The end of the world begins with escape

Chapter 712 Unable to change

Zou Youfu's face turned livid and he ordered the people accompanying him, "Stop it! Stop it until you die!"

Many superpowers in the Green Field Base ran towards them in groups.

Lu Wei threw a vine entanglement skill and directly swept all the people running at the front to the ground.

Others, however, passed them and continued to rush forward. It seemed that they were desperate for their lives.

The more this happened, the less Xie Ning could let them stop her.

Seeing Kress put up a mental barrier in the crowd, he turned around and said, "You and Xiao Lu go over to help first, leave this place to me!"

Everyone often acts together, so they naturally know each other's details very well.

After hearing Xie Ning's instructions, Lu Wei and Kress turned around and ran towards the bamboo forest without hesitation.

Several power users in the Green Field Base hit the air wall, and several of them were bounced back and fell to the ground.

Xie Ning raised the corners of her lips, and densely packed long needles appeared in her hands.

"Defense!!" Mr. Lion hurriedly rushed towards this side and shouted at the people in the Green Field Base in the distance.

The two earth power users hurriedly released the earth wall and blocked some of the golden needles, while most of the remaining ones flew towards the crowd.

Anyone who was pricked by a fine needle would immediately scream and fall to the ground.

One of my friends was in a worse situation. Two companions dragged him through the wall of flesh that was used as a needle guard and absorbed a large wave of golden needles.

He died within two minutes.

Xie Ning raised her eyebrows and raised her hand to create an invisible vortex floating rapidly.

Mr. Lion looked at the scene in front of him with fear, and almost shouted at the top of his lungs while Xie Ningyang was holding his hand, "Get out of the way!!!"

Everyone didn't know why.

Most of the people present didn't see Xie Ning make any move, they only saw the other party raise his hand.

"Get out of the way!" Mr. Lion's roar rang in their ears.

Everyone was shocked and confused, but they still obeyed the orders habitually and fell to the left and right.

Turning around, he saw a deep crater being blown out in the middle of the crowd, and the earth and rocks were shattered and scattered.

The hearts of all the superpower users in the Green Field Base trembled. They had no idea what superpower the other party had activated?

It feels like no one can stop me!

Xie Ning sneered and did not continue to fight with them. Instead, she directly took out the flying motorcycle from the space and got on it. With a "hurrah", she ran towards the back of the bamboo forest.

"Help me secure my position for the future."

"A good subject is big." Little Spider was performing a series of operations nervously and orderly, constantly playing electronic sounds in her mind.

"The coordinates of the dimensional warehouse have been found, and the point for the main body of Condensation has been determined."

A small map appeared in front of Xie Ning, allowing her to visually see the distance and direction.

Xie Ning just needs to drive forward along the virtual mini map.

Everyone in the Green Field Base was a little panicked.

These people from Gyeonggi Province are too quick to do anything.

Even before they had eaten the Fengfeng Banquet, they started wreaking havoc in the base. It was simply... too much bullying!

The woodcutter glared at everyone with a dark face, "Why are you still standing there? Go back to Zhulin Xiaozhu as soon as possible, and be sure to protect my sister-in-law and the others!"

The superpowers at the Green Field Base felt bitterness in their mouths and a sense of powerlessness rising inexplicably throughout their bodies.

In just a few moments of fighting, they could realize very intuitively that they were no match for anyone else!

Mr. Lion was pale and was helped over by Erdan Sanhua, with a hint of anxiety on his face.

"Why did the fight suddenly start?"

"This Xie Ning is difficult to deal with! If I'm not mistaken, her spiritual power should have reached level nine."

Everyone in the Green Field Base looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

Ninth level!

If the other party is really at the ninth level, it will be completely impossible to deal with it.

Even their base chief, Mr. Zou...

Although Zou Youfu was also very shocked, he did not show a panicked expression like others.

Mr. Lion motioned to Erdan to help him over.

"What's going on? Brother, didn't we discuss it before?"

He turned to look at the Tin Woodcutter and saw that the injury on his shoulder had been roughly healed by the healing system, but he didn't seem to look too good.

The woodcutter's shoulder felt a sharp pain.

This stinging pain was not a pinprick pain coming from the surface of the body, but seemed to go deep into the bone marrow.

The metal power that Xie Ning released was so powerful that it could penetrate the defense of a seventh-level metal power user.

It is conceivable that no one in this base can resist this woman's supernatural energy.

