tin woodcutter a look.

The latter is an impulsive person, but now that Xie Ning and the others are so arrogant, just three people are trying to stop them all? ?

It’s just wishful thinking!

In his rage, a dense mass of golden needles appeared all over his body, and they shot towards the three of them in an instant.

Before Kress could put up a mental barrier, Xie Ning shook her head first.

She has now reached the point where she can move her metal powers wherever she goes, and she can do whatever she wants based on her heart.

Even though the opponent is also a super-powerful metal power user, in Xie Ning's opinion, the speed at which the metal power is instantaneous is still too slow!

Countless golden needles flew one meter away in front of them, and they were completely unable to get even half a step closer.

This was the first time for the Tin Woodman to feel such a powerful fluctuation of metal power. This terrifying power not only blocked his full blow.

He even... reversed all of his instant golden needles.

Everyone's pupils shrank and they were worried for a while.

Someone yelled "Run", and everyone around the base commander immediately dispersed.

The moment he turned around, he saw the floating golden needles flying up and chasing after each other, rushing toward the team at the Green Field Base with lightning speed.

The tin woodcutter was pierced by two of the golden needles.

His eyes widened with splitting eyes, he covered the wound on his shoulder with one hand, and shouted with a trembling voice, "Brother, we have all been fooled by this woman! She is not a spiritual superpower at all, her golden superpower , much stronger than me!"

"She is an eighth-level, no! Ninth-level! A ninth-level gold-type superpower!"

These words shocked everyone present.

Zou Youfu opened his mouth and murmured in a low voice, "Are there still ninth-level superpowers in the world?"

The Zombie King's ability is nothing more than this, right? ?

Xie Ning silently glanced at the guy who was talking nonsense, not bothering to talk nonsense with him.

At this time, Little Spider's electronic voice sounded in her mind, "Detected the aura fluctuations of Li Zongyuan, the evolved person of the X world, and others, and asked the subject whether he wanted to conduct a full scan."

"Yes!" Xie Ning replied without thinking.

"Start scanning the trajectory of Li Zongyuan and others, report to the main body of Condensation, and detect the existence of the dimensional warehouse. Ask the main body if they need to turn on tracking."

"Of course! Track it quickly." How could such a large number of seeds fall into the hands of those ambitious people in the X world.

Even if Kyushu doesn't need it, it won't be easy for people like X Realm to just throw it away for fun.

"Miss Xie, are we really going to make trouble like this?" Zou Youfu clenched his fists, "We don't need outsiders to intervene in the affairs of our Green Field Base."

"Who wants to interfere in the internal affairs of your Green Field Base?" Xie Ning smiled sarcastically, "Chief Zou, you colluded with the X world and gave something as important as food seeds to the X world. It can't be justified at all."

"Ning Ning, don't talk nonsense to him, let's go." Lu Wei threw out tree roots and vines to block the people from the Green Field Base who were running towards us.

"Let's go." Kress nodded, his face slightly condensed, "There are mental power fluctuations inside."

"We can't let them break into the attic!"

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