"I'll go talk to her alone." Mr. Lion covered his chest and whispered, "Troubles that can be solved with supplies are..."

"They already know that most of the supplies were given to Mr. Li from the X world."

Mr. Lion suddenly looked at Zou Youfu, "Brother, didn't you...didn't you say we would discuss this matter later?"

"It's not like you don't know that the technological products they provide are very tempting. I made this decision for the future development of the entire base."

Mr. Lion sighed, "But now we don't even have supplies as a bargaining chip!"

Zou Youfu sneered, "Originally, I didn't plan to do anything to them."

"But now, they have a road to heaven but they don't take it, and there is no door to hell but they have to break through it." Zou Youfu waved his hand, "It is good to have strong personal ability, but you can't be too arrogant!"

"I will teach them this today!"

"Don't think that just because you have a ninth-level superpower, you will be invincible in the world!"

Mr. Lion coughed several times and said, "Brother, are you trying to drive..."

"Brother, you should think twice! Those people in the X world may not have good intentions! The radiation energy shield they gave us may not be able to withstand the ninth-level spiritual superpowers!"


"Brother!" Mr. Lion could still maintain his last bit of rationality and tried his best to persuade: "If we follow into the radiation zone..."

The woodcutter suddenly turned around and slapped a piece of protective clothing on Mr. Lion. "Third brother, if you are afraid, don't follow him in. You are so weak, and you won't be able to help much if you come in."

"Brother!" Mr. Lion stepped forward quickly, "I hope you will think again! Once the radiation energy shield is turned on, the consequences may be immeasurable! Our entire Green Field Base will..."

"Okay, stop talking!" The woodcutter was in a bad mood because of his shoulder pain.

Before Mr. Lion could finish speaking, he reached out and pushed him away. "It's unbearable. Now others are stepping on us. What are we waiting for? Brother, let's go."

Zou Youfu nodded. He also felt that he had been forced into a desperate situation and had no choice but to retreat.

Xie Ning followed the virtual map and quickly found the fixed location.

"Strictly speaking, it should be Li Zongyuan."

"If we find Li Zongyuan's brain, we can open the dimensional warehouse and transfer everything out."

As soon as the little spider finished saying these words, an alarm sounded in Xie Ning's mental world: warning warning, the presence of radiation energy shield was scanned. WARNING WARNING! Radiation energy shield is dangerous! The subject needs to get out of here as soon as possible.

Xie Ning pressed the Feitian motorcycle and rushed straight in front of Li Zongyuan and the others.

Li Zongyuan and the others had heard various noises outside the bamboo forest, and were now discussing whether to go out and take a look.

As a result, as soon as he walked out of the small bamboo building, he saw Xie Ning, the female evil star, falling from the sky.

They were immediately frightened and screamed.

Especially Qian Rongye, who lost half of her left leg, was so frightened that she shrank into her brother's arms, screaming, "She's coming, she's coming!"

Xie Ning glanced at Qian Rongye with an inexplicable expression.

I was a little stunned at this glance.

Remember how arrogant these people from the X world were when they first met?

Why do they all look listless and dull-eyed now?

Li Zongyuan, who was at the head, had already lost his left hand. When he saw Xie Ning again, his face instantly turned pale.

"What are you doing here?" Qian Rongtian hugged his sister and yelled angrily, "We have already avoided you in such a remote mountain village! Why are you still so determined to pursue us and cause trouble for us?"

Xie Ning said that this was extremely unjust.

Before she came to Sioux City, she didn't know she could meet so many acquaintances along the way.

If she knew she could meet Li Zongyuan at the Green Field Base... then she would definitely have to come in advance to stop him!

Xie Ning curled her lips and smiled at Li Zongyuan, "You can quite run! Yes, you are connected to your dimensional warehouse in the Like your Excellency."

Li Zongyuan frowned but remained silent.

As if she had completely lost her fighting spirit, Xie Ning let her scold her, and Xie Ning let her say whatever she wanted.

Xie Ning smiled at him, "You want to transfer the dimension library under my nose? Is it that simple?"

Her brows turned cold, and a layer of ups and downs of mental attack suddenly spread out from her whole body.

Li Zongyuan showed no resistance at all. In just two minutes, he immediately threw away his helmet and armor, pressed his head and screamed.

He couldn't even straighten his body, and he could only roll back and forth on the ground in pain.

That... feeling as if there's an extra sledgehammer in your head, hammering you hard. It's really terrible.

Xie Ning looked at him with a smile, "Don't worry, as long as you hand over the dimension library, I will definitely not embarrass you. I will definitely give you a good time!"

Li Zongyuan pressed his head with one hand and rolled back and forth, still refusing to speak.

Xie Ning asked Little Spider in her heart, "Can you crack the password for Li Zongyuan's dimension library?"

"It's not difficult, but it takes at least twenty minutes."

"Okay, I'll let him live for twenty more minutes. You hurry up and do it, I'm optimistic about you!" Xie Ning agreed happily, and before Li Zongyuan could react, he released the man-eating vine and let it wrap around him.

"Don't devour him, tie him up first. I can be useful anytime, anywhere."

"Okay mom." The little man-eating vine jumped happily all the way.

This is the first thing that my mother gave me after I grew up rapidly. I must do it beautifully and I must not leave it to chance!

The little spider invaded the opponent's resource library through speed control, and the electronic voice continued to remind: "Detecting danger, the subject should leave here as soon as possible."

"The radiation energy shield is also a new product invented by the X world?" Although Xie Ning asked, she knew in her heart that this must be a good thing done by people from the X world.

"It's a new type of protective shield invented by the X world."

"Is it useful against zombies?"

"It's useful. It can help zombies grow up quickly. Zombies that can reach the third level in half a year may be able to grow to the third level in less than a month under the radiation energy cover."

The little spider that has two purposes, while attacking the backend database, is patiently giving some knowledge to its main body.

Xie Ning was very angry when she heard this, "So this Green Field Base is really raising gu in broad daylight."

Damn that guy!

"Are they raising zombies to help collect crystal nuclei for the X world?" Xie Ning was furious.

"Definitely." Little Spider's mentality almost collapsed, "I didn't expect people from the X world to be so shameless!"

"They must be raising Gu in more than just one small base! Condensation Main Body, do you think it's possible... that the X world continues to raise a large number of zombies in other small bases that we don't know about. Even..."

Xie Ning gasped.

Xie Ning immediately understood what Little Spider didn't say.

Because X Realm failed to collect the large quantities of crystal cores they needed in the system mall, they directly encouraged the person in charge of the small base to raise zombies in the base...

Little Spider wanted to ask her, would these people be so crazy that they would turn some otherwise intact people into zombies?

Xie Ning felt that this was very likely to happen, after all, the other party seemed to have no bottom line.

"How long will it take for it to be completed?" Xie Ning was talking to Little Spider while using her communication bracelet to contact Gu Chen and others at Zhulin Xiaozhu.

Inform them of further operations at Greenfield Base and the dangers of radiation energy shields.

Her original intention was for them to retreat quickly, but within a quarter of an hour, she saw Comrade Gu running towards her following the sound.

"How are you doing over there?" Xie Ning hurriedly grabbed him and asked, "Have they all withdrawn?"

Zombies and the like can be cleaned up again later. This matter is not particularly urgent. The more important thing is to retreat out of the dangerous area first.

"Don't worry, we have asked them to evacuate from behind the bamboo forest. How are you doing here?"

"Condensing body, Li Zongyuan's dimensional warehouse has been opened. The data list is being scanned and generated one by one!"

"It has been detected that there are a lot of radiation energy protective suits in the dimensional warehouse. Do you want to take them out for use?"

Xie Ning nodded immediately.

If you don't use it, don't use it. Take out the protective clothing and put it on first.

Just as Gu Chen was about to speak, two sets of thick protective clothing appeared out of thin air in front of him.

"Put it on first." Xie Ning pushed one of the sets to him and muttered, "It's a bit hot, but it's better than being radiated."


The two quickly changed into protective clothing and looked at each other, making each other laugh at the bloated appearance of the other.

This protective clothing made them gain a lot of weight. Fortunately, the protective clothing itself was relatively light and it was not difficult to move around.

Xie Ning, who was wearing protective clothing, turned back and pointed at Li Zongyuan, who was lying on the ground wrapped in man-eating vines. "I have asked Little Spider to open his dimensional warehouse and basically chased all the seeds back. Is this person still useful?"

Gu Chen turned to Li Zongyuan and the others with an indifferent expression, "It's useless."

A bolt of lightning jumped out of his hand, "I'll take care of it."

Li Zongyuan's eyes widened and he stared at them angrily, "Gu Chen, Xie Ning, do you want to start a war with the X world?"

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